Vi coming "soon" and Diana post nerfs.

Posted on at 7:13 PM by Moobeat
While I don't come  baring the good news that Vi is ready, I do have a few posts about when we might expect her to make an appearance.
Continue reading for a status update on when Vi is being released and a quip about how Diana is fairing after her recent slew of nerfs.

Where is Vi?!
Gypsylord gave a small update on Vi's whereabouts, saying:
"We want Vi to break faces but we DON'T want her to break the game. Still sorting out a few issues. We're working hard to get her to you guys some time this week (hoping for sooner rather than later)."
Which lead Morello to step in and clarified:
"Clarification; tonight is unlikely, this week is the goal "
Elaborating further, he continued:
"There's more in the patch than Vi, and testing it doesn't magically make it fixed. The release process is very detailed and complex, and you know what happens if we mess that up :P'

How Diana is recovering from the nerf bat.
While we've already heard a little about what's in store for Rengar, there hasn't been too much about Diana post the massive set of nerfs last patch. Here is Morello dropping a bullet point on where she stands:
"Statikk might be posting more, but let me update on the details that are concerning in a TLDR sense;

Diana: We overnerfed here, agreed. Will fix next patch.

Rengar: We need to tear him down a bit to build him back up - someone earlier in this thread mentioned that he has too many things to be both balanced and fun, and that's the same problem we detect. There will be additional changes next patch."