12/7 PBE Update: Steel Legion Lux, Particle Updates, BC Nerfs

Posted on at 10:20 PM by Moobeat
The PBE has been updated! Santa Gragas must have stopped by and stuffed a BRAND NEW Lux skin under the ole League of Legends tree, as well as some more festive particles for the new skins we saw yesterday.
Continue reading for all the new goodies including the Steel Legion Lux skin, updates to Slay Belle Katarina and Bad Santa Veigar's particles, and another set of balance changes.

Steel Legion Lux
She's here! The Steel Legion Lux skin I mentioned yesterday, which was previously nothing more than some particles and a name, has been added and boy is she fancy!

Here is the INCOMPLETE video preview. Notice the new recall, how she shoots her auto attacks out of her staff, and her moving armor. The particles are clearly not finalized yet but the files hint they may contain plasma-y effects

 New Skins available for testing
Several of the new skins are now available for testing, including Slay Belle Katarina, Dark Candy Fiddlesticks, Neon Strike Vi, and Snow Day Ziggs.
This leaves only Bad Santa Veigar , Masked Shaco, and Steel Legion Lux unavailable for testing.

New and Updated Particles
The new holiday themed Katarina skin has been named "Slay Belle Katarina" and features several new particles.
Additionally, Bad Santa Veigar got a few new particles, but judging by his sounds he is still missing a number of them ( ex: his W has an ornament sound but normal graphic )
Here is an updated video of both sets the new changes in action.

Balance Changes

  • Assault and Battery damage reduced to 200/350/500 from 200/375/550

Black Cleaver
  • Armor Penetration changed to Unique
  • Armor Penetration reduced to 10 from 15
  • Passive effect now reduces armor by 6.25% per stack down from 7.5%

  • Armor Penetration reduced to 10 from 15.

Miss out on the previous iterations of the Vi / Snowdown Showdown 2012 PBE patch? No problemo!


  1. Slay Belle.... nice

  2. Pretty quick lmao

  3. No. No. No. Awsome, guess no one will build this anymore. Just needed to make it Unique not nerf all the good things that made double ad/bruiser top and mid so viable. So long zed/talon/pantheon again

  4. funny how you are LAST.

  5. I dunno if it was worth cutting down the 5 points of Armor Penetration. I agree with making it a "Unique Passive" on Black Cleaver (considering how there would be people that would stack x4 for them... >_>) .. but I guess Riot knows best for us!

  6. Brutilizer did not need to be touched. :/

  7. They should have just made the passive unique and be done with it. Stacking Black Cleavers on Wukong too stronk.

  8. I thought riot wanted to nerf tanks, not buff them. :/

  9. Don't worry if happened and this nerf overkilled the item they will buff it again.
    I thought riot wanted to reduce the early game advantage by going with armor pent , but the thing stacking black cleaver is not early game anymore lol.

  10. they put in new black cleaver nerf it and agian items are back to season 2 no one is gonna use it anymore if u nerf it like this. oh well back to BT and EI for me :)

  11. No fucking way, that Lux skin is so bad. Did they NOT learn from the last two Lux skins?!

  12. That annoys me. I only knew about the BC stacking for the last 3 days. OP as hell but nothing that should be nerfed IMHO. If you're feeding somebody enough to stack BCs, that's the root of the problem in the first place not the item itself.

    1. Op as hell means it needs nerfs...

  13. New animations? Like what? Are there new particles too? DETAILS MAN, GIVE ME DETAILS.

  14. Can Lux ever get a good skin? Like jesus christ.

  15. Why does Lux keep getting military skins.

  16. Well blame the non stop flame on gd they say anything riot will do it no matter how stupid it is.. yes needed unique but ppl whining made it go farther then that :/ blame the players not the game. :P

  17. I agree much dissapointed with skin as lux player =( was hoping something nice or cute but no..

  18. Because player base wants non feminine champs/skins.. =(

  19. The lux skin is different cause she fires from her wand instead of swinging her wand ^^

  20. Yeah that's all they really had to do to fix it. They might as well nerf magic pen next.

  21. I play lux often. I like the skin I will be buying it.

  22. People are always complaining about the ,,too sexy,, skins. Please. A full armored Lux. Enjoy.....

  23. stop bitching and moaning you dont like it play some other games. LIFE IS UNFAIR DEAL WITH IT GIRLS

  24. Why there is no skin for sejuani. She have only two skin. And they are not good :(

  25. Lux have to get some cute skin. Not military

    1. If you remeber she is from demacia and fights with her king and also warrior of a brother garen. Why would she be cute. Shes a pure fighter not a sexual vixen like eve or kat

  26. What do you mean by Kat nerfs , not as kat got any new buff , her last changes were small nerfs and i don't think she will be nerfed more.
    About nami i would expect nerf.

