Continue reading for the very small list of changes from tonight's PBE update, including the game client addition of a change we saw yesterday and the odd mention of "Quinn".
( Warning: PBE content is highly tentative and subject to change! Some of this information may have been datamined and could likely be erroneous. )
BalanceThe new buff, which we saw in the AIR client yesterday, for champions who permanently gain stats bonuses has made it's way into the game client. This means Sion, Veigar, and Nasus now gain double the bonus stats when they last hit a champion, large minion, or large monster.
( Warning: This is pure speculation )
A mysterious "Quinn" was referenced in one of the files included in this PBE update.The single line reads "CHAMP-188 - AUDIO - Quinn - Integrating emote sound call updates for quinn".
This "Quinn" could be anything from the name of our next champion, to a place holder name, to nothing at all. I thought it was a weird thing to include in a patch so I'm sharing it with you; don't get your hopes up that we are finally getting a "Q" name champion ;)
Need to catch up on the previous patches in this PBE cycle?
- 1/16 PBE Update: Annie Visual Update + Four Lunar Revel skins
- 1/17 PBE Update: New Lunar Revel stuff and Annie VO
- 1/18 PBE Update: Panda Annie
- 1/20 PBE Update: New Splash arts, Garen skin, and the League System.
- 1/21 PBE Update: Jade Fang Cass Ult Change
- 1/23 PBE Update: Steel Legion Lux Splash
- 1/24 PBE Update #1: SL Lux enabled and League tweaks
- 1/24 PBE Update #2: SL Garen and Massive Balance Changes
- 1/26 PBE Updates: SL Garen Sounds, Seekers Armguard, and more