[ Feb 7th - Feb 23rd ] Winter Games Skins are back!

Posted on at 11:23 AM by Moobeat
As part of the previously announced return of vintage Limited Edition skins, the eight skins originally created in celebration of the 2010 Winter Games are now available for purchase! These skins will be available for their original RP prices from  February 7 until February 23.
Continue reading for a better look at these returning skins!

Vancouver Amumu

520 RP

Team Spirit Anivia

520 RP

Ice Toboggan Corki

1820 RP

Union Jack Fiddlesticks

520 RP

The Mighty Jax

520 RP

Festival Kassadin

520 RP

Whistler Village Twitch

520 RP

Curling Veigar

520 RP