3/24 PBE Update: Guardian of the Sands Rammus, Skarner, & Xerath, Arclight Vayne, New Morgana VFX, and more!

Posted on at 4:54 PM by Moobeat
The 5.7 PBE cycle kicks off with today's PBE patch! Check out the post for a better look at Guardian of the Sands skins for Rammus, Xerath, and Skarner, a new Arclight Vayne skin, updated visual effects for Morgana, new minion spawn vfx, and much more!
Continue reading for more information!

(Warning: PBE Content is tentative and iterative - what you see may not reflect what eventually gets pushed to live servers! Manage your expectations accordingly. )

Table of Contents

New Skins

First up we have a set of four new skins - Guardian of the Sands skins for Rammus, Skarner, and Xerath plus a work-in-progress Arclight Vayne skin!

Guardian of the Sands Rammus

975 RP

 Here's Riot KateyKhaos with a bugs & feedback thread for Guardian of the Sands Rammus:
"One might say this new Rammus skin is 'ok'. 
Guardian of the Sands Rammus will be 975 RP* and includes: 
  • New model and texture!
  • New Powerball (Q) animation! (Now with wings!)
  • New recall animation! 
Guardian of the Sands Rammus is now available to play on PBE! We always find bug reports and feedback super helpful, so feel free to comment in the thread below! Likewise, if you've got any questions, post 'em here, and we'll do our best to answer them! 
*Prices on PBE are subject to change."

 Guardian of the Sands Skarner

975 RP

Here's Nurse Flan with a bugs and feedback thread for Guardian of the Sands Skarner:
"Beneath the shifting sands of Shurima emerges a guardian of the desert, Skarner! Brace yourselves against the storm that comes with Guardian of the Sands Skarner, and be wary of his flash + ultimate! 
Skarner comes equipped with magical gems of turquoise and polished golden armor to facilitate his new desert powers. 
  • New Shurima-themed model!
  • New particles for abilities! (sandy and crystalline turquoise!)
  • New recall! (I'm a cobra!)
  • 975 RP* (pricing subject to change) 
As players who get the first look at this in-progress skin, it would be wonderful to hear your thoughts and feelings about Guardian of the Sands Skarner! The feedback and bugs you leave here will help us get a better idea of things we may still have to take a look at. :] 
See you on the Rift!"

 Guardian of the Sands Xerath

1350 RP 

Here's Nurse Flan with a bugs and feedback thread for Guardian of the Sands Xerath:
"Not even the sands of time can hold Xerath back! Guardian of the Sands Xerath dons his golden armor and takes the power of the sun and sand to blast away all who dare to oppose him!  
Check out his newly discovered magic, but don't get too close! 
  • New Shurima-themed model!
  • New particles for abilities! (sand and the power of the sun!)
  • New recall!
  • 1350 RP* (pricing subject to change) 
As players who get the first look at this in-progress skin, it would be wonderful to hear your thoughts and feelings about Guardian of the Sands Xerath! The feedback and bugs you leave here will help us get a better idea of things we may still have to take a look at. :] 
See you on the Rift!"

 Arclight Vayne

[This skin is super work in progress // incomplete]
975 RP

Here's Riot Katey Khaos with a bugs & feedback thread for Arcligt Vayne :
"3/24 NOTE: Arclight Vayne is still very much a work in progress, as compared to other skins hitting the PBE. Please be patient and enjoy watching this skin come to life! 
Watch as the Night Hunter comes to light to seek holy vengeance upon those who oppose her.  
Arclight Vayne will be 975 RP* and includes:
  • New model and texture!
  • New particles!
  • New recall animation! 
Arclight Vayne is now available to play on PBE! We always find bug reports and feedback super helpful, so feel free to comment in the thread below! Likewise, if you've got any questions, post 'em here, and we'll do our best to answer them! 
*Prices on PBE are subject to change."

Morgana VFX/SFX Update

This PBE update also includes an update to Morgana's visual and sound effects!

Each of Morgana's skins uses these new base VFX or has an updated version of it's unique vfx!

Exiled Morgana

Blackthorn Morgana

[Leaves missing on Q snare is "WIP"]

Ghost Bride Morgana

[Chain R sound is missing and is a bug]

Victorious Morgana

Luden's Echo Update

Luden's Echo has received tweaks to it's visual effects!

Minion Spawn VFX

As hinted at in previous cycles, minions now have a small spawn in particle!


  • The five "Bard Symbols" on SR have been removed.
  • Debonair Galio is still on the PBE for testing, no changes from 5.6 version yet.

Balance Changes

* Remember *: The PBE is a testing grounds for new, tentative, and sometimes radical changes. The changes you see below may be lacking context or other accompanying changes that didn't make it in - don't freak out! These are not official notes.

  • Riftwalk (R) "Each subsequent Riftwalk" timer reduced to 15 from 20 seconds

  • Explosive Charge (E) active's explosion damage is now increased by 75% of Tristana's Critical Strike Chance.

Enchantment: Cinderhulk
  • Health reduced to 300 from 350

Hunter's Machete
  • Health regen per second lowered to 6 from 7
  • New Effect: Health regen per second now increased to 12 while below 50% health

[Experimental] Mandrake Ward
  • [ It's back ]

Luden's Echo ( Twisted Treeline / Dominion Version)
  • A unique version of Luden's Echo, with a different recipe and stats, has been added to  Twisted Treeline and Dominion (NOTE: The Summoner's Rift version has not been changed!)
  • Total Cost: 2800g
  • Builds out of Blasting Wand + Aether Wisp 
  • 100 AP (vs 120 on SR)  
  • 7% Movement
  •  Unique Passive: Gain charges upon moving or casting. At 100 charges, the next spell hit expends all charges to deal 100 (+15%) bonus magic damage to up to 4 targets on hit.

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