11/19 PBE Patch: Nami and item changes.

Posted on at 11:56 PM by Moobeat
A small update has been pushed to the PBE! While it still doesn't contain any new splash arts, it does contain several number and name changes.
Continue reading for a run down of what's new with Nami and a handful of item changes.

Nami Changes
Nami got a handful of her abilities renamed and tweaks to several of the coefficients. These name changes can be seen on her champion page but not on the in game tool tips.
  • Nami's Passive has been renamed to Surging Tides from Celerity
  • Nami's Q has been renamed to Aqua Prison from Hydro Blast
  • Nami's Q's AP Ratio has been reduced to .65 from .75
  • Nami's  W has been renamed to Ebb and Flow from Surging Tides
  • Nami's W's heal has been increased by 10 at all ranks.
  • Nami's E has been renamed to Tidecaller's Blessing from Aqueous Empowerment.
  • Nami's R has had it's AP ratio reduced to .7 from .8.

Item Changes
Several items have been changed in the files and in practice, but that have NOT had their tooltips updated in game. For example, Madred's  Razors now deal 10 bonus true damage to neutral monsters and you can see that when you attack a monster, but you wouldn't know that by looking at the tooltip.
Madred's Razors
  • chance to deal bonus damage increased to 25% from 20.
  • Now deals 10 true damage to monsters
Mercurial Scimitar
  • Attack damage lowered to 60 from 65
  • Bonus movement speed on active reduced to 50% from 100%
Spirit Stone
  • Now deals 10 true damage to monsters
Sword of the Divine
  • Attack Speed increased to 45% from 40%
  • Active cooldown increased to 60 seconds from 25 seconds.
  • Combine cost increased to 850 from 650
Wriggle's Lantern
  • Proc chance increased to 25% from 20%.

Need to catch up on what all is in the Preseason / Nami PBE patch? Check out these earlier posts!