  27. You missed something, in the score screen there are more statistics to look at like champion damage dealt and champion damage received which is separate from total damage taken and so on.

  28. I know Riot mentioned they wanted to stray away from "silly" skins but even the new ones are more just eye candy then anything else. They feel kind of soulless.

    The skins this year for Halloween and Christmas have such dark tones where I kind of preferred seeing an oddly placed Maokai present looming in the jungle OR having a bag of presents rolled at you from an undisclosed location.

    MAYBE I'M OLD FASHIONED but where they see Gentlemen Cho as a step back I saw it as one to the side. I feel they're just being to serious about this sort of thing.

    I wonder.

    1. Fiddlesticks skin may be dark, but it just reminds me of Oogie Boogie from Nightmare Before Christmas. Bad Santa Veigar is just hysterical especially with all his quotes.

      As for halloween, I kind of wanted a darker tone, its halloween people should be scared/awed when they see the new skins. The old halloween skins were kind of bland, if you noticed not a lot of people liked pirate ryze because it was pretty boring, oh hes a pirate... big whoop, but then people saw Maokai, oh damn he looks all sick and twisted and has a graveyard on him now thats awesome.

      The older skins were just champions dressing up but the newer ones its like they were actually becoming twisted haunted things.

  29. Because she's a demacian sergeant?

  30. I'm honestly predicting the Lux skin to be 1350 because of the particles from her wand, her back animation, and whatever they're likely to do to her spell animations.

    Ugh. It was a very slim chance purchase at 975 for me, I'd have waited for it to go on sale, but at 1350 I'll just look past it to skins for other champs.

  31. lux really needs a cute skin...at least a sexy skin. her best skin is still spellthief and it is so fucking old... why new lux's skins are so bad... riot hate's her :C

  32. On a more positive note though, the Bad Santa Vei animations are freaking adorable. xD

    Won't hate that little bugger for nuking me down quite as much as before. :B

  33. Really? I sort of agree with you since the only new thing they brought to the table (as in animations) was her auto and ult but still I think its a pretty decent skin. Sure they didn't change any animations at all for the other skins but Spell Thief Lux still looks cool.

  34. It's not even finished yet. "The particles are clearly not finalized yet but the files hint they may contain plasma-y effects."

  35. A loss of five armor pen is not that much, especially when you get a Last Whisper to compliment it.

  36. oh god another mechanic-armored skin...

  37. From the sound of it, it won't suck as much as Commando.

  38. I agree :3 and ur awesome

  39. Am i the only one who thinks they should make a Sailor Moon look-a-like skin for Lux?

  40. So everybody gets new shiny effects with a new skin, but Lux?! Wtf Riot?

  41. Hope they will add new effects to the Lux skin

  42. Well they aren't going to lower the Armor Pen on BC without lowering it on Brutalizer. >_> That would be stupid to upgrade it and lose 5 APen.

  43. no I think they should 2 :3

  44. Better than command and imperial but still disappointing as all hell.

  45. Don't care, just mixing BC with Ghostblade and Last Whisper together with SotD ^^

  46. Yet again bad Lux skin...

    Totally awesome Veigar stun circle! And his W sounds like christmas glass ball.

    Good move with removing pole dancing of Kata...

  47. Vi's ultimate isn't even the most broken thing on her kit. It's probably her E...

  48. Is it just me or is there a new "tower gets damage" sound when you attack a tower (tried it with Katarina + xmas Skin)

  49. Why Riot don't do this.... http://elohell.net/images/chill/6c9ba262f140e5cfbafe1629c2e1a3e2.jpg

  50. Why riot don't do this... http://elohell.net/images/chill/6c9ba262f140e5cfbafe1629c2e1a3e2.jpg

  51. Want to win an official LoL t-shirt? All you have to do is pitch us an idea for a new champion skin! See details here: http://www.gameroverdose.com/showthread.php?p=15740

  52. You mean Jesus Christ has a nice one? Or a 'Jesus Christ' Lux skin?

  53. IMO All they needed to do was make both the CDR and the Arpen unique.

  54. Because this is what Commando Lux SHOULD'VE been.

  55. I don't know what you guys expect from Lux skins but, even if I agree to Spellthief being the prettiest, I'm quite satisfied with Commando and Imperial (which is think is the best until now), the only one that is quite disappointing is the Sorceress.

