Xypherous on Eleisa's Miracle in S3

Posted on at 12:36 PM by Moobeat
Xypherous has been a busy bee on the forums. Not only did he put up a lot of information about the S3 item work yesterday evening, but he also commented in a separate thread about one item in particular Eleisa's Miracle.

Continue reading to see the tentative S3 version of Eleisa's Miracle, as well as a smidgeon of information about the fate of other tenacity items.

Eleisa's Miracle
Here is Xypherous presenting the new version, sans tenacity and loaded with a clever new passive.
"Tentative Stats (In Testing)

Eleisa's Miracle (1175 Gold)
+10 Health per 5 seconds
+15 Mana per 5 seconds
Removed Tenacity
Unique Passive - Aid: Your Heal, Clairvoyance and Revive cooldowns are reduced by 20%
Unique Passive: If you gain 3 levels while holding Eleisa's Miracle, you gain 10 HP/5, 15 MP/5 and the Aid Passive permanently and the item disappears from your inventory.

Hopefully it'll be interesting on Dominion/Murderbridge and Supports - while also indirectly giving supports an extra item slot to work with. It's probably terrible but something I wanted to try."
That's right, an item that grants you a permanent passive. It's the little item that keeps on giving!

He also pointed out that one could not simply purchase an EM, level three times gaining the passive, then repeat to stack the effects.
"Unique Passives with the same name don't stack, regardless of how you acquired the passive - so the "perma" miracle and the inventory miracle don't stack with each other.

Nor can you buy & level another miracle and have that disappear, the other one will simply stick around in your inventory uselessly."
For those curious if we'll see even more items that boost summoner spells,  he says:
"There are three other summoner spells that get a paired item to "boost" them"

What about the other Tenacity Items?
Xypherous also mentioned his plans for the other tenacity items, Moonflair Spellblade and Cloak and Dagger.
"The current plan is to pull those for now. We had an interesting Spellblade variant that was neat - but it needed *a lot* more work before it goes live.

My current line of thought on Tenacity items is that - you really don't need an alternative to Tenacity items in a lot of cases. Tenacity isn't the right solution on *a lot* of champion roles. Tenacity, for example, isn't really all that helpful on carries who need something a little beefier or stronger for their CC reduction needs.

While we're churning on those - Merc Threads should suffice for a bit."


  1. Enough with the tidbits give us the whole deal riot!!!!!

    1. Indeed, I can't wait for the full season 3 patch notes *-*

    2. It'll be quite a way off unfortunately.

  2. The new Eleisa's Miracle looks awsome, but I hope people won't abuse it.

    1. People will always abuse what they can, you shouldn't expect anything else in this game.

    2. By getting revives on top lane bruisers and backdoor until win

    3. 20% is only gonna knock off about two minutes or so, that's nothing gamebreaking. A bit more viable, maybe, but not broken.

    4. 20% is only gonna knock off about two minutes or so, that's nothing gamebreaking. A bit more viable, maybe, but not broken.

    5. more like a minute

      thats a big difference imo considering how having flash 20 seconds earlier couldve save your life a whole buncha times plus team heals for days

  3. wow the change to Eleisa's Miracle seems really interesting, I wonder how it'll be in PBE.

  4. Correction Moobeat on "That's right, a passive that persists through selling the item. It's the little item that keeps on giving!" , the item will disappear from your inventory so you can't sell it .

    1. too early, need coffee ( it's really 3:45 pm )

  5. IT IS TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SECOND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. I think spellblade should have ap and cdr, as of right now there isnt a cdr item for manaless casters. Would be a pretty good item for vlad...

    1. Yeah, sounds like a great idea, and since the good cdr items got nerfs(dfg, morello's evil tome...) a high ap item with cdr and tenacity sounds good. On vlad would be cool to see an upgrade for haunting guise too.

    2. Morellos Evil Tome hasn't been nerfed bro.

  7. Next question: If you buy another Miracle, will they stack?

    1. Nope! I edited that in there.

    2. Nope. The unique stuff wont stack. He said it in the thread.

      A) I buy another one.. does the buff given while the item exists in my inventory stack with the passive permanent buff??
      Unique Passives with the same name don't stack, regardless of how you acquired the passive - so the "perma" miracle and the inventory miracle don't stack with each other.

