8-9 PBE Update: Rengar, New skins, Kat Update, and more!

Posted on at 9:11 PM by Moobeat

Are you ready for a long post? I hope so because the PBE has been updated with a slew of new stuff! Rengar is fully available for testing, we have oodles of new skins, there is a complete set of updated Katarina skins ( including two textures for future skins that are incomplete ), a set balance changes, some files relating to an upcoming UI update, and much more!

It looks like Riot's little item page mishap was legit and it would seem Rengar is our next champion! Check out his splash, model, lore, kit and so much more! You may also choose to gaze upon his release skin, Hunter Rengar.
Rengar's lore entry from the PBE client.
The new item, exclusive to Rengar. Which offers him additional bonuses based on the amount of trophies he has, a resource acquired by getting kills and assists.

Passive: Unseen Predator
While in brush or stealth Rengar will leap at the target when using his basic attack.

Rengar builds 1 point of Ferocity with each ability he uses on enemies. When reaching 5 points of Ferocity, Rengar's next ability becomes empowered, granting it a bonus effect.
Q: Savagery
Rengar's next basic attack deals bonus damage ( 30/55/80/105/130 + total AD )  and grants him increased attack speed.

Ferocity Bonus: Rengar deals enhanced damage and doubles his Attack Speed bonus.

W: Battle Roar
Rengar lets out a battle roar, damaging enemies ( 75/120/165/210/255 +1 AP ) and gaining bonus armor and Magic Resist ( 20/30/40/50/60 ) for a short duration.
Ferocity Bonus: Rengar heals for a large amount ( 15% of his max health).

E: Bola Strike
Rengar throws a bola at his target ( 60/105/150/195/240 damage +), slowing them for a short duration ( 50/55/60/65/70%, Enemy Movement Speed recovers over 2.5 seconds).

Ferocity Bonus: Roots the target for 1 second.

R: Thrill of the Hunt
Rengar activates his predatory instincts, stealthing and revealing all enemy Campions in a large radius around him. He gains Movement Speed (10/15/20%) and rapidly generates Ferocity while stealthed. Lasts 7 seconds or until he uses an ability.
 Hunter Rengar

There is also a new skin for Rammus as well as a new Graves skin that will, presumably, replace Riots current event skin, Riot K-9 Nasus.
Full Metal Rammus

Shots of the new animations/particles courtesy of redditor long218.

Riot Graves

There are also textures ( read as not complete skin files ) for two upcoming skins for Katarina.
Cyber Katarina

Crimson Elite Katarina

Assuming you saw the news about Katarina's upcoming relaunch, here are some shots of her new model, animations, and all of her updated skins. Big shout out to LoL King and their model viewer, which I screen capped the models from.


Kitty Cat Katarina
Bilgewater Katarina

Red Card Katarina

Mercenary Katarina
High Command Katarina
Sandstorm Katarina

Now on to the other non-skin stuff!

Reign of Gaming has put up a set of tentative patch notes for this iteration of the PBE, including small buffs for Cho, Teemo, Kayle, and Varus, as well as pretty big changes for Garen. Below is a mixture of the information Reign of Gaming has provided and information I've added to increase the readability of the notes.

Champion Changes


  • Feast now deals 1000 (+0.7) true damage to minions, up from 1000. Now loses half of his stacks on death ( currently he to loses up to 3 ). 
  • Feral Scream Minor tooltip rewording (no change) 
  • Vorpal Spikes Minor tooltip rewording (no change)


