10/4 PBE Update: Championship Riven, Victorious Janna, and more!

Posted on at 5:02 PM by Moobeat
An update has been deployed to the PBE servers!
Continue reading to see the new Riven and Janna skins, a text based reveal of three upcoming skins,  and a full preview of the Twisted Fate visual update.

( NOTE: Please remember everything on the PBE is tentative and subject to change. )

This PBE patch included two new skins - Championship Riven, a skin commemorating the close of Season two that will be available after the conclusion of the World Finals, and Victorious Janna, a skin awarded to players who finish season two with a gold rating or higher in ranked.

Championship Riven 

 Victorious Janna

There were also a few skins in one of the client files, but no resources were present. Two of them, Dynasty Xin Zhao and Dynasty Jarvan IV, we already know about but iBlitzcrank  is brand new! Hopefully we'll see a bit more of them in the near future.

Dynasty Xin Zhao
Dynasty Jarvan IV

The recently announced Twisted Fate visual update, as well as a full set of updated skins, made it's way into this PBE update .
Default Skin

Jack of Hearts Twisted Fate

Tango Twisted Fate

Magnificent Twisted Fate

High Noon Twisted Fate

PAX Twisted Fate

Musketeer Twisted Fate

Additionaly, Twisted Fate's updated voice overs feature a few new dialogue lines that trigger when he stuns his lore nemesis, Graves.
He alternates between "Tough Luck Malcom", "Simmer down hotshot", and "Dead in his tracks". It seems Graves also appears to have a special dialogue, but none of these are tied together and aren't available in game just yet.