4/22 PBE Update: Splash art for upcoming Fiddlesticks, Jayce, Ziggs, and Zilean skins, MSI & Regional Icons, and more!

Posted on at 2:52 PM by Moobeat
[4/23 UPDATE: Added in documentation on the Forsaken Jayce  and Blood Moon Zilean Q vfx changes!]

The PBE has been updated! Today's update includes splash art for upcoming Risen Fiddlesticks, Forsaken Jayce, Master Arcanist Ziggs, and Blood Moon Zilean. skins, new Mid-Season Invitational and Regional league summoner icons, and more!
Continue reading for more information!

(Warning: PBE Content is tentative and iterative - what you see may not reflect what eventually gets pushed to live servers! Manage your expectations accordingly. )

Table of Contents

New Splash Art

First up we have splash art for the four upcoming champion skins in 5.8 - Risen Fiddlesticks, Forsaken Jayce, Master Arcanist Ziggs, and Blood Moon Zilean.

Risen Fiddlesticks

Check out our 5.8 PBE cycle post for a better look at Risen Fiddlesticks  (1350 RP) in-game, including his new ability vfx and sounds, a creepy new recall,  and more!

Forsaken Jayce

Check out our 5.8 PBE cycle post for a better look at Forsaken Jayce  (1350 RP) in-game, including his new sounds, new vfx for all of his abilities,  and more!


Master Arcanist Ziggs

Check out our 5.8 PBE cycle post for a better look at Master Arcanist Ziggs (1350 RP) in-game, including his new sounds, new vfx for all of his abilities,  and more!

Blood Moon Zilean

Check out our 5.8 PBE cycle post for a better look at Blood Moon Zilean (975 RP) in-game, including a completely new model and "time machine", new particles, and more!

New Summoner Icons

To celebrate the upcoming international event, several Mid-Season Invitational icons have been added!
For more details on availability of the MSI and Regional league icons, check out this post - they will be available for purchase on live from May 5th through May 19th.

Skin Changes: Forsaken Jayce Q & Blood Moon Zilean Q vfx 

Forsaken Jayce

Forsaken Jayce, an upcoming 1350 RP tier skin, has received changes to his Q projectile, which is now looks like more of an energy bolt than a orb.
Here's the standard Q and the E+Q combo:

Blood Moon Zilean

Blood Moon Zilean's Q bomb has also been changed, it now has a pattern on it rather than being mostly gold.

Balance Changes

* Remember *: The PBE is a testing grounds for new, tentative, and sometimes radical changes. The changes you see below may be lacking context or other accompanying changes that didn't make it in - don't freak out! These are not official notes.

  • Cosmic Binding (Q) range reverted back to 950 from 1000.
  • Cosmic Binding (Q) missile speed reverted back to 1500 from 1550.
The Black Cleaver
  • Movement speed on champion assists or killing any unit lowered to  60 for 2 seconds from 80 for 2 seconds.
  • [Note: Remember, The Black Cleaver has been significantly reworked this cycle.]

Check out THIS PAGE for a comprehensive list of the new content in this PBE cycle or catch up with the individual update links below !