1/9 PBE Update: Thresh and AW Kayle splash arts!

Posted on at 5:23 PM by Moobeat
The PBE has been updated with several beautiful splash arts!
Continue reading for a heavy dose of PBE content including new splash arts, balance changes, a change to Yi's portrait, a new profile medal, and more!

( Warning: PBE content is highly tentative and subject to change! Some of this information may have been datamined and could likely be erroneous. )

New Splash Arts

Thresh's release skin
The name for this one isn't specificed but obviously it is nautical themed.
Aether Wing Kayle
FYI: Aether Wing Kayle was made available for testing before tonight's patch. Have at it!
Thresh's Ability Icons and New Names
Thresh finally received his own set of ability icons.
Along with this three of his abilities have had their names changed:  Shackle ( Q ) is now "Death Sentence", Lantern Toss ( W ) is now "Dark Passage", and Sweep ( E ) is now "Flay"

Master Yi new Portrait
Master Yi's champion portrait has been adjusted to be much more zoomed out, presumably to include more of his fantastic braided beared.
Here it is in the wild

New Profile Medal
There seems to be a strange new profile medal. Not sure what exactly it's intended for but it's currently showing up on people who have played ranked games on the PBE. None of the other ranked medals have been changed. My guess is this is just the new medal that displays when you haven't finished your qualifier matches for the season.
Here it is in action:

Balance Changes
Note: These changes are relative to the last set of PBE changes. To try to avoid confusion, I've listed the current live server value in parenthesis if the ability was changed in a previous PBE patch.

  • Agony's Embrace cooldown changed to 150/120/90 from 160/120/80 ( current live server value is 120/90/60 ).
  • Agony's Embrace range lowered to 650 from 800
  • Lantern Toss ( W ) shield amount reduced to 60/90/120/150/180 from 60/100/140/180/200
  • Lantern Toss ( W ) mana cost increased to 50/55/60/65/70 from 40 at all ranks.

Crystalline Flask*
  • Cost increased to 345 from 225
  • Health restored changed to 120 over 12 seconds from 100 over 10 seconds.
  • Mana Restored changed to 60 over 12 seconds from 40 over 10 seconds.

* = This data comes from one of the game files but the tool tips have not been updated and the "new" cost is not acting right. It's a strange situation because you CAN NOT buy the flask, in game, for less than 345 BUT when you do buy it it only subtracts 225 gold from your total. The PBE is a strange place.

Miss out on the previous updates in this PBE cycle? Fear not!