Preseason Changes on PBE - Items, Jungle, Masteries, Summoner Spells

Posted on at 7:33 PM by Moobeat
A PBE update is on the way and Morello has dropped by the forums to deliver a set of notes highlighting all of the Preseason changes included within.
Continue reading for a complete list of item additions and changes, an overview of whats new in the jungle, and more! I would highly recommend you read this.

Here is Morello's introduction post
"We’re closing in on the first patch of the preseason, which will bring some sweeping changes aimed at shaking up the metagame and adding even more strategic diversity to League of Legends. These changes are now on PBE, and we can’t wait to hear your feedback before the updates go live.

The Design team’s been discussing these changes on the forums, so head to these threads to learn more and share your thoughts:

Morello Introduces Preseason Updates
Preseason Itemization Preview
Statikk Discusses Preseason Jungle Changes
FeralPony and Roku Discuss Preseason Changes (Masteries & Summoner Spells)

We’ll continue incorporating your feedback throughout the preseason, so stay tuned to the forums."

Here is the massive list:


  • General
    • Basic Stat Valuations have Changed - This means that the amount of statistics you get per point of gold has shifted.
      • Attack Damage is generally cheaper from 5 to 10% across all items.
      • Attack Speed is generally around 10 to 20% more expensive than before.
      • Armor and Magic Resistance is generally around 10 to 20% more expensive than before
      • Many items have had their statistics slightly adjusted around this fact.
    • In general, high-end item premiums have been reduced across the board. This means that items are generally more expensive or provide less statistics the higher tier they are.
    • Offensive Auras
      • Range increased to 700 from 600 - Abyssal Scepter, Frozen Heart.
    • Defensive Aurask
      • Ranges are now consistent at 1100 - Aegis of the Legion, etc.
    • Penetration
      • Flat Penetration items have had their values reduced.
      • Percent Penetration items have had their values reduced.
    • Slowing Effects
      • Global Slow particle now appears faster
      • Slow effects on Phage / Trinity Force now have reduced effect when used by ranged characters.
      • Slow durations on Phage / Trinity Force / Frozen Mallet reduced slightly.

  • General (Boots)
    • Movement Speed
      • Boots give 25 less movement speed across the board.
      • All champions have had their base movement speed increased by 25.
    • Tier 2 boots can be enchanted, upgrading them to a Tier 3 boot for some gold.
      • Homeguard: Provides powerful regeneration and movement speed at fountain.
      • Furor: Increased movement speed in combat.
      • Captain: Increases movement speed of allies moving toward you.
      • Distortion: Decreases cooldown of Ghost, Teleport and Flash.
      • Alacrity: Grants a small additional base movement speed bonus.

  • Removed
    • The following items are no longer available and items that built out of them have had their recipes changed:
      • Meki Pendant, Regrowth Pendant, Force of Nature, Ionic Spark, Moonflair Spellblade, Cloak and Dagger, Elixir of Agility, Leviathan.
    • The following items are no longer available on Summoner's Rift and items that built out of them have had their recipes changed:
      • Heart of Gold