  56. Check the *very incomplete* tag

  57. how much will the fiddle skin cost)?

  58. Lux wants the nice Jesus Christ Lux skin that jesus christ has.

  59. lool Commando Lux with diffrent colors -.-

  60. Noow, that's talking.

  61. Haven't bought a single skin in patches.. Some were nice for Halloween and some are nice for Christmas but sadly they're all for champions I don't play at all.

    I am tired of saving my RP for Lu Bu Jarvan IV, it's never coming :(

  62. Yeah.. her personality is just NO military.. shes adorable.. stop it riot.. just give us Cheerleader Lux!

  63. wooo i would buy that skin

  64. She needs a sexy skin. No, the midriff in the sorceress skin does not cut it.

  65. school girl Lux, soooo cool :)

  66. The nerfs over last couple of weeks must be the result of bath salt consumption.

  67. Yeah thats what happens... I was surprised they let Vi have tits at all, but honestly i would have preferred Vi to be without any cleavage, and have a silly/jolly skin for lux like her personality is aka sailor moon, cheerleader or what not.

    Even if she gets plasma particles... that lux just dont feel right.. she is girly... you can make Lulu evil droid but thats because Lulu is psychopath..

  68. spellthief lux is the only skin i would buy ( i think it suits her personality the most). She needs a cute, adorable skins, not comando or armored ones. There is noting "better" than an armored champion that talks with soft calming voice about rainbows.

  69. I bet you also like skins like Officer Caitlyn and Head Mistress Fiora right? That skin is awesome for Lux. Only dumb people like only sexy skins.

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  71. Any new about Nidalee???

  72. Close minedness is extremely less intelligent.

  73. I guess it should have been enough

  74. Well its too much like her classic skin I think.

  75. btw. veigar skin animations are awesome!

  76. Yeah why even bother playin their game, screw em!

  77. Where's the Marisa themed Lux Skin? And no, Spellthief doesn't count

    They definitely know Touhou exists, considering Wriggle's Lantern and Youmuu's Ghostblade.

  78. I totally, totally know bro

  79. I don't know why I never thought of that.. but she does have a baton... that could be fawesome..

  80. Moobeat, Vi balance changes are imcomplete.


    Increased CD at earlier ranks to 18/13/8 (up from 16/12/8)


    Decreased Base AD scaling to 1.15 (down from 1.2)

    Decreased AoE range to 625 (down from 650)


    Decreased damage at later ranks to 200/350/500 (down from 200/375/550)

    Decreased Bonus AD ratio to 1.35 (down from 1.4) -tooltip for this is bugged, still shows old ratio

    Refactored the CC. No longer suppresses. Knockup still lasts for 1.25
    seconds. Basically, the CC will last for the same amount of time (you
    can't cleanse or merc treads a knockup) but now you won't be locked out
    of using summoners like exhaust/heal/barrier).

    Source: http://na.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?p=32208446#post32208446

  81. This skin is just boring and ugly. People like to play champions they like to look at, at least a significantly high number of them. I would love a beautiful Lux skin, but currently that is her standard look.


  83. I agree with your statement, however, Lux already has two military Skins, and honestly we don't need another one, even I think so. People were very excited for a new Lux Skin, so don't blame them.

  84. ok, where is the buffed roid, metal warrior mecha annie? you know that annie in a body armor where you can see her sixpacks, biceps and a helmet with mecha, techa,computer shit on it, destroying no literally backstabbing annies little girl look.
    since Lux is getting this, i'm feeling free to ask riot this.
    why cant they let themselves getting inspired by the community? (sailor moon lux, or a more adorable girl/women [not a sex sells] skin)

  85. Damn. I was really hoping they would make vVigars "E" feature Santas reindeer's running/skipping around in a circle. Guess you can't win em all ;_;

  86. Yep. I don't mind the 7.5% to 6.25% either, but nerfing dat flat ArPen is overboard.

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  88. thought there would be a santa gragas skin at first

  89. mundo never play with veigar, but mundo like veigar xmas forest ult, mundo once walked into it and got stuck.. but not for long cause mundo walk out of it..

  90. Halloween should ALWAYS have a Dark Tone for Skins. But the only 2 Halloween Skins were Fiora and Brand, the others were for Shadow Isles, TF may have been a Halloween I can't remember, but Maokai and Hecarim were for the Shadow Update. And the Christmas ones actually DO fit Theme a bit cause if you think about it this is the Year/Christmas the World is Supposed to End. So it kinda Fits with Fiddlesticks Veigar, Katarina, and Ziggs is pretty Festive. I personally do not believe the world will end though. :P

  91. The reason she gets no sexy skins is because players made such a fucking fuss that they tried to make her sexy in the first place, so we got what we currently know as her classic, and now RIOT is trolling people by never trying to sexualize her ever.

