Guinsoo's tweeting about Karma again!

Posted on at 11:29 PM by Moobeat
Oh my dearest Karma, how are you? Still awaiting that remake/kit update we heard murmurs about ages ago? Maybe your time is finally starting to come seeing as Guinsoo fired off a few more tweets about you earlier today!
Continue reading to check out just what Guinsoo had to say...

( remember that this is all tentative stuff; the next trial build of Karma might not reflect anything said below ).

Let's take a gander at these three tweets.

 Not too much going on here but it sure is good to hear things are still moving along for the presently least popular support champion.

Similar to the last one, nothing big here. We know her Heavenly wave has a .8 AP ratio on a part of it, which is a .2 increase from what it cureently is on live.

This last one finally gives us that nice chunk for information we were looking at. This iteration of Karma is apparently sitting strong with a single Mantra charge. By limiting her charge to one, hopefully her charged spells will turn into three possible "ultimates" instead of just two stronger versions of the spell. Maybe this will translate into some extra CC effects or something? After all, a previous version of her kit had a knock back on her Heavenly Wave ability.

So what sort of suspicions to you draw from these humble tweets and what are you hoping for out of the Karma update? What will it take to edge her away from being one of the least played champions in the game?


  1. Oooooooooh Yeahhhhhhhhh

  2. man, he's been at this a loooong time

  3. Karma does not need a rework since she is not a boring shit support she is a solotop/mid ap carry who supports her team while killing the enemies

    1. must be in 900elo

    2. Actually 1400 as for me and agreed.

    3. karma DOES need a rework, she not picked in competitive play and shes woefully unpopular with the community at large. you would hopefully uninformed to say that i mean maybe you dont know the statistics, if you DO know the statistics that would make you delusional, so i hope its the first.

      your acting like they are going to shove her into a support pick, quell your BASELESS FEARS with the knowledge her Q does .2 more AP damage, and she has stronger CC on her tether. would they give more damage and CC to someone they want to shoe horn as support? hell no, now quit your whining at take your buffs whenther you like them or not.

      oh no their makeing my favorite champ stronger boo hoo (this is the voice that comes out every single time they try to do a rework) remember when they reworked kat and all the kat mains bitched and moaned, and now guess whos become a semi frequent pick in big name tournaments? katarina thats right, now class whos laughing their ass off at fools to AFRAID OF CHANGE to see the plus side? yep ME. every time they do a rewrok the tiny % of player that play that champion religiously cry and whine that the kit they've become attached to is getting rework because change scares them.

    4. Complete win rIght here. I agree with you 100% I love it when they redo champs lol

    5. Statistics shouldn't be the reason why she needs a rework. A rework should be done only when buffing values can't solve the gameplay flaws, e.g. eve, where she relies too much on stealth and was either useless or straight up OP, or kat, where if she get fed a little, she snowballs out of proportion when compared to other champ, or is either useless if she doesn't.

      I say karma doesn't NEED a rework, though a rework could be nice. The main problem is that her ult is not appealing enough. Udyr doesn't have an ult but have multiple build paths make him more interesting. But for karma, having a not-so-satisfying-to-use ult is not compensated by other things.

    6. "Karma does not need a rework since she is not a boring shit support she is a solotop/mid ap carry who supports her team while killing the enemies"

      LOL, and Sona is also a toplane/mid AP carry, and Taric too & Alistar too... at 800 ELO

    7. Karma does not need a rework

    8. I do understand why the rework, but I do like her play style a lot... Shame it needs change =/

    9. "LOL, and Sona is also a toplane/mid AP carry, and Taric too & Alistar too... at 800 ELO"

      Obviously dosen't know $@%# about playing Karma.

    10. Be honest, you dont know how to play with her and even dont really understand her abilities. Give her a chance, she totally fits the support role.

      really dont understand the rework. Just cause u dont like her because she dont do tons of dmg u said she sucks?? Lear how to play as her, she rocks!!!

