Everything about Syndra: Stats, Abilities, Art & More!

Posted on at 1:49 PM by frostyNinja
As Moobeat and Serenaya are unavailable for the time being (they are taking part in a local LAN tournament so cross your fingers and wish them luck), I have the task to keep you up-to-date with the latest and greatest! Long story short, I'm frostyNinja and I'm the guy who designed Surrender at 20's new layout.
I know how everyone is eager to know more and more about the recently revealed and upcoming champion - Syndra, The Dark Sovereign. And I know all of your hardcore players out there just NEED to know all the finest details around her, like her base stats, for example. Fear not! We've got you covered...

Thanks to the kind assistance of a fellow under the name of Simburgur who's currently at Gamescom, I have some really interesting stats to share with you here! Make sure to also take a look at his Reddit post on this same subject: http://reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/ye8h5/

Continue reading to find out what Syndra's base and skill stats are!

Hitpoints - 458 (+78 per level)
HP Regen - 5 (+1 per level)
Attack Damage - 54 (+3 per level)
Attack Speed - 0.61 (+0.02 per level)
Range - 550
Movement Speed - 305
Mana - 300 (+50 per level)
Mana Regen - 13 (+1 per level)
Armor - 18 (+3.5 per level)
Magic Resist - 30

Transcendent (Passive)
Each of Syndra's normal abilities gain an extra effect at max rank.
Dark Sphere: Spheres deal 20% bonus damage to champions.
Force of Will: Projectiles briefly knock enemies into the air.
Scatter the Weak: Cone width increased by 50%.
Dark Sphere (Q)
Conjures a dark sphere at a target location, dealing 70 / 110 / 150 / 190 / 230 (+0.55 AP) magic damage in an area.
Transcendent Bonus: The sphere will deal 276 (+0.66 AP) magic damage to champions.
After being conjured, the sphere will last for 8 seconds before expiring, and can be manipulated by Syndras other abilites during this time.
After 6 seconds the sphere will gain an additional visual effect to notify the player that it is about to expire.

Cost: 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 mana
Cooldown: 5 / 4.5 / 4 / 3.5 / 3 seconds
Force of Will (W)
First Activation: Grabs a dark sphere, enemy minion, or neutral monster (can be used on any neutral monster apart from Dragon and Baron Nashor).
Grabbing a dark sphere will extend it's duration until roughly 2 seconds after you drop it.
Second Activation: Thorws the grabbed sphere or unit at the target area. Enemies struck take 80 / 130 / 180 / 230 / 280 (+0.6 AP) magic damage and are slowed by 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 % for 2 seconds.
Transcendent Bonus: Projectile will briefly knock enemies into the air.

Cost: 60 mana
Cooldown: 12 / 11 / 10 / 9 / 8 seconds (on second activation)
Scatter the Weak (E) Deals 60 / 100 / 140 / 180 / 200 (+0.5 AP) magic damage in a cone and knocks the enemies away based on how close they are to Syndra.
Dark spheres are also knocked back dealing ? (? AP) magic damage and stunning enemies they hit for 1.5 seconds.
Transcendent Bonus: Cone width increased by 50%.

Cost: 50 mana
Cooldown: 14 / 13 / 12 / 11 / 10 seconds
Unleashed Power (R)
Launches all available spheres (3+ any conjured spheres) at an enemy champion, dealing 70 / 105 / 140 (+0.2 AP) magic damage per sphere.
Minimum damage (3 spheres): 210 / 315 / 420 (+0.6 AP) magic damage.
With 3 additional conjured spheres: 420 / 630 / 840 (+1.2 AP) magic damage.
Max Potential Damage: 3 spheres from ultimate, 5 spheres on the ground (1.8 second cooldown on Q with 40% CDR, 8 second duration) 1 sphere tethered with W = 9 spheres = 630 / 945 / 1260 (+1.8 AP) magic damage.

Cost: 100 mana
Cooldown: 100 / 90 / 80 seconds

REMEMBER! These numbers are tentative and are subject to change. The champion is still in it's development phase, so stats and skills might and most likely will be changed.