  • Reworked
    • Doran's Items
      • Doran's items have slightly less statistics but each has gained an additional passive
      • Doran's Blade
        • Has 0% Life Steal
          • Passive: Recovers a small amount of life on hit
        • Doran's Ring
          • Lost a little bit of regeneration.
          • Passive: Gain a small amount of mana on kill.
        • Doran's Shield
          • Lost some health regeneration and armor.
          • Unique Passive: Blocks a small amount of damage from champion basic attacks.
    • Giant's Belt
      • Slightly cheaper but grants less health.
    • Rageblade
      • Reworked to have a powerful attack speed, spell vamp and life steal boost when you are low on life.
    • Aegis of the Legion
      • Lost attack damage, gained health regeneration
      • Builds out of Emblem of Valor instead of Ruby Crystal.
    • Lich Bane
      • No longer grants magic resistance.
      • Now deals magic damage equal to a base damage plus a percentage of your AP ratio.
    • Vamp Scepter
      • Now builds out of a long sword and grants attack damage.
      • All items that build out of Vamp Scepter now grants attack damage.
    • Zeke's Herald
      • No longer grants attack speed or builds out of a dagger.
    • Avarice Blade
      • Gives less critical strike
      • Grants an additional 2 gold per kill.
    • Hextech Gunblade
      • Active has had its base damage reduced and now has an AP ratio.
      • Single target attacks and spells versus champions reduce the cooldown of the active by 3 seconds.
    • Phantom Dancer
      • Grants less move speed and less attack speed.
      • Grants 'Ignore Unit Collision' passively.
    • Shurelya's Reverie
      • Grants far less regeneration statistics total.
    • Eleisa's Miracle
      • Does not grant Tenacity
      • Lowers Heal, Clairvoyance and Revive cooldowns by 20%
      • Gaining 3 levels with the item gives you the stats and passive permanently and the item disappears from your inventory.
    • Black Cleaver
      • Remade
      • Builds out of Brutalizer + other items
      • Dealing Physical damage reduces a % of the target's armor.
    • Youmu's Ghostblade
      • Active simplified - 6 for melee, 4 for ranged.
      • Active cooldown reduced to 45 from 60.
    • Warmog's Armor
      • Stacking passive removed.
      • Now regenerates 1.5% of your maximum health every 5 seconds.
    • Deathfire's Grasp
      • Remade
      • Now builds out of Needlessly Large Rod and an Amplifying Tome.\
      • Grants large amounts of AP and CDR%.
      • Unique Active: Deals 15% of the target's maximum health and amplifies magic damage done to the target by 20% for 4 seconds.
    • Warden's Mail
      • Recipe: Cloth Armor + Cloth Armor
      • Passive no longer random - but the effects are reduced.
      • No longer grants regeneration.
      • Warden's mail only reduces attack speed.
      • Builds into Frozen Heart.
    • Randuin's Omen
      • Passive no longer random - but the effects are reduced.
      • Randuin's Omen will reduce attack speed and movement speed.
      • Base duration on active increased to 2 seconds from 1.
    • Tears of the Goddess
      • Slightly cheaper
      • Now triggers when you spend mana as well as spellcasts.
    • Archangel's Staff
      • Upgrades into Seraph's Embrace when the Tears of the Goddess passive is fully charge.
    • Seraph's Embrace
      • Activate to shield yourself for 25% of your current mana for 2.5 seconds.
    • Manamune
      • Upgrades into Muramana when the Tears of the Goddess passive is fully charged.
    • Muramana
      • Toggle to deal a % of your current mana in magic damage on basic attacks and spells.
    • Tiamat
      • Melee only
      • Now a Unique Passive with a larger splash radius and damage falloff near the edge.
      • Now has an active: Activate to cleave in a large area around your target.
    • Consumables
      • Oracle Elixir
        • Duration capped at 5 minutes.
      • Elixir of Strength
        • Duration reduced to 3 minutes
        • Slightly stronger effect at early levels.
      • Elixir of Brilliance
        • Duration reduced to 3 minutes.
        • Slightly stronger effect at early levels.