    11. It's funny because Sona works amazingly well as a top lane. Just as Soraka is probably the fastest jungler in the game, but OH MY you must be too scared to do anything outside of current meta, back to the point of people being to scared of change...

    12. Indeed. Try something different about the meta, u should have tons of fun

    13. That's not the point. People don't play outside of the current meta, because you'll have a hard time with match ups if the other team follows the meta. That's like going "Oh, i'll bring a baseball bat to a gun fight, cause i'm not scared"

    14. My mains, dont laugh:
      - Jungle: Aptanky Kayle - E clears camps faster than Diana, hp and ult makes divss easy
      - Solo top: AP Soraka with Wota, spirit visage, Rylai and Lichbane, boots + 6 depending on enemies
      - Solo mid: Karma /athene, Archangel + full ap/
      - ADC: i usually do kill lanes, but ad-caster Sivir - Manamune, ghostblade, ionic, berks, depending
      - Support: i ask teamm8s, i play everything here: from Sorakastyle casuals through Jayce to Jarvan and Teemo.

    15. That's the problem with people. If you break the current meta, like riven mid, people start raging like there's no tomorrow. I went riven mid in a 1500+ Elo match and everyone flamed me. My score was 22-5-14 in the end. People should learn to accept the fact that not only AP/mage can mid -.-

    16. You don't need manamune on Sivir. Lol...

    17. I agree with Anonymous 3:38.

      The current laning meta, how long does it really last? 10 minutes? The game isn't about the first 10 minutes. Sometimes it's already over by that time, and sometimes the game hasn't even started. So what if Riven goes mid in the beginning... The game will soon switch over to a roaming phase anyway.

  4. So it s like lb s mimic?

  5. This I find pretty stupid, she needs to keep her 2 charges.

    1. You don't even know how she is in the rework. You know nothing about reworked Karma, so I find it dumb that you think it's a stupid idea when you are ignorant to the changes she has had. One Mantra may well be enough.

    2. 2 isn't enough. I like how karma is now. She is fun to play and it take some skill to play her.

    3. so you KNOW she wont be fun or difficult after the rework?


      im so sick of this EVERY SINGLE TIME THEY DO A REWORK we get a minority that crawls out of the woodwork yelling oh no, theyll ruin my champ, itll be weak, boreing, and skill less.

    4. About the first comment: Dont you start the "you dont even know how she is" stfu. Having only 1 mantra already tells you how she is, yes, maybe 1 mantra is enough the way she is now, but It changes her playstyle (you cant store mantras anymore, unless you activate the mantra charge and keep it for a while before using, like Katarinas old W)

      Im not the OP, but I think the same, changing her mantras changes your playstyle, having a proc on Q also changes your playstyle, so, no, I dont think all changes are good, Kayle wasnt, same with Sivir.

    5. but the sivir and kayle change WERE good you moron.

      ifnact sivirs rework was so strong they ended up haveing to nerf it, her post rework form was dominating high elo and high profile tourneys so they had to nerf her Q and ultimate.

      kayle whent from a non pick to being a dominating top lane counter pick, shes used to hard counter mellees with weak mobility in top lane, and she farms her way into a second ranged carry for your team. just ask TSM Dyrus.

  6. Riot hates supports

    1. Morello hates supports. Just him.

    2. He's against passive play, not supports in general. Whoever gave Rengar & Kha'Zix their ratios needs to be fired though.

    3. I'd say the same for Darius. His passive actually does 300 base at max stacks lv1. Not that you'd often get max stacks from first encounters.. But he's still pretty ridiculous, and not just because of his ult.

  7. lmao, sounds like they are nerfing her.

    why does it sound like they are nerfing her?

    1. they nerfing her current testing phase. this is nerfs happening to what they are testing in the remake not what currently exists in game

    2. hmk, makes more sense. thanks.

  8. no, more cleavage and brown.

  9. Maybe her new single mantra charge is on a timer that empowers all her abilities while it's active like Riven's blade of the exile activation? There might be a better example but that's what pops in my head this moment.