  •  Perseverance now regenerates after 10 seconds, up from 7 seconds - If Garen has not taken damage from monsters, towers or champions in the last 10 seconds ( Scales with CDR. down to 6 seconds ), Garen regenerates 0.5% of his maximum Health each second.
  • Decisive Strike now also breaks all slows affecting Garen. 35% Speed bonus now lasts 1.5/1.75/2/2.25/2.5 seconds instead of 3 seconds. Damage increased to 30/55/80/105/130 (up from 30/45/60/75/90) and Silence effect duration changed to 1.5/1.8/2/2.3/2.5 seconds instead of a flat 2.5 seconds at all ranks.
  • Courage now passively increases Armor and Magic Resist by 20% instead of increasing it by 0.5 every time he kills an enemy unit. 
  • Courage defensive shield now lasts 2/3/4/5/6 seconds instead of 3 seconds. Now reduces incoming damage by 30% at all ranks instead of 20/24/28/32/36%. Now also grants 30% Crowd Control Reduction. Cooldown changed to 24 seconds instead of 30/27/24/21/18 Seconds. 
  • Judgment no longer breaks slow effects or reduces the duration of slow effects. Now deals 20/45/70/95/120 plus 70/80/90/100/110 % of his attack damage instead of 50/90/130/170/210 physical damage. Judgment can critically strike dealing bonus damage. Judgment deals 25% less damage to minions and monsters. Now ignores unit collision but reduces movement speed by 20% when passing through minions this way.
  • Demacian Justice now has a 160/120/80 seconds cooldown, changed from 140/120/100 seconds.


  • Righteous Fury now scales from 40% of AP, up from 20%.


  • Toxic Shot now deals 10/20/30/40/50 (+0.4) damage, up from 9/18/27/36/45 (+0.14). Now deals 6/12/18/24/30 (+0.1) damage over 4 seconds, down from 6/12/18/24/30 (+0.14).


  • Blighted Quiver: Now does 2/2.8/3.5/4.3/5 % (+0.02%) of the target's maximum Health per stack, up from 2/2.8/3.5/4.3/5 % (+0.01%)

Also, regen now displays as on your HP/Resource bar PER second instead of the current per 5 seconds.

Lux's ultimate has been renamed from Infinite Light to Final Spark.

 Proving Grounds has been reverted to having two nexus turrets.
Picture complements of l4mouette.
 Varus's first set of quality of life buffs have hit the PBE, including " Q bug fixes, W AP ratio, R increased width, spread range and leash break range and a modified R particle to match its new width".
Slightly larger and noticeably easier to read.

There is now a "notes" section for people on your friends list where you can conveniently store a small bit of information about them, strictly for personal reference.

Lastly, a mess of new work-in-progress UI resources also made their way into this build.
The new UI files unattached.
The incomplete files forced in place of the current UI.
Don't rush to any crazy conclusions though, RiotChris was quick to hop on reddit and shine some light on this one:
"Yes – this is a work in progress that is too early to be shown; we’ll start an AMA thread later with an artist to explain where this is, what’s going on, and use this as a chance to gather your constructive feedback" - 
Riot did indeed follow through with put up an AMA thread where summoners were free to inquire about new UI and even provided a cleaner and properly applied  screen shot of the tentative, new UI:
"We’re trying to make things more readable, intuitive and informative. For example, the image we just posted has dots below the abilities to show what level the ability is at a glance. We also opened up the play area so you could see more of the map." - RiotNarya, via reddit.

P.S I don't have a post for this just yet, but it looks like the new Brazilian Launch skin might be creeping around. It certainly looks a lot like Gangplank and seems to be a reference to B.O.P.E. Here is a screen cap from the Riot BR ESL Final stream.

Hue Hue Hue... me hearties?


  1. wow that was fast....

    already excited about rengar and that uber OP necklace

  2. wow instabuying that rammus skin:o it looks kinda battlecastish but it's probably not:) mby it's the reliance? he ezral jayce and some more are going to stop the battlecastish skins?

  3. Anyone getting the feeling that Full Metal skins are going to be the counter to Battle cast?

    Also i got dibbs on Rengar. :P

    1. So, 6 Full Metal to stop the 6 Battle Cast, new map might be lurking around the corner?

    2. Riot and new map? hahahaha

      And dont tell me proving grounds is brand new, coz its not.

  4. WW no2? His abilities AND looks are like WW's ... brother

    1. Looks like WW mixed with Alistar. Riot and originality is like Russia and normality.

  5. WW used to be human and was cursed by soraka so can't really be a brother this guy

  6. Damn kat looks like phoenix from x men http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_S88lE9HVtNc/SMGi0g5s9YI/AAAAAAAAAZI/INHrK-678uc/s400/2006_x_men_3_051.jpg grettings from chile :D

  7. Rengar and void monster champs...Aliens vs Predator anyone?

    1. Thats awsome! but what side will i choose? regar dosnt seem like my playstyle but for some reason im super excited about him, out of all the champs a hunter definetly seems like the tyle to join the league for the mear sport.