  • New Items
    • Kage's Last Breath
      • Supportive Peel/Initiation Item
        • Recipe: Kage's Lucky Pick, Mana Manipulator
        • Keeps G/10 Passive.
        • Active: Target ally gets a 30% slow aura for 3 seconds - 60 second cooldown.
      • Liandry's Lament
        • Controlled Burn Mage Item
        • Recipe*:* Haunting Guise, Amplifying Tome
        • Passive: Dealing spell damage burns enemies for a % of their current life over 3 seconds. This effect deals double damage if the target's movement is impaired.
      • Statikk Shiv
        • High Speed / Burst Damage Item
        • Recipe*:* Zeal, Avarice Blade
        • Passive: Moving or Attacking builds static charges. At 100 charges, your next attack unleashes all charges to deal 100 magic to up to 4 targets. This effect benefits from critical strikes.
      • Frozen Fist
        • Resistance oriented version of Sheen
        • Recipe: Sheen + Glacial Shroud
        • Passive: After using an ability, your next attack deals physical damage equal to 125% of your base attack damage to surrounding enemies. This leaves an icy field that slows enemy movement speed by X% for Y seconds.
      • Bloody Hydra
        • High End Attack Damage / Area of Effect Item
        • Recipe: Tiamat + Vamp Scepter
        • Passive: Tiamat's active and passive now benefits from a percentage of your life steal.
      • Mercurial Scimitar
        • High End Magic Resistance / Attack Damage Item
        • Recipe: Quicksilver Sash + B.F. Sword
        • Active: Cleanses all debuffs from your character. If your character is melee, he gains 100% movement speed for 1 second.
      • Ohmwrecker
        • High End Siege Item
        • Recipe:Catalyst + Chain Vest
        • Active: Disables nearby enemy towers for 2.5 seconds, preventing them from attacking.
      • Wraith Collar
        • Supportive Scouting Item
        • Recipe: Kage's Pick + Null Magic Mantle
        • Active: Summons 2 wraiths for 6 seconds that seek the nearest enemy champions. If they reach an enemy champion, they slow him and reveal him for 2.5 seconds.
      • Hurricane
        • Ranged-Only Area of Effect Item
        • Recipe: Dagger + Recurve Bow + Dagger
        • Passive: Your shots fire two secondary ghostly bolts that deal X + 50% of your attack damage to nearby targets. These cannot critically strike but apply on-hit effects.
      • Zephyr
        • High End Speed Item
        • Recipe*:* Stinger + Long Sword
        • Grants Attack Speed, Cooldown Reduction, Movement Speed, Attack Speed and Tenacity.
      • Banner of Command
        • Siege Mage Item
        • Recipe: Blasting Wand + Emblem of Valor
        • Unique Aura: Grants health regeneration to nearby allies
        • Unique Aura: Grants % damage to nearby minions.
        • Active: Promotes a nearby siege minion to a super minion. You get all the gold from this minion's kills - 120 second cooldown.
      • Sword of the Divine
        • Rapid Burst Attack Damage Item
        • Recipe: Recurve Bow + Dagger
        • Active: You gain 100% attack speed and 100% critical strike for 4 seconds or 3 critical strikes - 25 second cooldown. This item gives no attack speed while on cooldown.
        • Passive: Kills and assists halve this item's cooldown.
      • Mikael's Crucible
        • High Tier Supportive Item
        • Recipe: Chalice + Sapphire Crystal
        • Passive: Increases mana regeneration based on missing mana.
        • Active: Removes stuns, roots, silences, slows, fears and taunts from an ally and then heals them for X + Y% of their missing health - 3 minute cooldown.
      • Consumables
        • Sight Stone
          • Supportive Ward Item
          • +X Health
          • Passive: Starts with 4 charges, charges refill when you go back to fountain.
          • Active: Consumes a charge to place a sight ward that lasts 3 minutes. You may have a maximum of 2 wards from the item at once
        • Ruby Sight Stone
          • Supportive Ward Item
          • Recipe*: Sight Stone* + Ruby Crystal
          • Passive: Starts with 5 charges, charges refill when you go back to fountain.
          • Active: Consumes a charge to place a sight ward that lasts 3 minutes. You may have a maximum of 3 wards from the item at once
        • Leaden Crystal Flask
          • Supportive Regeneration Item
          • Passive: Starts with 3 charges, charges refill when you go back to fountain.
          • Active: Consume a charge to regenerate 100 health and 40 mana over 10 seconds.

