[Updated] Dunkmaster Darius Previewed at Spanish Live Event

Posted on at 12:30 PM by Moobeat
[ Update: Just added lots of new screen caps, including the most complete splash , his recall, & more!]

Dunkmaster Darius, a jammin' skin first previewed at a live event last year, has hit the court during the Spanish Final Cup livestream where Rioters showed off his concept art, vfx and animations, and a splash!
Continue reading for a set of screen shots from the stream!

[ Remember - these are screen caps from a live stream so the quality might not be great! Everything is also tentative and subject to change. Warnings are fun. ] 

Our host for this live presentation was Shoquistador!

During the Spanish stream, Dunkmaster Darius was confirmed to have oodles of new particle effects, new sound effects, several new animations, and  to be a legendary ( 1820 RP ) skin.

Here's a full set of screen caps from the stream, courtesy of site  Zaddelz and Daniwasd!

Concept Art

Models & Textures


Visual Effects

Sound Effects
The text notes he has new sfx and music for his W.


Note: I have no been able to find a VOD of the presentation, including animations / effect in motion. I'll update whenever I can locate one!

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