3/8 Minor PBE Update: Server Transfer Images

Posted on at 2:50 PM by Moobeat
A very small, ninja patch has been deployed to the PBE. The most interesting addition was a slew of new server transfer images that seem to hint at potential, upcoming servers.

Continue reading for a peek of these images.

These transfer images include, Australia, Brazil, EUNE, EUW, Japan, Korea, Latin America North, Latin America South, NA, Russia, and Turkey.

As you may already know, NA, EUNE, EUW, Korea, Brazil, and Turkey are all already official and support servers. We've heard about Russia and Australia joining the list recently, but LAN, LAS, and Japan are all new additions to the rumor mill.


Doesn't seem like there was much else in there; Scorched Earth Renekton got a standard, grey "Work in Progress" splash art, looks like replays got tinkered with a bit, and other minor stuff.