    2. 1st thing I thought when I saw his ulti, defiantly a predator homage. And could the void monster in the lore be Chogath ?

    3. no actually remember DS(dark sovereign)this may be kog's daddy cause kassa's daughter cant be a void like her dad(read the lore)

    4. Rengar's more DID suggest heavily that, based on both his and Kog's, the beast he is hunting is Kog'Maw. Alive vs. Predator indeed... Can't wait to see those skins out! :D

    5. i too was thinking of cho after reading the lore

    6. Once again, that is impossible. Read Cho's lore! It is NOT CHO'GATH for sure. It is most likely Kog, or an upcoming Void champ.

  8. just a little updatte, they changed the regen numbers to per second instead of per 5 seconds

  9. That looks a little bit like Zilean right behind the new Rammus skin. Look at his back and the way he sits.

    1. Fullmetal Zilean skin incoming!

    2. I don't know. Look at it's head. It has a horn. Soraka-Bot incoming perhaps? IronStylus did confirm she's getting a new skin to go with her remodel.

  10. Not gonna lie, i had a huge nerdgasm because of the new champ.


  11. Full Metal AND Battlecast Skarner?

  12. It seems Garen's reworks/buffs are also on PBE. Can you get the stats for both Katarina and Garen?

  13. rengar is beast off tank with 30% hp heal! god damn op.
    atmogcapeforce = superb damage 1v9 no prob

  14. Garen Rework:

    Passive more or less the same, but has a higher base CD and is affected by CDR.

    Q now removes slows and the silence is 1.5/1.75/2/2.25/2.5 seconds

    W gives 20% increased resistances instead of a flat bonus. Activation gives 30% damage and CC reduction.

    E ignores unit collision, lower base damage, scales with 70/80/90/100/110% total AD.

    R CD reduced.

    Various number tweaks everywhere as well I would assume.

    1. Dayum!
      Sounds like he will be truly viable now
      And pubstomp harder.

    2. more than viable. i just played a custom game in beta client to try out the rework and he shreds people. his spin to win actually does massive damage even late game.so excited for the actual update

    3. Well they are actually NERFING garen's early, mid and late game damage but you obviously can not do the math to see it.

      Old spin:
      Garen rapidly spins his sword around his body for 3 seconds, reducing the duration of slows by 50% and dealing 50/90/130/170/210 (+1.4) physical damage to nearby enemies every second. Garen removes any slow effects on him when casting Judgment.

      Compared to the new : 20/45/70/95/120 plus 70/80/90/100/110 % of his attack

      Simplest example to think of:
      At level 3 garen has 67 base AD and lets say you get a +20 AD from runes and masteries so you have a total of 87 attack damage.

      So with a level 2 judgement garen currently deals: 90+(20*1.4)=90+28=118 dps

      Now considering the changes, at level 2 judgement deals: 45+(87*0.8)= 115 dps

      You think its just a slight damange reduction and at late game you will actually deal more damage? Think again.

      At level 18 garen has 112 base damage.
      Now lets say his bonus attack damage adds up to 200 so he has a total of 312 attack damage.

      Lets do the math:

      Old spin: 210+(200*1.4)=210+280= 490 dps
      New spin: 120+(312*1.1)=120+343= 463 dps

      Now make the subtraction of the numbers and multiply by 3 to see how much damage he actually loses.


      The 1.4 might be only for the bonus attack damange and not his overall attack damage but still if you put down the numbers his overall damage output during a game will be lower. All they did was give his decisive strike what 40 extra damage at rank 7? Still doesnt affect him untill level 13 considering you want to max out Judgement first.

      My work is done here.

      P.S all my information derive from the official league of legends site and from the article above.

      Oh and his passive is nerfed as well considering that garen players play with a 15% CDR at best (ghostblade) and his ultimate's CD is only reduced at its 3rd rank by 20 seconds which is nothing since garen's early game kill potential is drastically reduced as the ultimate's CD at rank 1 will be increased by 20 seconds.

    4. looked like a good nurf to me huge cd increase on his ulti and huge base damage nurf on his e not sure how i like that. those were his bread and butter moves.

