11/27 PBE Update: Nami, Yi, and Le Blanc splash arts and more!

Posted on at 9:50 PM by Moobeat
The PBE has been updated again and this time it ACTUALLY INCLUDES NAMI'S SPLASH ART!
Continue reading for a peep at the new Nami, Master Yi, and Le Blanc splash arts, as well as changes to Pantheon's portrait, Nami's ability icons, and some additional tweaks to Nami's tidal wave.
( REMEMBER: Everything on the PBE is tentative and subject to change! )

New splashes
We finally have a Nami splash art! To make things even better, we also have new default arts for Le Blanc and Master Yi.
Still nothing on her release skin, still titled "Koi Nami" in the files. Seems like she'll release without one at this rate...
Le Blanc
Click here for a New Vs Old art comparison.
Master Yi
Click here for a New Vs Old art comparison
Pantheon Portrait Update
Pantheon's champion portrait has been adjusted to a straight clip from his splash art instead of the orange background it had before. Sort of a weird change but it makes sense...
Nami Icons Update
In addition to her splash, Nami got a fresh set of updated icons.
Balance Changes
A few more balance tweaks made it into this patch, specially for Nami's tidal wave.
Tidal Wave
  • Slow percentage reduced to 50/60/70% from 60/65/70%
  • Duration of slow changed to 2 second min and 4 second max from 3 second min and 5 second max.
  • Cooldown reduced to 140/120/100 from 150/130/110
  • Range reduced to 2550 from 2800 ( last patch buff reverted pretty much )
Need to catch up on what all is in the Preseason / Nami PBE patch? Check out these earlier posts!

P.S: In my original video sweep of the new item particles, I noticed Lich Bane had a blue proc ( the same as Iceborn Gauntlet's ) and sometime between 11/15 and now it has been changed to a pretty purple. Sorry for missing this!


  1. Nami splash looks good, though the trident is angled a bit weirdly (imo). Here's hoping for a quick rollout of the next patch on Live, and maybe her skin on the PBE.

  2. Yay! Nidalee Splash Art, where?!

  3. Mad art, they really need to do Sions.

  4. Pleasantly surprised with the LB splash!

  5. I'm loving these new splash arts, this new artist is a genius

  6. The new Art looks really good, really want Le Blanc art so I'm very happy.

  7. The master yi splash was much needed

  8. All of 'em look pretty sick. I'm especially a fan of the Nami one (I love the art style of her splash and release picture)

  9. Lolfail, new comments layout doesn't really matter who's first and not even close.

  10. Don't taunt us with the Balance Changes header without releasing the balances TT-TT

  11. Fantastic splash arts coming out from the art team.

  12. Liking the comparison pics of the new and old art.

  13. Nami has a splash art now! That means she's going to be released soon right? RIGHT!?

  14. they said that the patch could be around next week

  15. No Koi Nami yet tho ... man, they're keeping that under wraps for a long time.

  16. I personally don't like Yi's new splash art. It almost looks like a brand new skin in itself. Plus, his long braid looks.. so... in the way.


  18. anything about nami's release skin(s)?

  19. Am i the only one who still likes the old LeBlanc splash art better?

  20. Nami's Q speed is quicker! Yay!

  21. Made by Stanley Artgerm Lau

  22. Mmmm... that Yi splash don't look anything like the current Yi.... model remake incoming peraphs?

  23. Probably. Make way for the progress train. The new art is crazy cool, wish people would stop liking the old art that they replace, might dissuade them from changing them in the future.

  24. I love the new art. She's got a lot more personality

  25. Any News With Nidalee model?

  26. Quite the opposite actually, the champions that are being remaked with new models do not get new splash art until the models are released, so if you expected a remodel of yi, you will have to wait a looong time.

  27. Nope, he's one of the next on the list for getting a remake, though I agree that he will get a new splash art when it is made.

  28. Yeah he even has sword boots.

  29. Still, this splash is mostly silver, gold and brownish light gray, while Yi model is actually silver, gold and grayish black

  30. Well there is a way to counter nami and here it is :P

  31. I'm loving the new LB splash, however, the rings on Yi's sword still confuse me >_>

  32. Just to play devil's advocate, they gave base Katarina a new splash a bit before her model rework :>

  33. I never noticed how fishlike Yi's helmet thing was...his pose looks mighty fabulous, and he's really shiny! I like it. Le Blanc's new splash is a nice surprise too! Though she almost looks like she could tip over backwards, I love the inclusion of her illusion! Koi Nami...she just got more japanese, lol.

