Semi-Finals Recap at World Playoffs?

Posted on at 8:30 PM by Seranaya
The semi-finals are over and what a ridiculous day it has been!
Deman and Jatt casting the first game of the day. Huehuehue.
Continue on for VODs and short decriptions of the games!

Counter Logic vs Team World Elite vs World Elite
Bans Picks Role Picks Bans
Twisted Fate Karthus AP Mid Orianna Anivia
Shen Ezreal AD Carry Graves Alistar
Skarner Leona Support Blitzcrank Irelia
Malphite Top Olaf
Cho'Gath Jungle Maokai
World Elite tried to steal the blue from by Blitz pulling it over the wall. said heck no to that and flash after it picking up first blood! An initiate on Blitzcrank led to a 10 health Blitz and a dead Leona after she was pulled into the tower. Followed by a kill bottom by left the game 2-2. takes the first dragon of the day at 11:40 without any competition from WE. WE takes the first turret when they drop the top lane at 14:00 followed shortly by the bottom turret as well. An initiate by in the mid lane resulted in a 3-2 kill exchange and 2 turrets in favour of WE. WE attempts a baron at 23:00 but they were too low and had to back off. A team fight after a dragon dance left both teams 2 players down but WE pushed for the first inhibitor. A really great initiate by Maokai gave WE a massive advantage when they traded 4-1 for kills followed by a fast baron. WE was just too strong for to come back and they take game 1.

Game 2
** During this game the internet in the venue went out. Both and blew up because of everyone refreshing trying to get the game back. Teams were booted out of the game and were stuck at "reconnecting". The game had to be remade. Unheard of news came out before the remake that the game would be completely redone by World Elite's request. New picks, bans, runes, masteries! CRAZY!
This is the first game in the 15 minutes BEFORE the restart happened. vs World Elite
Bans Picks Role Picks Bans
Twisted Fate Cassiopeia AP Mid Ryze Anivia
Shen Ezreal AD Carry Corki Alistar
Orianna Lulu Support Blitzcrank Irelia
Renekton Top Olaf
Maokai Jungle Shyvana
WE begins the game by taking THREE buffs on their team by 2:15! WE takes first blood on bottom lane with Olaf against Ezreal. A great hook from Blitzcrank during a countergank by WE left Maokai dead. And then the stream goes down...
Game 2 Remake vs World Elite
Bans Picks Role Picks Bans
Twisted Fate Karthus AP Mid Vladimir Anivia
Orianna Corki AD Carry Ezreal Alistar
Blitzcrank Sona Support Taric Irelia
Jayce Top Shen
Skarner Jungle Nocturne
A ridiculous level one team fight erupted that left Corki and Sona dead and Ezreal dead leaving WE with a 2-1 advantage. A gank in the top lane left Jayce dead and extended WE's lead 3-1. A really great play in the bottom lane almost led to a kill for CLG but a clutch Shen ult stopped the Karthus ult kill. A perfectly executed gank top left Wickd's Jayce with another death. A four man dive by CLG in mid resulted in nothing there, but Wickd takes top tower. took dragon but WE traded it for the top tower. A top lane top dive went in WE's favour when they went 3-0. Meanwhile Corki was in the bottom lane and took a top as well as WE's red buff. Froggen's Karthus gets a beautiful double kill in the bottom lane with his ultimate. WE's Misaya on Vladimir gets caught out and dies, they proceed to kill Nocturne and Taric and take baron! WE comes back with an inhibitor. A massive team fight breaks out and CLG's Sona lands a PERFECT ult across WE's whole team. CLG takes that fight 4-3 in kills! What a comeback! Nocturne gets caught out and falls which opens Baron to CLG at 53:18! After baron CLG picks up 2 towers and an inhibitor with their very strong double AD team. Nocturne gets caught out AGAIN and dies, which leads to a team fight that goes 3-0 for CLG and they win!

Game 3 vs World Elite
Bans Picks Role Picks Bans
Twisted Fate Orianna AP Mid Ryze Anivia
Blitzcrank Ezreal AD Carry Corki Alistar
Skarner Sona Support Janna Maokai
Malphite Top Irelia
Cho'Gath Jungle Nocturne
A level 1 invade by WE turns fruitless when they miss the smite on blue. First blood goes to CLG when they invade WE's jungle. Nocturne falls followed shortly by Corki. CLG's Sona dies in response meaning 2-1 CLG. A gank in the bottom lane leaves Corki dead even through a perfect timed Janna shield pulling CLG ahead 3-1. CLG takes the first turret of the game in top lane at 14:20. CLG continues their dominance by taking another 2 turrets while WE only has 1. WE dives CLG's top tower which fails abysmally and CLG's Krepo on Sona nabs herself a kill. Who says supports aren't fun? CLG pushes towards top tower and Orianna gets a double kill in a 3v5 but in return she falls along with Cho'Gath and his oracle. WE comes back into the game with a 3-0 exchange in the top lane at 23:00! Ezreal gets caught out in the top lane and dies to WE who quickly pick up 2 towers, one in mid and one in the top lane. Finally at 49:50 CLG takes baron and pushes mid HARD. The crowd chants CLG in response. CLG takes the first inhib of the game at 52 minutes and immediately pushes hard on the bottom inhibitor turret. After an hour of gameplay, the internet at the venue goes out again and it's called as ANOTHER REMAKE.