    5. @Vagelis Merentitis

      You also left out the fact that it can Crit and does 25% more damage to minions.

    6. 25% less damage aganist minion n monster. Typo there xD

    7. @Anon

      What I meant was, it used to do 50% less to mins/monsters and now it only does 25%, so it really does 25% more damage now.

    8. @Moobeat

      Its not like 25% extra damage on minions will drastically improve his farm. At level 7 with some slight damage bonus you can farm all 3 wizards anyway. And Judgement could always crit mate so your point is kind of invalid if you had one.

    9. if im not mistaken its going from 1.4 BONUS AD to 1.1 TOTAL AD so expect more damage.

      remember that urgot going from .85 TOTAL AD to 1.2 BONUS AD was considered a large nerf.

    10. what kind of garen is going to have 200 freakin bonus damage, what is he running around with 2 blood thirsters? damage will be higher without the need to build for it.

      your numbers are correct but your data is misleading no garen will realisticaly build 200 bonus AD.

  15. So Rengar was defeated by an "alien" monster with scything claws and devours any animal that crosses its path, in short, is it Cho'Gath? And what are those mech looking things in full metal Rammus' splash art..

    1. No, it is Kog'Maw. Read kog's lore

    2. Read Cho'Gath's more! That is IMPOSSIBLE! HE HAS NEVER RUN FREE ON VALORAN!

    3. It's Cho'Gath, read Rengar's lore more.

  16. Pretty much Cho Gath, but I guess like Volibear he hails from Frejord since a lot of the beastmen came from there.

  17. Man, i was excited for the Diana patch.
    But this takes the goddamn cake!

  18. Pulsefire.... Gangplank?

    1. Elite Trooper Gangplank (or something) by the sign on the left.. Look about this in the epic brazilian movie: Elite Trooper 1 and 2. Its a spec ops police on Rio de Janeiro.

  19. Headhunter gangplank.
    Also wish they resell also the event skins with these graphic updates D=.

  20. I am so disappointed that we didn't get the Soraka remodel...I hope that means they put a lot of attention to her..

    1. I'm eagerly awaiting it after seeing the quality of the Katarina update.

  21. B.O.P.E. GangPlank

    He is based on the Police from Brazil :D

    Search for "B.O.P.E" on Google and you will see it , the same "Skull" that Shows in the Background of the Skin.

  22. "Brazilian Launch skin might be creeping around. It certainly looks a lot like Gangplank"

    The woman standing next to "Gangplank" in the picture looks A LOT like Zyra. Just Saying

    1. Could be Miss Fortune or Katarina too :P It seems a bit early for Zyra to get a possible skin...

    2. Ofc it is, but that doesnt change the fact that it could happen in a near future.

      Zyra's hair actually similar to the one on the picture, well spotted.

      Can't be fortune, doesn't she hate GP?
      Katarina already has a pirate skin, comander skin and a mercenary skin. This one would be just the same thing over and over.

    3. "Can't be fortune, doesn't she hate GP?"
      LoL. Cause you knew all those skins are tied to lore and make sense :D. Solid Snake GP FTW!

    4. The can change hair style for a skin you know? Take a look at Irelia for instance.

  23. And Nidalee's remodel?? Soraka? And more champions have looked worse than Katarina

    1. Doesn't really matter. As long as any old champion get's a model remake, I'm happy. Soraka will probably be the next one to get hers. (Fingers crossed :D)

    2. No one needs more a remodel than sivir, look at her, thin arms, big feet, ugly hair shape...

    3. I can't find the post right now, but ricklessabandon said something along the lines of "Katarina and Soraka were worked on together, so the gap between Katarina and Soraka is going to be shorter than the gap between Ashe and Katarina."

      So yeah, Soraka is literally soon. I'm guessing the reasons Soraka is that her particles are more difficult to change since they're so iconic, not to mention how hard it will be to turn her into a not fugly horse.

    4. Annie if anybody needs an updated look to her model

  24. E:Bola Riot I see what you did there! :-D

    1. I saw it too :D It's genius ^^

    2. Skill key = E
      Skill name = BOLA
      E + BOLA = EBOLA, the disease.

      I must go my work here is done.

