Continue reading for results of this weekend's World Championship Quarterfinals matches, the latest team news for compLexity & SupaHotCrew, and more!
World Championship:
- The 2014 World Championship Quarterfinals concluded this weekend!
- The four teams progressing to the Semifinals next weekend in Seoul, Korea are:
- Samsung White (KR)
- Samsung Blue (KR)
- Star Horn Royal Club (China)
- OMG (China)
- [2014 Worlds] Don't forget! The schedule for the 2014 World Finals is as follows:
Group Stage One in Taipei, Taiwan from September 18th - 21st
Group Stage Two in Singapore from September 25th - 28thQuarter Finals in Busan, Korea from October 3rd - 6th- Semi Finals in Seoul, Korea on October 11th - 12th
- Finals in Seoul, Korea on October 19th.
- Trouble staying up super late/early? Check out the official rebroadcast schedule over on lolesports.
Other News:
- [NA] CompLexity recently made some roster swaps including removing both ROBERTxLEE and Pr0lly from the roster and moving them to the reserve squad. Goldenglue (formerly of Dignitas) will be filling the midlane position while the AD Carry spot is still vacant.
- Several player and management statements on the situation can be found here:
- [EU] Alex Ich posted an update about his current situation and his issues getting a visa to do LCS due to complications with Germany and Russia government issues. The full post can be found over on Facebook. NiP released a statement as well telling their side of the story. It was also reported that Nukeduck was having the same issues with NiP regarding visas and issues.
- [NA] Scarra recently stepped down as the coach of Dignitas. It's currently unknown what his current plans are but he does intend to stick around in the scene in some form or another.
- [EU] Supa Hot Crew released Impaler and Kasing. There's still no full announcement yet, just the information that they won't be playing with these two.
- [NA] Team Coast has brought in both Elementz and wewillfailer as coaches for the upcoming season.