  • General
    • Leashing has been changed
      • Jungle monsters now attack the closest hostile target rather than chasing their original target until reaching their range limit
      • Whenever jungle monsters switch targets it counts as a “leash” - the maximum amount of leashes after which jungle monsters will reset has been increased
      • Jungle monsters now deal bonus damage to summoned minions
    • Initial difficulty of all jungle camps has been increased
      • Overall camp Health has been increased
    • Camp difficulty and rewards have been re-distributed more into the large monster in each camp
      • The largest monsters at each camp are generally more resilient but also hold most of the rewards
    • Scaling difficulty and rewards of the primary jungle camps has been significantly increased
      • Health and Attack Damage growth per minute significantly increased
      • Gold and Experience growth per minute significantly increased
    • Overall rewards have been re-distributed between the 3 primary jungle camps (Wolves, Wraiths, Golems) to better match their difficulty and convenience
      • Wraiths are the fastest-respawning, most convenient camp and have the lowest rewards
      • Golems and Wolves are more difficult and are worth more
    • New jungle items have been added to the store and old jungle items have been adjusted
      • Hunter’s Machete - new jungle starting item that builds into Madred’s Razors and Spirit Stone
      • Spirit Stone - jungle item geared towards casters and tanks that has 3 upgrade paths
      • Madred’s Razors and Wriggle’s Lantern have been modified to build out of Hunter’s Machete
    • The “Banking” system that caused jungle monsters that have stayed alive for a long duration to have slightly increased rewards has been removed
  • Wolves
    • Critical Strike damage bonus reduced to better normalize damage output
    • Movement Speed slightly reduced
  • Wraiths
    • Reduced their vulnerability from enemies that engage them from outside of the camp
      • Camp has been repositioned
      • Big Wraith’s Attack Range has been reduced
  • Golems
    • Movement Speed and Attack Range increased to reduce vulnerability from kiting
    • Magic Resist reduced to negative values

Summoner Spells
  • Newly available
    • Barrier is now available on all maps to give players a selfish defensive option
    • Values rebalanced accordingly
      • Cooldown increased
      • Duration and damage absorbed reduced
  • Modified
    • Exhaust's values have been modified to reduce its impact on melee champs and increase its visibility
      • Physical damage reduction reduced, but now also reduces attack speed
    • Clairvoyance has been modified to focus more on hitting clairvoyance on players rather than zoning them out of an area
      • Improved clairvoyance now reveals champions hit by clairvoyance for the duration even if they walk out of the circle
      • Radius, duration, and cooldown modified as well
    • Clarity has been modified to restore mana based on mana pool rather than a flat value
    • Heal has been tuned to be a team supporting defensive option
      • Allies are now healed for the same amount as the caster
      • Health values and cooldown have been retuned accordingly
    • Flash, Ignite, and Revive have also had minor changes
  • Removed
    • Surge and Promote have been removed

  • Masteries have been rebalanced
  • There are new additional mastery choices in all trees
  • Each Mastery Tree is now more accessible to all character types
  • Utility Tree has been improved

Summoner's Rift Map Layout
  • Removed the terrain blocking the ramps leading into the river near Dragon from the jungle for blue team and leading into the river near Baron Nashor's pit for purple team"


  1. Replies
    1. Any chance Moo, that you made this article when I commented that the PBE was being updated on the other article?

    2. Noticed it when I went to check if the PBE update thread had been updated

    3. I'll keep trying to help D:

  2. sucks that force of nature is removed

    1. I agree. I didn't see it "useless or confusing" of when it was needed.

    2. that was the only heavy magic resis item that i built :\

    3. because it was the only one there was. I'm glad its passive had moved to mog's, and I can't wait to see what the new options are =p

    4. It was SOO good on singed! Now what do we do?? Well I guess we'll be seeing warmogs and archangels staff on him now

    5. I am extremely sad that it's being removed, I used it on Garen, Olaf, pretty much any tanky champ that need a lot of MR and could benefit from a little more MS. Seriously what heavy MR item can be used on Garen now that doesn't also give you mana? Cause I can't think of any off the top of my head.