    1. Heimerdinger's upgrade?

    2. It seems like it's going to be similar in activation to how it is now. Use Mantra, the next ability will be empowered. Only is sounds like they're knocking it down to one charge, and making the effect FAR more potent. So it's not just adding a small effect to an ability, but more like it lets you choose between 3 different ults, Q W or E.

      I understand the thought process behind this, and I won't knock it yet as I know nothing about it, but it does worry me. I like the current Karma gameplay in that you have to constantly pick between offensive and defensive abilities for any given situation. I trust Guinsoo though, and am excited to see the final build.

    3. All of my understanding of how to play Karama effectively comes from: "Only use spells when you have mantra charges up to avoid going oom, otherwise you spells aren't cost effective enough to keep you in lane."

      If Karma has less mantra charges it wont be that simple to manage your mana, but I'm fine if the enhansed spells make you more of a threat to the enemy in lane, (as it is now, it is hard to push the enemy out of lane unless they make mistakes).

    4. No offense I'm quite fond of Karma. I don't see a reason to change her, just because she isn't the most powerful support, but she sure as hell is one of the most versatile ones. She has decent damage, an mmkay heal (if used properly in a teamfight) and a fine shield and a slow you can't escape. How many supports can say they have all that? Not many. In fact I believe we're only talking Karma.

      Now, I'm not per say against a rework. I do think her Q could be changed to a permanent heal instead of a mantra heal, especially seeing that they're reducing the charges to one (meaning, if they don't.. she will be a useless support, unless we see some epic monster heal/knockback with a Mantra'ed Q).. Even so, I've grown fond of keeping AD carries away from minions in bot lane while my AD carry gets lots of gold and they get next to nothing. I would hate to see that changed

      I rarely run out of mana unless it's early game and I'm spamming Heavenly to keep AD carries away from minions. After 3-5min I have a philo stone and that pretty much covers all my mana regen needs throughout the rest of the game.

      But hey, I play the game because it's fun. It's not my life, it is after all just pixels, created by an engine, which is located in a machine called a server and although it, the server, do exist it only creates virtual enviroments which stops the instant you close down your game. So, how about we all chill and see what the rework brings.. If it nerfs her, she'll surely be buffed if it buffs her too much she's sure to be nerfed.. Either way, I think you can expect to see a better support Karma once it all settles. That does not equate that I'd like her more after a rework.. As said, I find her perfect for -my- current needs. If it doesn't suit your needs, don't play her. So very simple. There will ALWAYS be favored champs of the week/month/year just as there were favored DF1.0 builds of the week/month/year. It goes with the pvp territory.

  10. kARMa New CHaMp ?!?!!!?

    1. Old joke is really old.

    2. old joke is really old yes, but it has a true side, changing mantras to only 1 adding a knock back and for what I read on other posts, chaging her W almost completly... yeah, she is kind of a new champ now.

  11. Replies
    1. i would love to see nidalees kit revamped to function similar to jayce, were you switch from cougar and human right at level 1.

      if nothing else her cougar form claw, and pounce could use some usability tweaks, attacking forward, instead of the direction of the mouse is simply a product of her design being so old, over 3 years old now.

    2. Agreed, she also needs a model rework, lower mana costs, and additional AD scaling. Seriously, her mana costs, are wayy too much for what they offer.

    3. too much mana for what they offer? the highest AP nuke in the entire game, and a heal that increases attackspeed not good enouph for the mana? her cougar form is cost free, so how about no.

  12. I'm sick of seeing rework or people saying champs need rework when SIVIR needs rework more then ashe or soraka ever did, as beautiful as they look, sivir looks like crap

    1. You're ignorant. REWORK is when a champion's skills get changed. REMODEL is when a champion get's an updated graphic model. Sivir needs a REMODEL and Karma needs a REWORK. Same to the above poster asking for a Nidalee REMODEL.

    2. Its not about how Karma looks, its about her spells. Shes too weak.
      And Soraka needed that visual upgrade BADLY.