  25. Based on the splash art, it looks like Special Ops Gangplank and Miss Fortune.

  26. Hey moobeat! I found a post on the forums that stated that Lux's ulti was changed to Final Spark http://na.leagueoflegends.com/board/attachment.php?attachmentid=507097&d=1344585831 Any confirmation on the pbe?

    1. yay! still was hoping it would be changed to final flash but this still sounds way better then infinite light.

  27. Where sandshtorm katarina?

    1. On the model preview site, it would appear she's bugged (at least for me) she has one eye like a cyclops. So unless you want to see Cyclops Katarina...

  28. What the hell is nocturne doing behind Rammus in that skin?

  29. Anyone hear something about Rengar and Cho-gath having hidden passives? i havn't had any luck hunting for em yet.

  30. Sandstorm Katarina also has some changes. You should update that.

  31. Huskar? Not skill wise but modelwise.

  32. The woman behind said Gangplank skin is definitely Miss Fortune. She's holding a gun in her right hand.

  33. Rengar -> obviously a Predator skin incoming soon!

    His skins look like a boring crossing of Volibear and Warwick
    His alternative skin is wearing tights -> anyone else sees the sexual relation to Evelynn?

    Rammus: Seems like Robot Amumu has finally found a friend! A new bot lane dream team?

    Graves new skin looks boring -> he even doesn't need a new skin cause Mafia Graves is legendary!!

    JasonBorowski - EUW

    1. Dude his release skin IS the predator skin.

    2. Graves new skin is for an event and can only be got at the event, Rammus is for the Full Metal skin set. In that set atm is Pantheon and Jayce.

  34. The brazilian launch skill is obviously Numer Uno Mordekaiser. HUEHUEHUEHEUEHUEH

  35. Just to clarify something : the Cho'Gath feast change is also only a tooltip one. The ratio was already being applied even on minions, and it was 0.7.
    (you can easily test this on a live custom game : start doran's ring, lvl up to 6, eat a lane creep and you'll deal more than 1000)

  36. JasonBorowski,

    Rengar's alt skin IS the Predator skin. He's wearing fishnet because the Predator wears them. Have you even seen the movies?

    1. If that's a final version of a predator skin - i am pretty disappointed.

      Can't see too much analogy to the predators from the movies, games, etc.

      JasonBorowski - EUW

    2. You mean besides the Dreads, the fish net, the mask, the glowing eyes the wrist blade and the skull? Yeah, I can't see much either.

    3. well they can still make changes to make it look more awsome like they did with diana, her skin didn't look that great until a few days before release they changed it a bit and made it awsome.

    4. Don't forget the sounds, and red tinge when he goes invisible.

  37. Checked out Rengar's animations at lolking, looks like his dance animation is inspired by Jason Momoa's audition tape for the role of Khal Drogo in Game of Thrones.


    1. I would not say it was inspired by that video, the dance they both are doing is called the haka. It is a Maori War Dance.

    2. Ah I didn't knew that, thanks for the heads up!

  38. Wait GP will be caveira?

  39. E:Bola strike? I see what you did there riot :O!

  40. im so disappointed :( With the quality of the new skins they just cant give us this shit... Why no love for one of the best ads? We want some epic skins for ad carryies too not only for mages :(

    1. What shit exactly? I read that the Graves Riot skin is a free skin related to a gaming event that will replace the current Riot Nasus. The Rammus skin is high quality, so I wonder what you're talking about...

    2. I liked Graves skin, if riot puts in the store i probably buy.
      And Rammus don't even need to comment the quality, ok?

  41. you cropped out the second half of katarinas Q we cant see the damage for the proc effect on her Q because of it.

    also the garen numbers are a mess there's gotta be a typo or two in there any chance you could clear it up?




  43. I think it looks like Soraka. the little horn thingy protruding off the head is kind of a give away, and the item on the back could easily be her crescent weapon. She would do well to round out the fullmetal team, Jayce ADC, Panth top, jungle Rammus, support Soraka, and just need a mage.

    1. Sorry should clarify, the person in the background of the Rammus splash.

    2. The Full Metal Zilean would round of the mage end.

    3. You want Zilean to be the mage? Seriously?

      How about full metal Kassadin! Or full metal Brand? Maybe full metal Morde? Oh wait....