  92. I noticed Garen had new voiceovers when I was on PBE just yesterday.

  93. Right when ColbyCheeze makes a video about AD being viable because you can stack black cleavers (you can do almost true damage to them), but nope, riot makes it unique and nerfs brutilizer AND black cleaver.

  94. when will be available the new skin of nami?

  95. Why nerf brutalizer....

  96. Some stupid nerfs, not to mention rengar is virtually useless now.

  97. loveeeee the "Redline" Neon Vi sooo much. :D

  98. I think zilean would make a good jesus christ skin, his back is already attached to something and it matches his ultimate.

  99. shes actually 100% military if you know her lore and relations; this skin is just a little bit too bulky on her though

  100. no; youre never the only one, youre not unique, never say that again; look higher up in chat theres a whole concept art for the idea someone took the time to draw

  101. The mind that armors itself against heresy is most pleasing to the Emperor. Also, I don't think anyone's being close-minded towards hypersexualized skins; they look at them, and, after some thought, come to the conclusion each time that it's goddamn ridiculous and the worst sort of pandering.

  102. every 1 armor pent is -1% effective hp to the enemy , you may think 5% hp is nothing , but for me its not a small amount.

  103. Blargh. You know what they have to do to make a sexy Katarina skin? GIVE HER MORE FLIPPIN' KNIVES AND BLOOD. Murder and badassery are sexy enough as it is (when it's Kat doing it); she doesn't need to be dressed as a stripper elf.

    Make a murderous, metal, vampire-themed one, with bloodsplosions for her shunpo. I'd pay for legendary price for that in a heartbeat.

  104. Does anyone know if there releasing last year's snowdown skin? I want Toy Soldier Gangplank. =(

  105. LOL so you are saying everyone should stack BC and delete every other ad item?
    The passive need this change , the -5 armor pent was not needed.

  106. With all these new skins and the January sale coming up... I'm about to spend SO much money on this game lol

  107. that lux skin is just awful. shes a super girly character and they make another commando skin for her? really...

  108. My main champ is Lux and i agree, dont like it, her only bareable skin is the spellthief, i would love to see a good one, Light Godess Lux!

  109. ^^^

    her whole life is dictated by the military.

    are we even discussing the same character? we're talking about lux, right?

  110. Yes, the lore yes, she is military in that way but the idea is of an innocent or joyeful girl who is really intelligent an serves demacia army.. but cmon.. see her laugh or dance.. she's not 100% military even if its what she does.. army shouldnt be what defines her but rather a complement

  111. lux skin not nice at all... sad...

  112. fired up and ready to go

  113. Dunno why everyone raging about the lux skin..........give it a chance
    to be complete before you go ranting and raging. Riot already said wait
    till its complete, apparently ironstylus is happy with the way the
    particles and everything turned out for that skin and that makes me
    curious to see :)

  114. my collegue kha zix is sad about his black cleaver

  115. Totally agreed
    people were complaining about the multiple cleaver stacking anyways
    why didnt they just cut that problem from the root and made all the effects on cleaver/bruta, unique?

    seriously, they made a big fuss about Black Cleaver being the "to go" item for AD casters, they even included it on that retarded video with Morello+Jatt...now, they just nerf it to the ground

  116. Swim against the current.

  117. Sometimes you're the catch. Sometimes you're the bait.

  118. v"Let the seas reclaim them

  119. Hey Moobeat, I think you should add that in this patch they brought back friend notes (unless I am just blind and didn't notice a while ago, it's been hard to sign in because of the insane login queue)

  120. Guess its back to wriggles > last whisper > GA on jungle lee sin now.

  121. Now sir, that's one of the most funny and blasphemous comments I've ever read. Lol.

  122. Man, I read your comment and I am crying because of laugh.

  123. Just wanna ask, is the Masked Shaco LoL Korea exclusive? Or it will be available to all servers?

  124. You have no idea. Lux did covert operations before joining the league so...that skin is way cooler that cheerleader skin, if I'm honest I would poke my eyes out if they released a cheerleader skin for Lux

  125. And some people seem to want retarded sexy skins for all female champs.

  126. OMG so many retards that just want dumb sexy skins for all the girls. I like this new Lux skin.

  127. Instead of a futuristic military looking skin why don't they try making this into a sort of steam punk themed one. Or something a bit medieval looking.

