Red Post Collection: Fantasy LCS 2015 Changes, El Tigre Braum Price, and Good Behavior Mystery Gifts still being distributed

Posted on at 12:51 AM by Moobeat
Following the announcement of the 5.1 server maintenance, tonight's red post collection is short and sweet! It includes a look at the upcoming Fantasy LCS Changes, a heads up on El Tigre Braum's pricing, a reminder that good behavior mystery gifts are still being distributed, and more!
Continue reading for more information!

Fantasy LCS 2015 Changes and Boards

The Fantasy LCS is getting ready to start up and omhalodli is here with an introduction to the latest changes and the new fantasy LCS board!
"Welcome to Fantasy LCS, where you build your dream team of LCS pros and compete against your friends for bragging rights and season glory! Beginning this week, we'll be opening up the 2015 Spring Split Fantasy draft window. 
Fantasy LCS is getting a face-lift for 2015, thanks to the feedback you gave us in the 2014 Beta. Here’s what’s new:
  • NA and EU are now on separate roster locks that correspond to the first day of matches for each league.
  • Each league now features a message board where you can coordinate draft times and discuss strategy.
  • We added chat functionality during draft
  • Scoring has been slightly tweaked: we added a fast win bonus of 2 points for teams that win in less than 30 minutes. Stay tuned for an article that dives into the rationale behind this scoring addition.
  • We added a few administrative tools:
  • If you are a league creator, you can delete your league if you haven’t drafted yet.
  • You can also leave a league if you haven’t drafted yet.
  • You can now rename your team.
  • Your league home page, roster page, and match-ups page are now shareable publicly. Show off your dream team, those close wins, and your standings to your friends!
Never played fantasy? Don't worry -- it's easy! Join together with up to seven friends or fellow League players, then build your dream team, one draft pick at a time. Every player from the NA and EU LCS is up for grabs, and what they do on the Rift each week matters. You're awarded points based on their performance, so when your pros do well, you do too! Fantasy LCS also adds a new layer of fun to watching matches each week, as fantasy stats updates will be piped in at real-time. 
We've got a bunch of resources to help get you ready for your draft. Learn how to play andabout draft strategy at 
Stay tuned for more details on when you can get drafting! In the meantime, feel free to discuss strategy below. Who are your top picks?"
Fantasy not enough? Itching for the real thing?  The NA and EU LCS start back up on Jan 22nd!

El Tigre Braum Price

Although originally put on the PBE at 975 RP, the upcoming El Tigre Braum skin will actually be priced at 1350 RP.
Here's Galetta with more info via an edit to the El Tigre Braum PBE bugs & feedback thread:
"EDIT: Just wanted to update the El Tigre Braum thread about his price. He was always intended to be 1350 RP but we mistakenly listed him at 975 RP (sorry!). It's his custom respawn animation specifically that pushes him into the 1350 price tier. Like all 1350s though, he'll be on sale for the first week after his release so you can get him for 975 RP during that time. Sorry for the mistake and we'll make sure it doesn't happen again!"
Interested in a better look at this upcoming skin? Check out this video preview!

Mystery Skins for Good Behavior Are Still in Process of being Distributed

For those concerned about their free mystery gift for good behavior, Riot Support has confirmed that, as of January 12th, they are still in the process of being distributed!
"We'll get this out to you as soon as possible. Stay tuned! "

dArtagnan also chimed in on the general boards:
"Hey everyone, 
Many of you have seen your friends receive their Mystery Skins with you left wondering where your Mystery Skin is, or whether you even qualified for one. Never fear!
Mystery Skins are still being sent out! 
We are sending them out in waves every single day, and it may take the next couple of weeks (until the end of January) before they are all distributed. We'll update this thread once the last wave has been sent! 
As a reminder, here are the qualifications:
  • All Riot Regions qualify - NA, EUW, EUNE, LAS, LAN, BR, OCE, RU, TR, and Korea
  • You need to be level 5 (reached level 5 in 2014)
  • You need to have played and completed at least one game of any mode (including Custom Games) in 2014.
  • You did not receive a 14-day suspension
  • You did not receive a ranked restriction (a single game ranked restriction will disqualify you)
  • You did not receive a chat restriction (a single game of chat restriction will disqualify you)
  • If you received a Leaver Buster Penalty, you still qualify for the Mystery Skin
  • If your account was compromised and suspended by Riot until it was recovered, we will double-check our list to make sure you receive one
  • If you recently transferred to another Riot Region, you will still get a Mystery Skin, as long as you meet the previous qualifications"

IronStylus on Irelia

In a reddit thread asking if Irelia's hair can be improved to flow and move instead of being "an octopus on her head that  waves its tentacles whenever she steps", IronStylus noted:
I think Irelia as a whole needs a VU. I think she looks really weird ingame.
^ this. In fact she will most likely be a comprehensive gameplay and visual update (VGU). She's listed as a high-value target but currently there is no prioritization for her for 2015, but that could change. We're trying to get ahead on a number of front's so we'll see. I have a concept for her but it's definitely not final. She'll need a probably semi-large scope effort because of thematic issues. What is she exactly? Ionian metal-manipulating general? That's cool, but could she be more? We shall see!"