  44. This is the best thing Xypherous could come up with for Garen?
    Unimpressed, looks more like a nerf

  45. It will be fun if the champion that will be playable on gamescon would be void creature that look like Alien, because Regnar is looking like Predator

    1. I think that Cho Gath is meant to look like Alien...

  46. I 100% think that is Full Metal Noctune behind Rammus in the splash art.

  47. Any one noticed the similarity of Rengar's sword to Dravens' axe ?

    1. Maybe it looks like Draven`s axe cause both weapons are used by fuckin Badass Champs :p

    2. I did, also looks like he has Madred's Razer in his Left hand, on our right.

  48. Rengar looks just like a ronso from ffx

    1. really? FF!? cmon, the only difference it that they are feline. They look like dark furred phantom lancers to me. You might as well have said kavashiir or thundercats. Amakandi or that mtg card more like it.

  49. Love how hunter rengar skin is based on predators armor

  50. The Brazilian skin should be for Mordekaiser, am I right?

  51. I dumped the raf files of the new update and i found another texture of a new skin (simmilar to cyber katarina) katarina_crimson_elite_TX_CM.dds it's kinda like crimson tallon and riven.

  52. rengar is amazing. manaless AD killing machine monster. instabuy!

  53. So is the Void Beast mentioned in the lore Cho Gath, or is it a reference to a new Void creature?

  54. If you read Kog'Maw's lore, it is more likely him. He devours everything that crosses his path, and we all know if you aren't properly prepared to fight a fed Kog'Maw, it won't end well.

    1. Just a word: nomnomnom.
      Also in regards to the new champ: imakandi!

    2. Could be Kog'Maw, the skull on his shoulder on his Hunter skin kind of resembles Kog'Maw.. mm

    3. I'm pretty sure its Cho Gath, not Kog Maw. Cho Gath eats things, Kog Maw only spits on things. Cho Gath has huge scythe claws, and is currently in the league, I'm pretty sure Rengar is after him.

    4. In game, yeah Cho eats things and Kog spits on things, but if you look at the lore, Kog is all about eating things.

      The scything claws though, totally look more like a Cho thing.

      Of course it may be the new void champ they have been referring to.

  55. Hi Moo,

    Long time reader. Just a suggestion, would it be possible to add all updates to an already posted entry near the top of the entry with a small UPDATE message and the time stamp?

    For ease of viewing.

    For example, I read the whole entry and kept checking back at the comments...but I barely noticed that both the Sandstorm Kat pic and the Varus ult pic + info were added into the entry later, but were crammed in the middle. I might have completely missed them if I didnt happen to notice Varus when I was scrolling.

  56. Still no Soraka relaunch yet, Riot. Get it together Tyrone!

  57. Garen numbers are wrong

    Health regen reduced slightly
    Q at rank 5 = 4.5 duration of 35% movement speed
    Q 8 SEC CD at every rank (instead of 12 at rank 1)

    garen is buffed, it's just the numbers here are Wrong :)

  58. with the full metal rammus skin i dont think the guy in the back ground is anything to be honest. its missing arms and if anything it might be zilen if you look close there seems to be some gear work on its back simalr to zilen but i dont think its a peak at an upcomming skin just my two cents

  59. In the pic of the new UI....in the minimap, who is the girl at the top inhibitor tower?


      *caps off*

    2. thats leona bro. chinese artwork

  60. http://i.imgur.com/CG1ry.jpg

    Looks pretty neat actually. DO WANT.

    1. Also,is that a new item i spot in the upper left corner that Galio has?

    2. looks like a recoloured maw

  61. Katarina speaks after her ult!! <3 So neat! <3 It's like my favorite old champ has become my new favorite champ, and dude, oh god i love it. :D Cant wait for this patch!!

  62. It's at times like this that I really appreciate the effort Moobeat put into all of this.. Thanks Moobeat cause the world knows you deserve it!!

  63. i hate the new UI. Looks like protoss interface from sc2 meets dota 2. Horrible. Keep your UI with the rune theme. Its awesome that way.

  64. Rammus must be the only champ that can1v1 any champ.