    3. master yi could use a REWORK and a REMODEL, AP ratios on a melee carry is sooo 2009, and that tiny head, and those huge triangular feet YIKES.

    4. i think sivir also needs a little rework also... i mean as good of an ad carry she is, she doesnt bring to the table what the most popular ADC bring, this is just on a personal level

    5. karma its fine guys.
      Sivir is awesome but for yiu guys only exists 3 adc and u know that

    6. Sivir is quite strong, is she as "pocl all the god damn time" as ezreal, graves, and corki? No, however she is very strong, if the enemy picks taric or of you team intends to pull off a 2v1 lane swap sivir is an excellent choice. Mmef aphromoo loves her and her popularity in korea is much higher than it is here. Her rework was actualy too good they had to nerf her Q and ultimate after it was released.

  13. rework NASUS! not karma........

    1. Hell no. Learn to play Nasus. Nasus is far from needing a rework. When you play nasus you go top lane solo and farm you Q and run 3 quints of vamp. No one will be able to harass you too much when you last hit minions. Late game you will hit like a truck too. Believe me, my best friend mains Nasus and I have yet to see him go negative.

    2. And i main karma at solo lanes. U know what? Built properly is op, but built as laning support sucks. She does not fit lane support role. She is unique mid-late support, useful in teamfights OR at triple lanes ^^

    3. All the Egyptian themes champs could use a remodel, not a remake. It's hard to remodel yordles though

    4. A lot of old nasus players were asked if they wanted their champion to be changed in order to be more competitive, but loosing that Q. They said no, Nasus Q like Veigar's, is too strong, so you cant buff/remake nasus or veigar to be more competitive without loosing the signature Q.

  14. I like how she is now, why not just tweak her abilities a little bit and give her a remodel?

    1. She could use an upgrade. Rage much?

  15. she should make his skills ultimates when activates 2 mantras

  16. I really want Mantra to feel like they are used in a calculated method and which spell you use it on changes the landscape. If mantra goes to 1 charge I would like to see its CD increased to 60/50/40 but in response have the power of Mantra be much more potent.

    I would like to see Heavenly Wave Damage/Heal all the time and have the Mantra add back in the knock-back effect. It would force players to try to position and time well to get healing and damage out of it appropriately and allow her that extra protection for her ad carry that someone like Janna enjoys.

    I like spirit bond. I feel like the numbers are a little on the low side. Depending on the CD of Mantra points and the strength of her other abilities I would like to see either the base slow/speed increased - or preferably to me - have the speed tripled instead of increasing its base allow 10 - 20 to go to 30 - 60 but have the beam provide only the base speed change to others.

    One of the reasons I want Heavenly Wave to always heal and have a CC effect is that the way things are more or less now when you have only 1 Mantra I feel like it going to go to either spirit bond to help your AD Carry Escape, or its going to be spent on the shield for damage to fight back. Alot of this is predicated on current AP ratios which are clearly up for grabs.

    If Heavenly Wave went the way I would like it to, then I don't think anything more than numbers need balancing on this ability. I really like idea of making someone pay for attacking your target while you protect them as an agressive response as opposed to a knockback which is a defensive response.

  17. I just want to play her as support...without much need for item

    1. Don't play Karma.

    2. As support, ofc. Its a waste of potential

  18. Mantra still better be available at Level 1, cost no skill points, and allow her to upgrade each ability to rank 6, or I will be disappoint.

  19. the only champion to be intentionally nerfed by a rework in the history of the game was twisted fate as he was banned from the champion roster because he was so overpowered in the pre-season.

    All other reworks have been more or less a success and people still grab their torches and pitchforks and start whining and fear mongering that a champ will be ruined by a rework its ridiculous.

    1. Kayle's rework...oh excuse me...reworkS, have been a shining success. Twitches rework seems well done too.

    2. Please to be bearing in mind that Guinsoo did the Shen Rework, and did not do the Kayle and Twitch reworks.

    3. Im not sure if the kayle and twitch comments are sarcasm or bot so ill just hit it just incase.

      Kayles rework was a bit slow and they did buff her a little after the fact but lone behold she became much stronger shoving out teemo and nidalee as the go to pokeing top lane ranged dps, and the europeans did a stint with takeing her in the jungle. Going from barely ever picked to a signature champion of one of NAs best players is a pretty roaring success story.