  3. Upgrades into Muramana when the Tears of the Goddess passive is fully charged.

    ^ Spelling error Moo, thought I would help you out a bit. :3

    1. Ok now reading it, maybe it is spelled like that for a reason. My bad ^_^

  4. Well, if we have the new HUD and store with these, it's like a new game.

  5. Did they completely remove the Ionic Spark or did they rework it into something?

    1. Statikk Shiv + R. Whirldwind / Tiamat are intended to replace it as an AoE item.

    2. i think its reworked in this but i think it might be 10 stacks 100 stacks its not worth it i think
      Statikk Shiv
      High Speed / Burst Damage Item
      Recipe*:* Zeal, Avarice Blade
      Passive: Moving or Attacking builds static charges. At 100 charges, your next attack unleashes all charges to deal 100 magic to up to 4 targets. This effect benefits from critical strikes.

    3. As far as i can see, it's been basically removed...
      But now we have hurricane for multi-tagetting with ranged champions, and tiamat has been reworked as an attempt to give a multi-targetting with melee champs...
      Maybe you can consider that somewhat of a rework, since ionic spark true intention had something to do with dealing AoE damage with your basic attacks

  6. Mercurial Scimitar

    High End Magic Resistance / Attack Damage Item
    Recipe: Quicksilver Sash + B.F. Sword
    Active: Cleanses all debuffs from your character. If your character is melee, he gains 100% movement speed for 1 second.

    Great, thanks, I guess Malzahar is fucking useless now. Good job Riot.

    What was the problem with quicksilver sash? Sure, i found it annoying when i play malzahar, but it was wasting a whole inventory space for the enemy, on an active effect and magic resist. But now theres no reason for adc's to get it when im on the enemy team, since it gives attack damage.

    1. One of the devs recently said that they are changing QSS to only remove the suppression. So if used during Malzahar's ult the enemy will be able to move but the spell will continue to do damage. Probably increasing leash range too.

    2. They already said in an earlier red post that they're looking at changing the definitions of Warwick and Malz's ults to maybe not be effected by QSS. Calm your tits and lurk some more.

  7. Can someone explain the
    Summoner's Rift Map Layout
    Removed the terrain blocking the ramps leading into the river near Dragon from the jungle for blue team and leading into the river near Baron Nashor's pit for purple team"

    1. The ramps currently have a weird little ledge that stops you from walking down them from the brush behind red buff; I believe it may have been removed, but am not sure that this is true. I'm just speculating, but the phrasing doesn't make sense for this to be any other way.

    2. I think its near wraiths where theres that ledge over river.
      I guess they made it into a tri path which can be accessed from all three ways.

    3. I agree with Thomas, from the description I think they removed the ledge that blocked movement (though helped in a lot of flash escapes) close by to the brushes behind Elder Lizard (Red buff)

  8. Very. Very. Nice.
    So many more names to learn and things to think about.

  9. Soooo.... many..... new... changes....

  10. Love the changes, Ohmwrecker however seems almost too overpowered as a snowball item, but after watching some of the very slow paced s2 tournament matches, this might end up doing more good than bad

  11. It's a good day to be a support.

    can't wait to see the pricing on all these support items.

    Also, with both teams grabbing a ruby sight stone, I imagine that there will be a lot more "ward battles" going on in lane with the pinks. :D

  12. Isn't it supposed to be Rejuvenation Bead, and not Regrowth Pendant?

  13. I love these changes. As long as price of armor is going up to stop godlike tank/bruisers then I'm so happy! The Ohmwrecker will make for some interesting play. AND DEM SERPERT ERTERMS!!!!!!!!!

  14. For lols the whole team could grab Ohmwreckers and gg towers + infinate dives.

  15. You said Defensive Aurask, just letting you know.

  16. For the Zephyr i think you meant to say
    Attack *DAMAGE*, Cooldown Reduction, Movement Speed, Attack Speed and Tenacity.
    and not
    Attack *Speed*, Cooldown Reduction, Movement Speed, Attack Speed and Tenacity.