      Nor can you buy & level another miracle and have that disappear, the other one will simply stick around in your inventory uselessly.

    3. The passive is unique, so, most likely, not.

  8. Nice changes, I'll sure try Eleisa's miracle.

  9. It's MoonFLAIR Spellblade, not Moonfire Moo ;)

  10. i like it
    useful late game
    and Support Friendly!!!

  11. Eleisa's Miracle is gonna be OP, better nerf these passives

  12. Sounds broken the CDR on Clairvoyance, no? What do you guys think?

    With Masteries and this item you get to use it every 50 seconds or so... will ruin ganks without expending so much with wards (also wards can be countered by Oracle's, this can't).

    After this item I predict there will be a huge mastery rework for the Support tree, specially the last one (Mastermind)! They'll probably completely replace it by something else instead of CDR on Summoner Spells, the stack with new Eleisa looks imba...

    1. Also, the requisite looks too easy to accomplish... just hold it for 3 levels and BAM, perma-stats and a free-slot? I don't see any downside for making this item...

    2. You can't call it broken until they redo the mastery trees (which good on the prediction since it's actually fact it's going to happen.) Also, that boost on it is "OK" at best.
      Think if this item were live now. In comp. play or hell even normal play shurelyas gives you plenty of stats I've never found myself needing more regen than that and as for spells I always use Flash/Exhaust taking away my dependence on CV and actually playing SMART with my wards like pros do.
      Nobody even takes Revive and heal is practically situational now since they buff it then nerf it back to the ground again.
      If this item was live now...idk if i'd buy it.

    3. Lol, in season 1 clairvoyance was about 50 sec cd with mastery, and it lasted 8 seconds all the time. But now that i think about it, every support used to have clairvoyance back then.

    4. They are also changing Heal to be a support spell, so that will get a new meaning when we get the details on that too :)

  13. One thing to keep in mind for the new Eleisa's is that A.) it still costs gold and B.) the stats it gives aren't exactly stellar for anything other than supports. How many mids, tops, jungles, or ADCs bring Clairvoyance or Revive? Other than supports, who is going to bring the new version of Heal? (They said it was going to be more support oriented, with Barrier bein the selfish defensive spells, so ADC will not bring it.) So for non-supports, it's just HP regen and Mana regen. How many characters would truly benefit from spending gold on those stats instead of damage items or damage/defense items when not in a support role?

    I think it sounds pretty cool, and I like the idea of items that buff summoner spells.

  14. actually a lil upset with this one, i would often get this and boots of swiftness alot of the times instead of merc threads on amumu and skarner jungle.

  15. If every other tenacity item will have a similar passive, wont everyone just buy all of them and have permanent bonus HP/MP regen, AD and AD?

    1. Yes. :) Which is why they won't! surely.

    2. They are still relatively expensive for very little stats.

  16. That miracle is really clever. Definitely looking forward to see what come out.

  17. Another item preview post ids up: http://na.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?p=31193244#post31193244

  18. Unique Passive - Aid: Your Heal, Clairvoyance and Revive cooldowns are reduced by 20%
    my head turned 360 degrees when I read this.
    Unique Passive: If you gain 3 levels while holding Eleisa's Miracle, you gain 10 HP/5, 15 MP/5 and the Aid Passive permanently and the item disappears from your inventory.

  19. Xyph also just released info about Tear being changed, its pretty interesting!

    1. Thanks for the info! Pretty damn cool that Riot is putting more thought in the items, their item game was pretty tried

  20. I.. hope it's written wrong. It's supposed to be Health/Mana REGEN, right!? If it's as it says, "+10 Health per 5 seconds" would mean +3600HP in 30 min.

    If, however, it's +10 Health Regen per 5 seconds", then I don't think it's worth to downgrade your Philosophers..

  21. sooo..... should i build a P stone, heart of gold , this item then a next P stone?

  22. Would never build.

    If I'm building a Philo stone I'm going to turn it into a shurelyas. Aid seems useless (at least for the current balancing of summoner skills). Better to have a useful active with similar stats then a useless additional passive (even if it doesn't occupy a slot).