If you'd like to read up more about Syndra make sure to check out these previous posts:
More GAMESCOM Footage of Syndra
Syndra, The Dark Sovereign, Revealed at GAMESCOM
New Champion, Syndra, Playable at GAMESCOM


  1. so... she should come out in 5-6 weeks?
    (1 week for rengar 4-5 after)

    1. They have been doing patches about every 2 weeks so, we can hope they stay on the same track!

    2. true but look at champ rotation
      week 0 new champ release
      week 1 10 random champs
      week 2 9 random champs week 0 champ
      week 3 new champ

    3. they release a champ every month so they could do rengar end of august and syndra start of september

    4. dey still release every second week

      week 0 thursday new champ
      week 1 and 2 rotation
      week 3 new champ 2 rotations between= 2 weeks :3

  2. Her ult seems really strong

    Any word on the mana cost or CD on the Q?

    1. Excuse my sloppiness, I missed that out. It's up there now, thanks for the help!

    2. I ran the numbers and its looking like it comes out on par or worse than other mages with high damage nukes for ultimates. These are all assuming 500 AP (I know end game they tend to be higher, but its an easy number for quick calculations) and level 18

      Max damage on Syndra using the numbers above and 500 AP is 2160. Pretty strong damage. However, if you only have 5/6 spheres, which is more likely if a teamfight just erupts, the damage drops to 1200/1440 respectively.

      For comparison:

      LB with Q -> R: 330 (+0.9) + (230 (+0.6)) x 1.4 = 780 + 742 = 1522

      Veigar with Enemy AP at 500 AP:500 (+1.2) + (500 x 0.8) = 1100 + 400 = 1500.

      Obviously this is just looking at the ultimate and not at the three mages as a whole, but I feel like with as much set up as is needed to get this off for damage (god forbid you use the ult without any spheres up) and its lack of ANY secondary function (No debuff, AoE, debuff, area denial, whatever) makes me weary of its actual usefulness. Thats not to say she won't be seeing play or whatever, I plan on messing around on the PBE with her before I make that assumption, but for a single target nuke spell I suspect it won't feel that rewarding compared to some others.

    3. The spheres remain active after the ult i thought (and you gain 3 spheres for free)... so you can still follow up with your other spells... pretty hard.

    4. I agree and was just about to post a comment regarding this. Her ult is OP, she can have more than the 3 spheres up at once, and after all of them hit the target they remain on the ground, so follow up with scatter the weak and gg. She will destroy on The Proving Grounds.

    5. I tried her today and as i see she deals a lot of damage but i dont think she will be popular on the competitive scene because she doesn't have much of a CC . Her AoE of Q is quite small the W is not very fast because you have to cast Q then grab the ball and the throwing projectile is slow so with small AoE as well her E is not a spell IMO that fits her combo because you knock them back and even if you stun by the time you reach the opponent the stun will be gone also the cone is very small. Her ult deals a lot of damage if you use 6 balls but as i tried its hardly possible to do that maximum 5 balls can be shot effectively.
      To sum up i think that she is decent fighter 1vs1 but she doesnt shine in team fights.

  3. Is her lore out yet?

    1. Read the previous post featuring Syndra:

  4. frostyNinja? When will you design the Mobile Version Layout? It looks so boring at the moment :(

    1. When I have time, please bear with me I'm not a robot programmed to do 10 things at once.

    2. Lol. But anyways, I really love the new s@20 layout! I especially can't wait to see the mobile on the Windows Phone I do most of my browsing on!

  5. Wow... her ult looks so broken....

    1. yeah..
      I don't get it why the nerf Zyra so much that her ult has 180 base damage at level 1 and then release a champ that can do 420 with the ult at level 1....

    2. You guys are bitter about Zyra and you make the HUGE mistake to compare just 1 point (base dmg at 1). Zyras ult comes with a knock-up ie. Don't forget about those things! Also it is stated that numbers are subject to change - Don't ignore that!

  6. Nice to meet you and thank you for the uodate frostyNinja : D

  7. Hey Frosty can u answer if the passive apply only to the first skill maxed or to all at any order? I think adding this info can be very useful also.

    Oh and good job with the new layout i really liked it!

    1. Each of her normal abilities gain an extra effect at max rank.

      That means her every ability will gain that extra effect ar rank 5.

  8. nice. and good job on the site, looks so much better.

  9. Just wanted to comment that the AP ratios are wrong on this.

    Her Q has a 0.6 AP ratio (before level 5 when it jumps up to 0.72) ad her W has a 0.7 AP ratio.

    Other AP ratios are spot on, however.

  10. Ok so is it just me or does anyone else like calling her Dark Sovereign rather than Syndra?

  11. I love how you people got into the S@20 popularity Bandwagon...

    1. As far as I remember you where the only person writing blog posts, now when I read I ask myself "Who the hell are these people?".

