World Playoffs Quarterfinal Recap

Posted on at 8:24 PM by Seranaya
Well, the first day of quarterfinals is over and we've had some really ridiculously intense games! What a great day to watch.
I love my ability to capture hilarious screenshots of these two. LOL
Wanna know what went down? Continue on! BEWARE OF SPOILERS.
I had to leave suddenly before the TPA vs NJSWD and TSM vs AF games. I currently have not watched them but I wanted to link them for you all to watch ASAP. Therefore, I do not have small descriptions of what happened in each game currently. I hope that's ok :c

2 - Moscow Five BenQ vs Invictus Gaming - 0
Game 1

Moscow Five vs Invictus Gaming
Bans Picks Role Picks Bans
Maokai Evelynn AP Mid Cassiopeia Gragas
Alistar Kog'Maw AD Carry Ezreal Nunu
Jayce Zyra Support Leona Sona
Xin Zhao Top Yorick
Lee Sin Jungle Shen
Invictus Gaming started with an early lead with 2 kills against Moscow Five. They continued to pull ahead to a 6-2 lead in kills but M5 refused to be ignored. After a really great trade top from M5's Genja, M5 kept pace with Invictus Gaming 5-7. At 20:00 a crazy team fight in mid lane, in which both teams lost 4 players and Alex Ich received a triple kill on Evelynn. Shortly after a dragon dance began that led to the first ace of the game in favour of M5. The score ties up 14-14 and Alex Ich gets M5's first tower. iG's Leona gets caught out and falls, which leads to a team fight. Although they had a bad start, iG TAKES the ace on M5! A baron dance begins at 28:00 and ends with a 0-4 exchange in favour of M5, who then take the first baron of the game. M5 has too much crowd control and damage and they dive the base killing 3 of iG. Shortly after iG surrenders. Game 1 goes to M5!

Game 2

Moscow Five vs Invictus Gaming
Bans Picks Role Picks Bans
Yorick Zilean AP Mid Ryze Evelynn
Maokai Kog'Maw AD Carry Ezreal Gragas
Jayce Sona Support Alistar Nunu
Olaf Top Vladimir
Lee Sin Jungle Shen
iG takes first blood against M5's Olaf on an invade! M5 responds with a fast kill on Alistar in the top lane. A small team fight erupted under the top lane tower of iG. It looked so bad for iG's Ezreal but he turned it around and traded a kill and forced several flashes. A gank bot lane by M5 against an overextended Vladimir left iG with a 2-0 trade when Shen ulted in to save the day! This sat iG in a 6-3 lead. ANOTHER gank attempt on Vladimir left M5 very sad when Vlad killed Olaf and with some help also got the kill on Lee Sin. A dragon dance at 16:00 ended in a 4-0 exchange in M5's favour, putting themselves back in the game. An awful initiation by Vladimir left iG down 4 members and resulted in baron for M5. iG just couldn't keep up with M5's engagements and they take the match!

2 - Taipei Assassins vs NaJin Sword - 0
Game 1

Taipei Assassins vs NaJin Sword
Bans Picks Role Picks Bans
Evelynn Orianna AP Mid Ryze Vladimir
Maokai Kog'Maw AD Carry Ezreal Morgana
Sona Nunu Support Taric Karthus
Jayce Top Irelia
Dr. Mundo Jungle Skarner

Game 2

Taipei Assassins vs NaJin Sword
Bans Picks Role Picks Bans
Jayce Anivia AP Mid Morgana Vladimir
Evelynn Ezreal AD Carry Corki Kog'Maw
Orianna Blitzcrank Support Sona Karthus
Shen Top Jax
Skarner Jungle Maokai

0 - Team SoloMid vs Azubu Frost - 2
Game 1

Team SoloMid vs Azubu Frost
Bans Picks Role Picks Bans
Alistar Karthus AP Mid Lux Orianna
Anivia Ezreal AD Carry Miss Fortune Yorick
Shen Sona Support Blitzcrank Vladimir
Darius Top Jayce
Shyvana Jungle Maokai

Game 2

Team SoloMid vs Azubu Frost
Bans Picks Role Picks Bans
Alistar Karthus AP Mid Vladimir Orianna
Anivia Graves AD Carry Ezreal Yorick
Shen Blitzcrank Support Taric Katarina
Jayce Top Irelia
Maokai Jungle Skarner

As of now, the bracket looks like this:
Games begin tomorrow at 12:00 PDT! Be sure to tune in to the streams:


  1. I love the Lux pick. Finally she got used seriously in a tournament (and the world championships at that!).

    inb4 people bandwagon her.

    1. Lux- The new gragas (but can play as support too)

    2. await the NERF HAMMER -__-

    3. Lux worked because they had a strong poke composition. Of course, that won't stop the sheep from flocking, since they blindly pick champions that are used in tournaments without thinking of why they were picked.

