PC Games MOBA, a German gaming magazine, recently conducted an interview with Ryan "Morello" Scott where he mentioned some interesting tidbits about League of Legends; a new champion with "gravity influencing abilities", Dark Sovereign, and much more.
While the original article is in German, here is a brief summary thanks to redditor DarkX2:
- At Gamescom players will be able to play a new champion with "gravity influencing" abilities
- A champion named Dark Sovereign is mentioned, that explores new gaming mechanics
- He is very pleased that at tournaments about 70% of all champions are constantly picked/banned
- Regarding Pulsefire Ezrael - if players like it, we will see more of it. They are checking numbers
- They are investigating implementing a system to reward good behavior similar to DOTA2
- About season 3: He mentions the pro-league with player salaries, hd stream
Also, the mere mention of Dark Sovereign, who we first saw hidden away in the 6-8 PBE, has me teeming with excitement. There are a lot of fan theories spawned purely from the name and the void type spells that accompanied the original leak - Kog'Maw's Daddy, Kassadin's Daughter, etc. What are your ideas for the mysterious void champion who explores new game mechanics?