      Some argue twitch is weaker now than he used to be, this is based on the gimmicked EU super ganking jungle twitch strat. Many high elo players admitted it was situational, gimmicky, and a high risk set up. Twitch as is now is still a bit rocky in the laneing phase but his ability to function as a late game carry is undeniably stronger. True damage DoT, attckspeed boost, AD boost, and an 800 range AOE auto attack is quite impressive. His laneing is weak but its still stronger than it used to be, one more minor tweak and i think he could dethrone kogmaw as the weak early strong late seige cannon carry.

    4. Kayle rework was shit, yes, she is doing fine now, but it took a lot of buffs and her kit and functions are not the same. I remember less than a year ago, someone picked Kayle on Curse team and the enemy team laughted at that.

      Sivir rework made me stop going Sivir, she is not the same and she is not good, people only play her because they are sick of going graves/ez/corki.

    5. from her rework to her final form was a measly 2-3 weeks, just one patch later and she was dominating lanes, they beefed her attackspeed per level and adjusted the power and speed boost on her heal, the rework did much more for he than you are giving credit for. as it shortened the cooldown on her range buff, beefed up the early game strength of her heal, and allowed her Q to scale with AD and provide a stronger slow + stonger damage ampilification. saying her rework was a failure is just idiotic.

      how is sivir suddenly not sivir? they only major change to her overall design was her rickochette is an attack reset instead of a toggle, which was compensated for with better scaleing, lower damage loss for multiple targets, and a higher AD ratio on her boomerang blade. sivir was actualy OP after her rework and they ended up nerfing the damage on her Q and the extra mobility on her ultimate she is still quite strong now easpecialy after the nerfs to the "BIG 3" she is a common pickup for 2v1 lane swap teams. she was the first pick carry between when her rework cameout and when the nerfs were released. aphromoo and chaox were first or second picking her and just chewing through the competition. even after the nerfs she is very solid, does she have the roundabout pick strength as the other 3? no but who does. but if your team is planning on pulling a 2v1 lane swap you damn well better pick sivir as its the perfect opportunity to push the solo laner into his turret, get crazy farmed and they dominate mid game teamfights with massive aoe damage. mmef aphrmoo and the koreans LOVE sivir. just like how the chinese loved ezreal and we all know how thats been going.

      im still laughing at that "not sivir anymore" she kept boomerange blade, her spell sheild, on the hunt. thats 3/4 skills the same, and its realy more like 3.5/4 since rickochette is still the same ability just as an auto attack reset instead of a toggle. seriously how is she "not the same"

      your just looking for pointless reasons to hate on what were ultimatly successful designs.

  20. It was singed the whole time

  21. I never felt like Karma needed a rework. She might not be top elo stuff, but than again, there are plenty of champions that aren't top elo quality purely because someone else does it better. She was a good pub champion if played well.

    Also Nasus is another prime example of a champion that 'could' get a rework, but instead has been described as a fun pub champ by the reds, which is reasonable because it is hilariously fun, so no rework for him.

    This is further supported by the Nasus pick% in platinum (0.75-1%)and his super fluctuating win rate floating around the (40-45%) win rate, which is quite low. Take in mind, the fluctuations to winning, does come from the low sample size of player that actually DO play nasus in platinum.

    And lastly, sivir DOES need a remodel.

  22. I agree with some people that Karma doesn't desperately need a rework. I disagree with the few people who are calling her "OP". If there is any hero on the edge of being OP it is Rengar. But even Rengar isn't OP, just really hard to deal with, maybe a bit too hard, but not unbeatable.

