11/6 PBE Update: New skin updates, New Battlecast summoner icons, Jax & Riven texture rebalances, and more!

Posted on at 8:05 PM by Moobeat
The PBE has been updated! Today's patch includes several updates to a few of the new skins this cycle (including a mustache added to Captain Volibear!), two new Battlecast themed summoner icons, texture rebalances for Jax and Riven, even more preseason changes, and more!
Continue reading for more information!

(Warning: PBE Content is tentative and iterative - what you see may not reflect what eventually gets pushed to live servers! Manage your expectations accordingly. )

Table of Contents

Skin Updates

Several of the new skins first introduced in the 11/4 PBE update have been updated!

Captain Volibear

Captain Volibear has been updated and now has a mustache. He is also now enabled for testing!

Constable Trundle

Constable Trundle now has a new model for his E - Pillar of ... TRAFFIC CONE!
Here's a video preview of Constable Trundle's new pillar and Officer Volibear's new mustache!

Safecracker Evelynn

While she is still not yet available for testing, Safecracker Evelynn's hair has been updated.

Battlecast Kog'Maw

Battlecast Kog'Maw has been updated to have a small flame on his right arm and to periodically puff out exhaust!

Battlecast Ward

The new Battlecast Ward has been updated with signifcant changes to it's face!

Be sure to check out the comprehensive PBE coverage page for a better look at each of these new skins in game, prices, and more!

New Summoner Icons

To go along with the new Battlecast Alpha Skarner and Battlecast Kog'Maw skins, there are two new Battlecast themed summoner icons in today's update! No details on availability just yet.

Texture Rebalances

Following the large batch of new texture rebalances in the 11/4 patch, today's patch includes a set for  Jax, Riven, and Crimson Elite Talon! Remember that texture rebalances are aimed at aligning older champions and skins with the current art style of the updated Summoner's Rift. They are NOT replacing visual updates or model/texture updates!


The Mighty Jax

Angler Jax

Pax Jax



Redeemed Riven

Crimson Elite Riven

Battle Bunny Riven

Crimson Elite Talon

While her texture rebalance was first added in the 11/4 update, Sheriff Caitlyn has been updated to have the appropriate BROWN hair instead of BLUE hair after a mix up with an older version of the model.

Sheriff Caitlyn


Not sure when this was implemented but FLASH now has a summoner level requirement of 8 instead of 12!
Smite is also now available at level 10 instead of level 3.

Preseason Changes

As expected, this patch also contains several changes to the PRESEASON 2015 changes that are currently up for testing!

[NOTE: Due to the highly tentative and iterative nature of the preseason, I just want to warn you that I've likely missed something or another. Feel free to drop me a comment if you discover something not documented here and I'll check it out!]

Once again the Dragon Slayer buff has been changed! Here's the most update to date version, including several switched around or different bonuses:

Scuttle Crab's speed shrine has been polished up a bit. In addition to now "swimming" to the shrine, you can see  him hanging out below the surface of the water!

The smite reward for Krugs also has new vfx, small stones now appear around the champions hands.

Likewise, the smite bonus for wolves is no longer a spirit wolf but instead a nature-y looking orb.
Whenever an enemy runs by that orb, a wolf spawns and chases them!

Lastly, a few item tool tips have been cleaned up:
A lot of the health and mana regeneration items are also being updated to show the approximate regen boost the new +% regen stats do! As you can see in this screen shot below, the items give +25% base health and mana regen, which translates to +2 Heath per 5 seconds and +2 mana per 5 seconds for the particular champion I was using.

Balance Changes

* Remember *: The PBE is a testing grounds for new, tentative, and sometimes radical changes. The changes you see below may be lacking context or other accompanying changes that didn't make it in - don't freak out! These are not official notes.

  • As part of the Preseason 2015 changes, many champions has received various tweaks to their base stats

  • Aspect of the Serpent (Passive) reverted back to live
  • Noxious Blast (Q) reverted back to live
  • Twin Fang (E) reverted back to live
  • Boomerang Throw (Q ) damage lowered to 5/35/65/95/125 from 10/45/80/115/150
  • Boomerang Throw (Q) AD ratio increased to 1.15 AD from 1 AD
  • Boomerang Throw (Q) width increased to 60 from 55
  • Boulder Toss (Mega Q) damage lowered to 5/45/85/125/165 from 10/50/90/130/170
  • Boulder Toss (Mega Q) AD ratio increased to 1.2 AD from 1.15 AD
  • Hyper (W) flat damage lowered to 10/20/30/40/50 from 25/30/35/40/45.
  • Wallop ( Mega W) active cooldown changed to 15/13/11/9/7 from 12/11/10/9/8


  • Base health regen increased significantly
  • Techmaturgical Repair Bots (Passive) no longer buffs Heimerdinger
  • [Context: Swap - higher base regen but passive no longer works on him. Likely due to the changes to item regeneration.]

  • Damage per level increased to 3.5 from 3.
  • Sentinel (W) recharge rate increased to 90/80/70/60/50 from 60/55/50/45/40
  • Rend (E) extra spears increase damage by 25/31.25/37.5/43.75/50% from 20/25/30/35/40%
  • [Note: Maximum E stacks are now to 254. GOOD LUCK!]

  • Death Lotus ( R ) cooldown increased to 90/60/45 from 60/52.5/45
  • Death Lotus (R) damage reduced to 350/550/750 from 400/575/750

  • Unspeakable Horror (E) reverted back to live; new "Passive: Nocturne gains massively increased movement speed toward feared enemies." has been removed.

  • Powerball (Q) cooldown increased to 16/14.5/13/11.5/10 from 10 at all ranks.
  • Puncturing Taunt (E) armor reduction reduced to 5/10/15/20/25 from 10/15/20/25/30

  • Hymn of Valor (Q) aura on hit magic damage AP ratio lowered to .2 from .25
  • Aria of Perseverance (W) healing now [increased by .5% per 1% missing HP] from [1% per 1% missing HP].
  • Aria of Perseverance (W) base heal increased to 30/50/70/90/110 from 25/45/65/85/105

Miss out on previous updates from this PBE cycle? Check out THIS PAGE for a comprehensive list of the new content in this PBE cycle or catch up with the links below !