Summoners,- RiotRara, Community Assistant, via the official forums.
As you’re all aware, Xerath, the Magus Ascendant, recently made his way onto the Fields of Justice. Well we’ve heard a lot of awesome feedback from you about improving Xerath’s launch skins and we’ll be re-releasing them with some particle changes.
Here at Riot Games, it’s always our mission to produce high-quality content. So, in keeping with this goal, we’re going to be recoloring both of Xerath’s splashes and skins in response to player feedback. Stay tuned for a future announcement regarding when this change will be completed.
As always, we greatly appreciate your feedback, and strive to provide you with top quality content and service. Thank you for your continued support and we hope to see you all out there on the Fields of Justice!
EDIT: Here are the new splashes!
EDIT 2: Official announcment.