  128. crazy ppl are always welcome in the military :)

  129. Military or not this skin has nothing in common with her other skins and personally I find it awesome. Love the skin.

  130. Almost guarantee that it will be for all servers. This Shaco skin is similar to the Tryndamere one for Turkey I believe and the Greek Cassiopeia skin. Both Tryndamere's and Cassiopeia's are avaible for all servers.

  131. They should make Lux's ult come out of her chest.
    like in the start of the video, her chest armor retracts and reveals the orangle circle...

    IRONWOMAN... XD...heh.

  132. I agreed, and Yay no more solo top riven with three BC >.<

  133. http://i48.tinypic.com/260xv7b.jpg

  134. Hey, guys. Just 1 thing. Try to use Arcade Sona's Ultimate on Neon Vi.

  135. OMG, they added a "Damage Dealt to Champions"
    section in the recap!

  136. To be honest I was hoping that instead of another commando skin they'd do a dark glow lux skin instead. Make her punk-like with negative light instead of positive light. Something different, you know.

  137. Where is this New Lux Brand skin? /sarcasm

  138. Now if you gonna nerf arm pen items, at least please reduce the item costs slightly.

  139. fuk this item

  140. That Veigar Skins badass. Considering getting it even though i have the leprechaun one.

  141. I thought that was a Candy Cane Kha'zix, would of been much better... fiddle has soooo many skins, even alot of holiday ones :/
    The Veigar stun circle is awesome lol, I hope it has over the top sound effects.
    Kat needs to lose the reindeer ears, its really weird, instead she needs either a santa hat or like a jester type candy cane striped hat.
    the Lux skin looks really sweet, probably her best yet.
    Zigs with exploding snowman= win

  142. I agree, so silly. "BC is gonna be go to item guys! WOO" **Nerfs it after a week**

  143. I didnt know it was stackable, thats so evil lol.

  144. Maybe a party lux, her aoe slow is a disco ball and her ult shoots confetti. **shrug**

  145. In all honesty I'd love to see an Eve decked out in some deadly armor and a helmet only showing her hair and glowing eyes. legendary skin? :O
    id buy that right away.

  146. it would be really interesting if they reversed her personality for this skin and make her more serious or made her a little more, off the rocker.

  147. oh please he isnt useless, he hits so damn hard even after they nerfed his Q.

  148. thats actually alot more amusing lol

  149. I think you're being a little rediculous lol. She is in the army, so thus having and armored type skin is viable. a little demonic girl who summons a flaming bear decked out like pulsefure ez...thats just desperate.

  150. Riot Buff Brand He needs it

  151. From OP to USELESS /Riot style

  152. Unique passive = Solved...

  153. Nidalee VU pls

  154. Fired up and ready to serve* oh, and you're not blitz

  155. I have a question. Why are some values of armor pen given in percentages, and then some given in a flat number? It boggles my mind. I'll admit, I still don't really understand the difference between the two, or how to even approach the math on it.

    Wouldn't it be easier if every item was expressed in one way, rather than both?

  156. i say that next year, they make Rudolph the red nosed Cho'Gath.

  157. Rudolph the red nosed Cho'Gath. end of story.

  158. :/ ...i was excited for the lux skin......until i saw her thunder thighs..

  159. why is katarina disabled?

  160. I'd take Sailor Lux any day.

  161. Riot: "We wanna diversify our AD caster and bruiser builds, so we are making some really cool items to make those champions viable" all ad casters and bruisers stack 4 BC's.

  162. Nice going Riot. Despite all that stuff about Black Cleaver being staple choice for AD casters, Morello getting everyone excited as it was the go-to item and now it gets nerfed to the ground (Y) Of course we all saw this coming, specially when they don't make its passives UNIQUE (even though it doesn't affect shred).The hell did you guys expect, did you not see people would stack them? Do you even playtest your own items? Now, the obvious choice would be to turn them Unique, effectively preventing the stacking plague, but no, further nerfage is needed to kill the virus and brutalizer now has to pay for it too...

  163. WTF this is my little bro's name WHO ARE YOU?!

  164. This is my little Bro's name... who are you?!?

  165. I'd like to see a new skin for a champ who's been around for awhile. Like Karma, Nidalee, Mordikasier, Nasus, or someone along those lines. I mean i like lux and all, but I think the full metal look would look way better on someone else. like Kog'maw.for instance. Yet again... he'd kinda look like Corki's plane....

  166. Trundle and Udyr should be a priority for skins because they need it really bad(Udyr has 1 skin out of 3 including the original and Trundle why would you buy one of those skins at Trundle?)

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