Game 3 Remake - Same picks and bans vs World Elite
Bans Picks Role Picks Bans
Twisted Fate Orianna AP Mid Ryze Anivia
Blitzcrank Ezreal AD Carry Corki Alistar
Skarner Sona Support Janna Maokai
Malphite Top Irelia
Cho'Gath Jungle Nocturne
Cho'Gath steal red early from Nocturne and almost gets a kill on Irelia in the top lane. Team WE gets first blood on Sona. Cho'Gath gets dived in the mid lane by Nocturne and Ryze, instead of dying, he flashes over the wall and kill the retreating Nocturne and LIVES. WE takes a first dragon very early at 7:15. CLG's bottom tower falls early. An attempt for a kill on Sona turns around when Cho'Gath shows up and takes a kill on Corki instead. An awesome kill in the mid lane when Ryze gets caught by Orianna ultimate followed by a fast tower pick up in the bottom lane by Wickd's Malphite. CLG takes a dragon at 21:10 uncontested by WE. CLG is pulling ahead with a 3-1 kill advantage but WE leads in gold. The game disconnects again. Are you kidding me? My head hurts..

After 8 hours of being in the same Best-of-Three match between and Team World Elite, Riot put this up on the stream after the teams left the stage. If the venue could not handle the rest of the games for the night, the matches would be delayed. This tweet by Travis confirmed:
They believe they found a work around, giving it one more try or they play it out at a different location and time to be determined. - State of the League's Travis

The games were cancelled after they could not keep the internet stable enough. After 8 hours of play. The games will be resumed and streamed live over the next week before the World Finals.

On a lighter note...
Our very own Moobeat getting his question answered on the World Playoff stream!


  1. Replies
    1. over dramatic face.

    2. glad im not one of the players, sitting 8 hours on stage and dont get anywhere...

    3. oh dear god yes anon4 ... i couldn't even imagine having to do that... especially being so close to victory twice in a row against WE then having to remake and just giving them a chance to redeem themselves after practicing goin 3-1 in a best of 3 toun.

    4. This anonymous upthere is getting really annoying,i have een seeing all these posts that replys to himself...i wouldnt tell this but im aout to blow up witht this stupidity...ehh glad i said it now :D

  2. Riot servers sucks, and people know it.
    The maintenance is pathetic...

    1. You suck, Riot servers are good.

  3. Well that was a day well spent.

  4. And they want us to take esports seriously. Can't even get things done properly.
    Why are there no LAN back up in the WORLD FINALS!? with $2mil pool it's gotta be better than this.
    Sponsor will definitely pull out in S3

    1. lol why you so angry? did you have to pay for any of this? you should be glad that we didn't have to pay for HD, everything was provided for free. the internet at the venue went out, shit happens, get over it, move on, wait for the live stream of the play offs, and most importantly, chill the f out.

    2. Well it was the venue's fault, they said there internet was stable though it was not, they'll be lucky if Riot doesn't throw a metric ton of money at a lawyer for this. Since Riot could practically use 100's for toilet paper...

    3. He's right though. Riot needs to make LoL have a LAN system. So that others, who doesnt have internet connection but want to play with friends, could play together at one place. with no net problems.

    4. This has to be done well if they want esport to be treated like real business. It is their job to make sure the event runs well. People pay for the tickets and flights to watch these events after all. There is no excuse for patients on life-support to die because there is a power outage. This is ofcos a game and doesn't need to be taken as seriously as the hospital but still. Lots of room for improvement and players frustration is justifiable.

    5. Well, how are we supposed to take real sports seriously when the NFL had refs who don't know the rules and the NHL doesn't even play?

    6. True, but I say the real reason why no one really takes esports seriously is because being a professional LoL player does not require NEARLY as much as it would to be a pro in the NFL or NBA and so on.

    7. Majority of people don't take e-sports seriously because of it being "E-sports" and yes, because they also consider playing a video game not sports. I'm sure Riot is planning a LAN system or has been working on one. Nothing ever runs smoothly. It wouldn't be a stretch to say that they tested out the connection at the venue for a few weeks or days before the event to make sure it's stable enough, but you can't predict when shit will crap out.

