Here's the announcement, taken from the NIP website:
"Today is a sad day for our League of Legends squad, we will unfortunately have to say goodbye to our toplaner Vytautas “extinkt” Melinauskas. Unfortunately he feels that he does not have the motivation to play the game at top level, and have decided to step down from the active roster effective immediately.
Vytautas “extinkt” Melinauskas.It is really sad to be leaving the pro LOL scene at this point, especially since I had finally found a team that is destined for huge success, but I just did not feel the motivation that drove me to succeed for the past 2 years, and my desire to go back to studying for my degree, this autumn, made me feel that if I continued playing with NiP I would simply hold them back, unable to reach their full potential. I wish the team the best of luck in the future. And you can be sure that i will help the team in every way i possibly can.We are very sad that a player that was such a big factor in our revival the past month has decided to step down, but we understand that a player that has lost motivation cannot be forced into doing something that he does not want to do. We wish extinkt best of luck for the future, and thank him for his brilliant play and attitude during his time with us.
Stefan “lucann” Nielsen.The team and I are really sad that Extinkt does not feel like playing on a competitive level anymore, we really enjoy him as a person in the game and outside the game. We only played for roughly a month, but he became a big part of the team already. But we have to respect a players wishes when he does not feel like playing as much as is required. We have a lot of respect for Extinkt in telling us, so we actually have the opportunity to play with a new top laner before Playoff commence, still the primary goal of the team.The decision on who is going to be our new toplaner has not yet been made, but we know for sure that we will have a new face in our roster the coming weekend. We wish extinkt all the best of luck, and thanks for the short but good time we had."
This announcement comes only a few weeks after extinkt joined the team as part of NiP's massive roster changes.