      Cooldown Reduction, Movement Speed, Attack Speed and Tenacity.
      AND NOT
      Attack Speed, Cooldown Reduction, Movement Speed, Attack Speed and Tenacity.

      (2 times attack speed)

  17. Mundo is dead. He is going to need some buffs I wager, Warmog stacking was his bread and butter. Now that they don't stack, his ult has effectively been nerfed.

  18. Rock on Riot, I see nothing at all that i'm disappointing in. But if Ohmrecker is usable on fountain tower, we are all screwed.

  19. @Companion Prism (since my reply buttons don't work)

    I really dont think so. With the new regen passive, combined with several other items like Ohmwrecker, Frozen Fist, Sword of the Divine (imagine 100% crit/as while mundo's steroid is on) I think he'll fit in just fine.

  20. I think that this is more or less a rework of the game, and i'm grateful and look forward to it, not many realize that league gets kind of stagnant after a while so it'll be nice to relearn a good game.

  21. Moobeat you sexy bastard this is great work. Nami looks just perfect as a support main (aoe knock back, single target disable, ally speed and attack buffs and a heal - perfect).

    New items look fantastic, like the new masteries a lot.

    Roll on S3. MY BODY IS READY.

  22. Can't wait for this new season! :D

  23. So are all assassins going to be building Sword of the Divine now? Talon too stronk.

  24. Where is the spirit visage update?

  25. Oh dear, I can't build Zeke's on a support for my AD carry anymore. :c

  26. I'd like to give my 2 cents here as well.

    First of all I wanna say the changes are huge and I wanna thank Riot. With this patch they are making a whole new game .... but that might as well be the problem.

    As I fulfill the role of jungler, the new jungle and the new items for jungling seem nice to me, though i do not like the idea of stopping the leash. Before, a jungler needed his whole team so he could not be gangbanged on his blue/red but now, i doubt that anyone would protect him, hence making counterjungling and invading bigger part of the game.

    I find the new items interesting and useful - a little OP maybe, but time will tell. I like the idea of upgrading the boots with different enchantments and thus making them more useful. I strongly disagree with a few things though:
    - Oracle's Elexir duration capped at 5 mins - OK, not only if you get that item you get focused every time, but now you have to play hide n seek for five minutes ? What's the point ? This makes Sight Wards more useful than Oracle's. Pretty pointless if you ask me
    - Mercurial Scimitar - Active: Cleanses all debuffs from your character. If your character is melee, he gains 100% movement speed for 1 second.
    ummm, WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS ?! Really, Riot, WTF? First of all, champions like Malzahar or Skarner go to the trash with this item. Second, now the spell Cleanse becomes trash as well, as if someone needs the cleanse he would simply take this item. What was wrong with QSS ? It was hell of an item, but it wasted 1 whole slot. Time will tell, but I sense a lot of whining for this item.
    - Aegis of the Legion Damage Removed - This is not big problem, but i think it would affect buying this item. I used to rush it on Amumu as I could buff the AD Carry, but now ...
    - Regrowth Pendant Removed - GJ, now how are we going to build Philosopher's ?
    - The new Black Cleaver - late game, this thing will EAT any armor. Heroes like Malphite are going in the trash with this.

    tl;dr version - i am with mixed feeling for this patch: either it will be epic, or it will be the biggest of fails.

  27. Hi I was wondering if anyone knows if this patch is this week (week of Nov19th) i've heard their isn't any game breaking issues so apparently the pbe patch players say its good to go and that it should be avail very soon. If u guys have a real source with actual info def let us know :D i'm so stoked game was getting a bit repetitive in my opinion.

  28. Hello anyone know where is fountain in 5vs5 map??

  29. madreds bloodrazor will remain available?
