PBE Profile Medals and Diamond Tier

Posted on at 2:03 PM by Moobeat
If you remember seeing something about new profile medals in the last PBE post, it seems there was more than meets the eye.
Continue reading for shots of all the medals, including the mysterious new "Diamond" rank, and all of the variations of each tier.

(Before we start off, I'd like to thank Pabro, the redditor who pulled all of these bad boys out of the PBE files.)

Here are each tier of the profile badges, as well the seven different variations of the middle socket/gem.
Bronze tier.
Silver tier.
Gold tier.
Platinum tier.
There is also a new tier, one we haven't officially heard about but one players have requested for a long time. It is the "Diamond" tier and is, presumably, the tier that will come after Platinum.
Diamond tier.
So what does this all mean? Well, the socket in the middle of each badge obviously means something but is it indicative of previous season rank, certain milestones within the specific Elo bracket, or something else entirely? Looks like we'll have to wait until Riot drops an official response about the end of season rewards and cut-offs.

However, if you'd like to see what little information we currently know about the end of S2, I'll point you in the direction of my last red post collection.


  1. And here I am barely making it past bronze.

    1. I'm in silver. WTB Plat carry!

    2. 1258, i feel ya man lol. Damn feeding teamates...

    3. i feel yaaaaaaa!

    4. platinum.in everything.i dont know how you feel.

    5. Bronze is still top 25% of all players on your server, not something to be ashamed of at all.

    6. The Diamond ones are ugly IMO, but my gold ones will look awesome....

    7. diamond look like a bug or something but gold and platinum are the best looking imo

  2. At least you got bronze :C I suck so hard I'm no even ranked :/

    1. cant catch a break getting out cuz of afks and feeder trolls

    2. im too scared to play ranked XD i got about 40 more champs to buy

    3. ^someone got lucky with getting past 1200 and has to be smug about it. grats bro.

  3. they all look so awesome =) will they be applied for normal wins'n'stats too?

  4. I sat on plat for a while get decay then get plat again now there is diamond? that's bs they should have announced it sooner

  5. Also not even ranked. :<

  6. I'm at gold, was aiming for plat... next season guess I have to aim for even high T_T

  7. I am silver, nearly gold, but i can't reach it :'(

    1. I just got gold but I'm sitting at exactly 1520, haven't been able to get past it.

  8. first step to gaining elo = stop writing in chat

    (well u can write mia and timers)

  9. nice...hope diamond tier is 2000+ elo (im 2014 :D)

    1. 2k is far too close to 1,9 - so probably not.

      I'm hoping for 2,2 but probably they'll make tiers smaller like 1,6 gold, 1,8 plat, 2k diamond

  10. 1630 so far. Must Raise it higherr.

  11. Is it just me or are the tiers the same as starcraft 2 leagues?

  12. 2050 trying to get to 2200 :)

  13. im gold but only for the season rewards huehuehue, idc about elo.

  14. Seems like they will lower the requirements for all elos and add diamond as the new highest elo.

  15. Would be very cool if you could choose between this socket/gems

  16. Platinum look the most sexiest.

  17. My guess will be is that each of the medals has a certain rating attached to it (if we are talking ranked)

    Like, (if we take the current Rating system numbers) 1250 is the first bronze medal, and for every 15 (or they could make it 20 or 25) you will gain a new medal. That way it would be more of a carrot for people, instead of saying I want to advance from silver to gold, they can say: "I want to get the 5th Silver medal."

    Could be they are showing it champselect as well, so people can see, "oh he is 4th gold meaning he is rated between 1710-1730". Instead of "Oh he must be between 1520 and 1900. (Or whatever gold->plat numbers are)

  18. I don't understand how diamond>platinum.

    1. because a 10gr gem of a diamond worth the same as a 1kg bar of platinum?

  19. gems are always rated higher than metals. Taric would agree as well

  20. Please no noobs in ranked T_T

  21. The Diamond ones are ugly IMO, but the Gold ones will look awesome on my profile...
