11/16 PBE Update : Arclight Varus, Sunfire Particle Change, and more!

Posted on at 7:00 PM by Moobeat
A small patch has been deployed to the PBE!
Continue reading for a preview of the updates to the new Arclight Varus skin, the new particles for Sunfire Cap, and some minor item changes.

( WARNING: As with any PBE content, please be aware this stuff is tentative and subject to change )

Note from PBE forums:
"With this recent patch 11/16/12 we have discovered when you alt tab or resize windows, you will crash the game 100% of the time. We are aware of this crash, please post here if you get any other crashes outside of this."

Arclight Varus Updates
The upcoming Varus skin, Arclight Varus, received quite the update in this patch, adding in new particles on all of his spells and giving his bow a nice glow effect. He seems to still be missing a few sound effects but this is turning in to one fine looking skin.

Item Particle Changes
Good ole' Sunfire Cape got a hot new particle effect this patch.

Balance Changes
  • Chalice of Harmony - Magic resist reduced to 25 from 30
  • Mercurial Scimitar's activation cooldown increased to 90 from 60.

Need to catch up on what all is in the Preseason / Nami PBE patch? Check out these earlier posts!