  34. Agreed on all counts here. We're going to be exploring a variety of
    counterplay solutions internally after 1.72 (Season 3) patch hits by RIOTNOME. Patch 1.72 is Nami and season 3 wohuuuuuuuuuuuuu.

    Patch 1.73 hits december 11th or a week later.

    Loving the new splash arts :)

  35. I found out on reddit that her E range got reduced to 800 from 950 is that true?

  36. There are at least 3-4 chapions before him to get a remake.

  37. I'm having an issue with the new comment thing. It freezes windows for about 15 seconds when ever I open a page where there are comments. It's not the only website I'm having this issue with and I know for a fact that's it is related to the new comment section.

  38. Boo next week, I want it this week XD

  39. is it only me or does it look like they disregarded Leblanc's body proportions, also they didn't implement her rib cage, as i have seen pretty much everywhere an extremely skinny body like that will have an extremely revealing rib cage. though the art is good i love the style... i dunno i find Leblanc's art a bit weird

  40. a bit weird, but we can assume she had them ribs removed :P

  41. Whats with all the new splash arts having the champs bend so much? is that a new fetish or something ?

  42. God i hope taric is one of them....he looks so terrible in game

  43. Yi doesn't needs only a SA rework, he needs a full rework, SP, skills + visual.

  44. I really hope they also change the art of her skins....otherwise i'm gonna regret every cent in my leblanc purchase..

  45. I love the scales all over Namis Body (arms and so) and i love the way her eyes look.

    Shes not like "Owwh i am stupid little healer and so helpless ~" *faints*
    Or a Siren that only "Tralalas"

    Shes more like : "C'mon and try to breathe H2O!"

    Shes not too human, i love it !

  46. I honestly don't like Nami's splash, it just looks like a model, and it could have been a lot better.

  47. Unique passive with Surfer Singed and Pool Party Ziggs.

  48. Well, Katarina has had her "new" splash for a long time : it was already there when I started playing back in July 2011, and she got changed more than a year later, in August 2012 (without even getting a new splash). I think what Aerinx was trying to say is that if the champion is slated for a remodel, you can assume that the splash will change at the same time, not right before.

    Still, we wan't really jump to conclusions, maybe they just wanted to release the splash early and Yi is already being worked on, or maybe they'll even give him yet another splash when it's done... We've already had champions changing splashes about every other month, like Jax :P

  49. Nami looks so beautiful and cool! two thumbs from me for this splash art :)

  50. release it already ;_;

  51. would be cool if he had a hidden passive that he didnt get slowed by nami's ult or something.

  52. Oooh that's why the style is so familiar!

  53. Bullsh1t. That passive would be too strong. Havent you realise that they deleted the passive between Rengar and Khazix too? It was too strong passive compared to the others.

  54. Actually, Yi was strongly hinted by Ironstylus a while back that he was next up after Nidalee. And really, unlike most of the old champions, Yi's remodel probably won't be drastically different to his current one, so I'd imagine he got a new splash because his visual upda

  55. It's supposed to be the "mid-combat" pose, but yeah it's getting a bit redundant.

  56. Agreed! Keep up the good work ^^

  57. Sword boots go on the outside of his legs. What nooblord drew the new Yi art?

  58. Shaday Sapphire Marques IglesiNovember 28, 2012 at 5:04 AM

    Nami <3 <3 <3 <3

  59. Nami splash looks terrible! the face is not detailed and the arm perspective is sux...

  60. great another champion getting a slew of nerfs inb4 shes unviable.

  61. looks terrible! look her face! no details =/

  62. great another champion getting a slew of nurfs out of no where. inb4 shes unviable.

  63. Actually that is still in the game...requirement is lvl 16 Kha'zix and Rengar with bonetooth necklace. Even if those requirements are met the chance of the passive occuring isn't that high tho, but it's definitly still in the game.

