Final Curtain Call for Riot Squad Singed and New K-9 Nasus in Store during PAX!

Posted on at 12:41 AM by Moobeat


You've asked for it, and we're here to deliver. Due to popular demand, Riot Squad Singed will be making one final appearance in the League of Legends Store during PAX Prime in Seattle, Washington this year. This now limited edition skin will be available for purchase for 975RP from the 26th of August through the 28th of August. After this time Riot Squad Singed will be formally retiring and handing over the mantle of League of Legends mascot to our brand new team member, Riot K-9 Nasus.

If you've already acquired Riot Singed, or you're simply more of a dog person, you can also to pick up Riot K-9 Nasus during this time by either visiting the official Riot Games booth on the show floor or visiting the League of Legends Store where he will also be available for 975 RP.

Visit the Store during PAX Prime to get your hands on these epic Riot Squad skins, and for your final chance to bid farewell to Riot Singed before he retires!
- Moneypenny, Marketing Manager, via the official forums.

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