    4. Her ult was on almost every 32 secs, dats a lot of powerfull poke XD

    5. could be 24 sec

    6. Rapidstar got it down to 24sec at end game. He used it on Blue Golem only to test it - -""

    7. Yeah, I have noticed about the blind bandwagon thing... I have played Orianna for months with many people saying she's not viable or UP, and now look, she was used like every other game. Who wants to bet sales will spike? xD

    8. She was buffed in the meantime ;)

  2. I hope it ends up being M5 versus AZF, these two are totally dominating this tournament so far.

    1. me too man, me too.

    2. I would perfer AZF and TPA cause from what i have seen, the asians are really showing amazing plays in this.

    3. I think the two european teams will enter the finals. AF and already played a best of 5 which AF won with a fifth game in blind pick .. not sure if they can beat again. And i have no complains about M5 winning their match.

    4. Well AZF didn't lose any match yet , and i think they played better than clg , big chance they will be in the final.


  4. Thanks Seranaya for this, I dont like watch the games, son thanks a lot for this briefing

  5. Phreak: "Toooooons of damage"

  6. TSM just got smashed liked i hoped to see to, hopefull some ppl now see they are waaaaaay overrated!

    1. "Frost are too Overrated" lol
      "Easy", isn't it Regi?

    2. Smashed? Those were some very even games bro. In both games TSM got the first baron...

    3. Baron so what?
      Frost countered that with 2 towers and inhibitor.

    4. The first game wasn't really that even. TSM was constantly behind, and when they went for Baron, they gave away towers and inhibitor which was a really bad trade for them since they were already behind. No use of Baron if they had to defend.

      The second game should've been TSM's to take, but they crumbled and couldn't take advantage of them being in front. Constantly losing fights after fights, and had no answer for Skarner targetting Jayce. It was bad play from them.

  7. we should all know that it's Azubu Frost and Taipei in the championship...

  8. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH You think Taipei are going to beat M5? What drugs are you on man?

    1. M5 might be eating back their arrogance this time round sir. The uprising of the azn, oh noooooooooo

    2. I understand Azubu Frost having a chance to beat them but they will not lose to the Taipei Assasins. I guarentee it.

    3. Azubu is probably able to win vs M5, but Taipei ? I hope not

    4. IMO TPA is really showing a lot of amazing gameplay, AZF might not stand a chance against them, M5 might be strong but TPA has the same potential to outplay them as well, it's rather exciting and a game I'm looking forward to.

    5. Look who's laughing now :D

  9. also many people were cheering tsm because they were representing NA.

  10. Good job Seranaya

  11. Glad to see the TSM not lucking out like they always do, and know their place. theOddOne fuked up when he chose maokai and Lee Sin the 2nd game, even though Hecarim coulda won them the game, I wonder what all these non exsistant secret new strats are... I guess the world may never know.

    1. This TSM, lucking out 6 major tournaments in a row, just because you hate their style doesn't mean they are are "luckers", they stomped the NA scene...
      But NA scene is kinda bad anyway, that's all, I'm waiting to see what Mono ferus brings to the it, but so far the level is below EU and Asia.

    2. >Beat all NA Teams with no problems at all
      >just luck

      Your argument is flawless, sir.

  12. I'm pretty sure they are the underdogs currently, but I really am pulling for to make it.

  13. Best thing during championship is arrogant TSM getting knocked out.. Fk tsm...!!

    1. I agree. Now if only M5 can get knocked out as well, sick of these arrogant teams, they need to get knocked off their pedestals.

  14. Arrogant TSM got owned hard. GO ASIANS!

  15. Thanks for the recap !

    PS : "you're bracket" instead of "your" as the end

    1. Why? Isn't "you're" is short for "you are"?

    2. It is not you're it's your.

      you're = you are

      also your in that phrase is not right, it's not our bracket so it should be:

      As of now, the bracket looks like this:

    3. Yup we are now all called brackets

  16. Zyra support pick?!? I don't even... I gotta watch that game. Seems silly, though... Was it a kill lane or a farm lane?

  17. Seranaya, the stream videos appear to be out of order... the one directly underneath M5 vs iG is actually TSM vs AF.

  18. what a bunch of nerds.

  19. I like TSM but I knew they would lose and I was hoping for it. Getting back up after a loss is what will make them even stronger. The wins in the past made them too arrogant IMO... the world is bigger than just NA and EU... ^_^

  20. Dunno why all these people say TSM is so arrogant, the only one on the team who is really arrogant seems to be Reginald at least to me the others seem to know what their mistakes are and dont blame others for their faults. On another note i wish that NJS was able to pull through......

  21. Actually all Asian teams ruin esports

  22. Yeah tam tam Tom go go go win this torneyyyyyyy
    I didn't check who won but it's always going to be Tsm!!!