    I know it is still in the game because my friend got the passive like 2 days ago and earned his 4th evolution point on Kha'zix by killing Rengar.
    I also heared you could get kha'zix 4th evolution point by getting a penta but don't know about that one for sure.

    But yes that Singed passive would be rediculous lol

  64. New Yi splash = get Dunked

  65. If you notice, it's actually his left leg stepping forward, so technically the swords ARE outside on his boots

  66. No they didn't. Get your facts straight.

  67. If an enemy Nami ult Tidal Wave and a friendly Nami ulting at the same time as well facing each other, will the waves cancel out? LOL

  68. Artgerm made that? love his shyt

  69. Terrible Nami splash :( look her face...no details...the arm...o.O

  70. She looks way too serious for someone with such playful voiceovers.
    Also there are a lot of champions that have their portrait pictures like Pantheon's old one (Renekton only one I can remember at the moment).

  71. LeBlanc too hot. She isnt viable, but shes hot.

  72. All these new splashes and still not one for garen, wtf riot. Garen has looked like trash for some time now.

  73. Tbh I dislike the new splash arts, I find them too flashy.

    LB's new art is ok but she lost the mirror reference which was so iconic (in the old splash the face in the mirror was Emilia, the first LeBlanc),

  74. Don't like Nami's splash.. makes her look like a banana being peeled... -_-

  75. I love LeBlanc's new splash art, it's great, though the current one is still good. Yi... on the other hand, looks so flashy, skinny and crooked. His face is weird too, it seems like a creepy smile.

  76. The new splash art kinda kills her storyline. Nobody will really understand Emilia/Evaine anymore. They'll just think it's her passive activating in the picture. ._.

    Also.. the person in the reflection is actually Evaine. Emilia is the name she took after becoming head of the Black Rose.

  77. i feel sorry for all the Women of LoL, first Lux and now Leblanc, god help Nidalee T^T

  78. Annie art remake! I really hope that Riot is doing that soon ^^

  79. But for her, they should have done exactly that, since that is her personality. She is playful, not aggressive.

    That aside, the way the Splash is drawn is just terrible, horrible. The scales are fine, but overall, she looks like she's made of plastic, it looks unreal and not good.

  80. I literally jizzed when i saw that LeBlanc splash OMG Epic!!! Keep it up!

  81. Surfer Singed needs to get a MS buff when hit instead of the slow, while Pool Party Ziggs should just chill floating on the wave with an Ice Blast in his hand.

  82. Upvoted, but incorrect: Emilia is the name or the first LeBlanc matron, while Evaine is just the birth name of the current matron, yet after been promoted/ascending, she too took the name of Emilia, jsut like all the others before her.

    Sources: http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/LeBlanc/Background (judgements) and http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/The_Journal_of_Justice:_Volume_1,_Issue_11

    Though, there is still room for debate about that, since the people at Riot lore department have always been extremely vague about that.

  83. They both yell "SURF'S UP!" when struck by Tidal Wave!

  84. God that new leblanc splash art is sexy

  85. i totally agreee with you! pls say this here http://na.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=2844938

  86. if it dont looks like yi, how did you know it is him then

  87. i really need me some koi nami pics.... would be nice to be able to plan my rp spending

  88. Not bad, but when exactly will this patch be live?

  89. still no nami skin/splash art =(

  90. The Leblanc Splash is really clever and I like how they spiced up Nami even though she's a fish.

  91. All funny ideas, but unbalanced. Will never happen, at most they can nerf a point or two on hidden passives, no more.

  92. Her Icons look a lot better now.

  93. They will.... a year or so from now. She's not very high up on the remake list. It'll be Sion/Sivir/Yi next, but maybe not in that order.

  94. Your work here is done

  95. ok, the new splash art of Leblanc it's so good... and yi.... I don't have more words... great...

  96. Rengar vs Kha'zix is somewhat balanced since it is a duel and both of them can get an advantage, it is not the same as negating a nultimate without any disadvantage. Plus it works on default skins, you don't have to pay for the passive.

  97. lb splash art is sick :D

  98. I wish they would do more unique passives like that. Sadly I don't see them doing it.

  99. Well, Kha'Zix and Rengar were developed in tandem, that's why they could do something special with them.