      P.S Some kind of feedback, sometimes the page takes massive time to load, sometimes it crashes or lags and can't be browsed so I have to open it again :(

    2. I'm just here as an eSports writer and FrostyNinja was covering for myself and Moobeat yesterday because we were in a tournament and we still wanted you all to be as updated as possible!

    3. Seems legit, thank you for answering!

    4. Seranaya your a cutie :) lol

  12. I dunno why, but her E seems to be much stronger than her ultimate o.O Just thinking about the push damage + spheres on ground and much lower CD when compared to her ult... Quite a nice nuke, it must be... Seems interesting and not absurdily OP, considering it will require some major work to get 9 Spheres working with her ultimate... Dunno how she'll play out, but seems kinda balanced for now... High burst, not very easy to unleash full potential and apparently only her E can help her escape... Quite interesting passive too...

  13. Lame passive. Nice effects, but imagine all theese awesome passives she could get! :D

    1. Like very amazing sion's passive huh? Lets just clarifu one thing - if a champion has very strong kit (dmg, utility, etc) then this champion's passive cannot be very uselful. otherwise it would end up in this champion beeing OP.

  14. "Max Potential Damage: 3 spheres from ultimate, 5 spheres on the ground (1.8 second cooldown on Q with 40% CDR, 8 second duration) 1 sphere tethered with W = 9 spheres = 630 / 945 / 1260 (+1.8 AP) magic damage."

    Wow wow wow if that's real her ulti will be more than dangerous in teamfights o.O

  15. Lame passive, and no person will be able to actually hit with all 9 Spheres in a real game. DMG only Ults are boring even when gimmicky like this one.

  16. So YOU'RE the reason why this website lacks purple D:

  17. wow, is it just me or does that base health and mana regen seem a little high?
    I know these stats are not set in stone but dam, Riot already setting up to nerf this champ =(

  18. After watching video on syndra, i find her to be a devastating caster in team fights. Imagine firing off her ult which leaves at least 3 orbs and then using her push ability to stun everyone in a cone.

  19. Now sir...You've gone and spelled my name wrong. Psh

  20. When she casts her ult do the balls travel, and do they damage targets in their path?

    1. I believe it was said somewhere that they do. Maybe in a one of those videos... As far as I remember they deal minor damage on their way.

  21. That R is going to get a nerf very quickly.

    1. How about no ?
      I Doubt they will do this to a champion that need to use another skills to max their uti dmg.
      If they will nerf then will raise the base/ratio dmg with no max part.

  22. Human females are great and all but....come on man, wheres my MONSTER??

    1. Have you forgotten about Rengar? -.-


  23. tbh, I can't used to this new layout ... it reminds me too much of half life ...

    1. hit "home" if u are having problems. wtf is wrong with ppl....

  24. lol with max ap, u can see max ap build here:http://leaguecraft.com/builder/ahri/?items=5,5,5,5,5,18&runes=117,117,117,117,117,117,117,117,117,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,91,91,91&level=18&masteries=0040040001300404100000000000000000301400001000000&fspells=true u will do 4k damage with ult as syndra

    1. CAN not WILL. Just check how much gold you need for that build + not to mention the setup it takes for her ult. I'm not saying she' not strong but you people have to think at a more reasonable level...

    2. Nunu can do 4k in an AoE with that build, and I hear no-one complaining. She will probably be strong, but only in the hands of a pro. Ever saw a pro Draven? Yeah, scary shit. So will a pro Syndra be.

  25. Wow. Very impressed by the potentional damage of this champ.. But it will req a crapload of pre-fight setup. Prob gonna be one of the only champs I will play mid (besides Veigar, Annie and Ziggs. I hate mid)

  26. I'm gonna say she'll be OP like hell (again, like zyra) and unless I calculated wrong: with an AP of 620 you will do a maximum damage (all possible sphere hits) of 2376 dmg

    Which is kinda high if you ask me. Ofcourse Magic resist will reduce that but it'll still be a chunk of dmg from the ultimate only

  27. Typo on 'Force of Will (W)':

    "Second Activation: Thorws the grabbed sphere or unit at the target area..."


  28. His passive is not complete yet, and also his ultimate. Why? Because his passive is almost like shyvanna and i can smell a bonus effect on his ultimate. For the same reason, his ultimate is not builded yet, is just a preview

  29. Syndra skills seem very to have very effective CC. Hence the maximum difficulty.

  30. Are the spheres doing damage to anyone they come in contact with while traveling to ultimate target?
