[Updated] Red Post Collection: Viktor Gameplay Update info and the Status of the Summoner's Rift Update

Posted on at 8:21 AM by Moobeat
[ 6 PM PDT: Added in more discussion on the SR Update! ]

This morning's red post collection features Solcrushed discussing a few details on the upcoming Viktor gameplay update and Riot Tiki chatting about the Summoner's Rift update
Continue reading for more information!

The Truer Evolution

Following up on his comments from the other day, Solcrushed has popped up on the forums to share more information on Viktor's upcoming gameplay update.
"Coming soon near you the Truest Evolution circa 2018. 
Bad jokes aside, I'm here to start giving you guys some more info regarding the upcoming Viktor gameplay update. 
The update will be focused on the passive, Q and R. With some of the augment effects changing. 
You said a week ago that R was not going to be changed! 
Yeah I lied. (We wanted to change the R originally but had trouble coming up with a good paradigm within our constraints, that has now been resolved) 
So onwards, 
Some of you may have seen the screenshot of the ultimate Hex Core I posted earlier, that is indeed the current passive direction. 
Viktor will be able to upgrade his Hex Core multiple times, gaining stats and augmenting his abilities each time. 
He will ultimately reach a point where he is able to augment ALL of his basic abilities, finishing his Glorious Evolution and achieving perfection 
The stats on the Core may change as we go through balancing, but we are very set on making this the single highest AP item in the game (excluding Deathcap, Seraph's, Mejai's passive effects ofc). The Hex Core is the source of Viktor's powers and it should feel POWERFUL"
When asked if these changes will open up Viktor to any other roles besides mid, he noted:
"As of right now, top seems definately viable, support on the other hand not so hot. (IM NOT PROMISING THAT HE WILL BE A VIABLE TOP WHEN HE RELEASES)"

Status of Summoner's Rift Update

Riot Tiki hopped on the forums to answer a few popular question : "Why hasn't the Summoner's Rift update been released yet??"
"Hey all! Wanted to get back to you about this :)

There are a few things we're still working on to make sure it's great for players:

1. Bugs: Gotta make sure these are worked out. As CynicalGiant said, it's gonna be played by lots of players so we have to make sure it works. Players on PBE have been helping us identify and destroy evil bugs! So thanks all :)

2. Performance: Similar to the point above we want to make sure this performs just as well or better than the current SR does for as many players as possible. We don't want people to have to upgrade to play.

3. Addressing player feedback. I've been working with the Summoner's Rift Update team to collect feedback about the map in development from players in multiple regions. Some really good feedback coming in related to creatures, tone and specific areas on the map. Again, fixing helps us make sure it's awesome for as many players as possible.

4. Making visuals totally sweet: We're psyched you think it's looking good, and the artists are pouring their hearts into it looking for ways to make it look better. Some of it's stuff like fixing weird shadows and seams, and then there's still room to push the quality higher on individual areas as well.

So yeah, that stuff above! Definitely feel free to post questions and feedback, happy to chat with you about it!
Tiki continued:
"whoa, bunch of replies! Will try to get to most of this. 
Release date: In all honesty this has not been set, I wish I could give you an exact date or anything close to it, but it's kind of a double-edged sword. Even with it getting closer and closer to the level of quality we want to deliver, lots of things can happen in dev. The last thing anyone on the team wants to do is set an expectation and end up letting you all down.

Stuff looks not-done: Yeah, some areas still need work quite frankly and it's good to hear any and all thoughts on places you all think could use some love. Ground plane (bases included) in a few areas still need to brought up to the level of some of the other areas so it feels cohesive in quality and style.

The duck.... there is no duck. There is only Gromp in all its froggy majesty."

As for new audio, Tiki noted:
"We've already got some audio stuff in, but this is isolated to the creatures for now. They've all come with new sound effects. Other audio, like background music, is trickier. Partly because where it happens in the dev process, and also partly because of the sheer impact it has on the map. Some players play with music off, but a number don't and the music of Summoner's Rift, in my opinion, is both iconic and has a huge impact on the feel of the map. Any changes we make to that have to convey Summoner's Rift, so we're being really careful about how we approach any changes to the music.

Special interactions with champions aren't planned as far as I know, at least not as part of the team working directly on the map. However the champ team is doing a lot of cool stuff with new contextual champ to champ interactions... Demagglio!!!"


Riot Tiki returned to the thread later to answer another set of questions:
"Morning all (for the west coasters anyway!)

Will cover a few things here!

- Camera + blue/red: Thanks for the context on that, made for some good reading last night and this morning and I think I understand where you're coming from in regards to player pain on the purple side. As for the best way to solve it, I'm not sure. Swappable camera angle has some pretty big impacts ranging from the way the art looks (as one person mentioned) to how we deal with spectating matches, to disruption from what has been the norm for a while now. This isn't to say that we shouldn't do anything about it, mostly I'm not sure what the best solution is and considering all the implications of making a change, we'd have to be extremely confident in whatever choice we made.

- Spawn animations: Yep, these are only viewable right when a creature would normally spawn and we've back-timed them so creatures are targetable the exact moment they currently are on live. Since there are now moments during spawn where a creature is untargetable we're working pretty hard to make sure it's super clear when a creature is targetable vs. untargetable.

- Older champions: I have experienced this pain myself and it will definitely impact some champs harder than others :( We've actually got a separate team that is doing tons of work to update the visuals on a number of older champ models and they're working with the updated Summoner's Rift in mind. So basically we're already doing this, but there's still a lot of champs to work through.

- Color blindness: This is absolutely on our radar in terms of making things look right on the map. Not sure what the final solution will be, but it also ties into clarity concerns around easily distinguishing friends from enemies....and frenemies. Got a pretty solid team of visual designers and user experience guys helping us through this space. If you are color blind and have a chance to view the map or play on it please please give us feedback on this!!

- Computer specs: For the higher end computers, I'm not sure honestly. I don't expect work will stop on the updated rift once it goes to live, that will just be the point at which we believe the quality and health of the map is in a place to meet everyone's high expectations and deliver solid value to you all. Our primary concern for now though is making sure it runs as well on players' machines as the current map does.

- Regional: This hasn't been talked about much but I wanted to point out that we're also trying to collect a lot of international feedback on this. This will impact players all over the globe when it comes out and we want to mindful of players everywhere."
When asked if there will be any areas on the updated Summoner's Rift that will be easier to flash or blink over, Riot Tiki explained:
"We have kept the core geometry of the map the same other than addressing a few weird bugs. So you should be able to flash exactly as you did before. That is not to say that perception of wall width isn't a thing, we've been pretty careful to make sure things still seem flashable if they were before. Weirder cases are where we made it lookmore accurate to the underlying geometry and that altered perception (positively or negatively) around whether a thing was flashable... even though the core geometry is unchanged."

As for why the replaced the old jungle monsters with different creatures instead of just updating them, Tiki noted:
"So this is a question close to my heart because it gets to the deeper question of "What defines Summoner's Rift for everyone?". I do agree that Lizard is sentimental, and that we took a risk on changing it to something different - BUT I think the new creature is pretty sweet looking and matches the style & feel of the map well. I also think the new creature is more representative of the significance of the buff it conveys. Curious to know what you all think about the new red buff and other creatures!"

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