    8. These things happen. You don't see people complaining this hard when it rains at Wimbledon and the Tennis gets called off for the day. Jus' sport. Be sporting.

  5. Ahahaha, that last picture is epic. That "Ooooooooh, snap" look on their faces.

  6. Jatt and Deman at least managed to do what few others could, talk about games for 4-5 hours and then nothing else for 3-4 to entertain everyone and not kill themselves

    1. Yes, strong work by casters this event! Damn shame about the internet crash tho :/

    2. Who was the third guy?

    3. I hope they get extra pay, or an award (are there caster awards?)

  7. What about Taipei Assassins vs M5 ?

    1. Did not happen yet, will occur at a later date.

  8. Smurf button>

  9. I am wondering the people who bought the tickets, how were those people handled ? I bet they were pissed as well.

    1. From someone who was at the event, this is what I heard Ryze (the CEO) gave them:

      1) Refund of event tickets ($10, no problem, everyone applauses)
      2) $25 in RP to all live attendees (crowd bursts out in cheers and applause)
      3) All live attendees get the Championship Riven skin (more roars and cheers)
      4) Riot was going to "empty out their merchandise store to the attendees". You could hear people dash over to that part of the venue upon those words, but it was not as drastic as that. All live attendees get one free merchandise hat upon leaving (choice of Teemo, Classic Rammus, Ninja Rammus).

    2. from what i heard they got tons of free stuff and riot bought out all the pizza places near by and gave them pizza

    3. That's pretty good for an outage. As much as it's an inconvenience to those who were there, at least they get generously compensated. It's much better then 'Uhhh... sorry?'. I'm a little miffed I don't have an opportunity to go to an event like that :(

    4. Damn, what about the people who sat through the entire live stream? Not that there is a way to prove that but I deserve some goodies too!

    5. WHAT?

      I want free pizza. Riot, do an event in the UK and bugger up the internet. Show the EU some luvvin'. Rassinfrassinfrassin.

  10. See how happy they look? You should do a picture of them around hour #7 to compare. hahaha

  11. R.I.P to all the wards that died during vs WE .... may the family of them be blessed (Spread this to everyone) 6/10 accident will be remembered D:

  12. I blame Time Warner.

  13. It's the chinese i tell ya! Once they started losing oops! The internet went haywire. :)

    1. Except WE was winning hard at the time of the first crash....

    2. +1 now they are even steven.

  14. zombie bruce lee nunchucked the server to prevent his people shame!

  15. This was unfair, CLG should have won yesterday.

    Oh well, let's hope they'll win next time.

    1. yea, if only they had pushed 2 minutes earlier they would have won

    2. unfair or not, WE have to rematch,REPICK and CLG bann BC instant cause they cant deal with him. And that isnt fair too.


  16. I admit, after the first 6 hours and just befor the anticlimax restart where CLG and WE just started fighting on that 1 hour mark I went to bed and watched another 20 mins on my phone. Being in sweden hurts with the time :P
    I'm glad they called it off, playing for over 6 hours, in this case 8 and also broadcasting and comment on the game for that long can not be healthy. Evryone get som rest and then start again tomorrow or something is fair. It's alot of cash they are compeeting for so restarts are more or less necessery. Sadly I wanted to se that fight after 30 mins of running around the place.

    WE Came out stron in the first game but fell off in the next comming game. At first i thought that CLG deserved to win but after this both teams deserve to win.

    /Etrisa who just woke up after a night of madness :)

    1. Yeah, here in Europe we had hard times tonight ^^

      The sad part is, if the semifinals are taking place during the next week, I will probably not be able to sacrifice a night and watch them :(

  17. Having a LAN mode means giving the client authority over the game mechanics. That would lead to hacks and more hacks

  18. It's ok, french livestream saved the day for most europeans , including non-french ones, with some amazing shows.

    Asian commercial, crazy musics, showcaster redoing Gangnam Style dance ... they helped a lot calming a wave of massive forum rage.

    1. I watched the french livestream for awhile since English was down. I was all happy that I'm Canadian and could speak french. IT WAS HILARIOUS

    2. Damn, wish I thought of that. Oh well I did enjoy watching the english casters squirm and I got to see all the fun things happening in the croud.

  19. was stayin up late watchin clg in eu.. and well i gueess that was for nothign,, these dcs .. omg , im happy after 2nd remake i did go sleep and not stay waiting.v

  20. Waiiiittttt...everyone that attended got the championship riven skin?!?!?!?!?!?

    1. I'ts going on sale after the world finals -_-
      Besides it wont be redeemable untill after the world finals (post patch)

  21. What a fail day for streams, what a dismay for Riot.

  22. You do realise the games also crashed, not just the live streams.

  23. Is there a vod for remake of game 2 i really wanna see that game :(

  24. I think you meant the vice versa (or vise, idk) of what you meant anon3