    So what's the problem with Karma in my opinion? Your success depends not only on how you are understanding your champion but also on how your allies do!
    If the jungler ganks your lane and you put your Spirit Bond on him.. he needs to put an enemy in between for the damage to proc.
    Her kit is totally fine! But when I play her (I admit, i'm ~1300-1400 Elo, an average player) and put my spirit Bond on an ally, chasing as a team, of 3 other people only one knows that he also gets a speed burst when he touches the bond. Karma is a champion who needs others to help your abilities fulfill their full power.

    However: Giving Spirit Bond a single target damage component (like damaging the targeted champion over time or when spirit bond's duration is over) or Giving it a MR/Arm buff/debuffing component on the target (or on Karma) could improve her ability to perform on lane, making her more viable

    1. If team cordination was her only problem shed be played by the top team who are all on voice chat together. Shes not because her problems are more than just teamate "burdern of knowledge" people will claim ANYTHING is good, based 100% on their own limited veiw of the game.

      As an extreme example i know that if they released a champion with a 1 damage nuke, a 1 hp heal, a 1 damage sheild, and say a 1 range dash ultimate, somone out there will go, omg its perfect riot dont touch, it just takes skill everyone else is just bad only i know how to play this champ secret OP do not rework.

  23. Well i am with Karma rework , new splash art/model , and some skills tweaks.

    The moment Guinsoo said the mantra will be changed to one , it means they are making syndra version 2 , Mantra to upgrade how your skill work for that moment , which mean Karma will be a player with 6 skills.

    I just wish they change her slow/speed skill to do damage to the target , something like dmg per second+slow.

  24. A new splash art would not hurt either while they are at it...

  25. Kinda depressing that Karma is still more viable and usefull than Syndra. Did they really think some silly and not even needed dmg boosts will suddenly make her clunky and awful kit viable?

    1. lolz.. you must suck with syndra, i'm not saying that syndra does godly damage or anything but still way better than Karma's.. Karma's damage is weak.. probably the weakest.

    2. I did not even imply that dmg is Syndras problem... shows how much you know about her lol.

    3. Syndra's global win rate is only 26.61%... That's awfully low.

  26. Indian or rich in melanin white. Colors and shapes disables black. Regardless os spoken language "black, white and yellow" are not only colors but hair, eyes, chicks and lips, a long time ago also nose. We mixed but theese thing are unpassable nature borders even in multicultural societies as Germany, US andEngald /etc/.

  27. It's par for the course for nukes to have an insane amount of cost for the benefit it gives. Be it a crazy amount of mana-endurance drain, limited amount of charges or what. She does look like a fun one to play though.

  28. It would be cool if her ultimate changed her form from "light" to "dark", seeing as she is symbolized by the yin-yang symbols. Light being more supporty and dark being more damagy.

    1. This seems very close to the remake. =)

    2. That's the same concept as Hel from Smite, it's a cool concept.

    3. Yeah that's what I was thinking too, Hel.

    4. It's funny as I replied to that comment earlier I was trying out Hel in a custom match lol. But it would be a really cool concept for Karma :)

  29. Karmas damage is the weakest.. who the hell is writing this? have you seen her burst before? she does damage and supports. her heal is used more so for mid-late game. use her fan in the beginning to damage, not heal. anyways, the rework looks like fun and im excited.

  30. people need to learn to coordinate with her better. if your out of her range don't blame her.

  31. Karma is op. Leave how is!

  32. Ban karma or afk ty

  33. Ban karma or afk ty

  34. She wears make up, so......

  35. I have no idea what anonymous 11.48 said.

  36. I'd love to see them change her splash to the Chinese one... only for the original one though. Karma somehow becomes white in the Chinese Sakura and Sun Godess.

  37. Shes black, but just very light skinned. as confirmed in this thread

  38. i'm hoping for nerfs, her shield is OP

  39. Ban karma or afk ty

  40. Ban karma or afk ty

  41. I love Karma, she is my main and I don't want any nerfs, I got my first penta kill with her ;___;

  42. Which still doesn't change the fact that she's black.

  43. Karma is only good in all mid she gets shut down by sona janna and half the supports so why nerf her
