As the 5.16 cycle winds down, a small update including a tweak to Battle Boss Blitzcrank's colors and a reduction to Garen's Q movement speed duration has been pushed to the PBE!
Continue reading for more information!
(Warning: PBE Content is tentative and iterative - what you see may not reflect what eventually gets pushed to live servers! Manage your expectations accordingly. )
Battle Boss Blitzcrank tweaks
It's small but the upcoming Battle Boss Blitzcrank has received some minor color tweaks - colors have been dulled a bit, most noticeable on the shoulders and arms in the pictures below.Here's an up to date front and turnaround screenshot:
Splash art & additional previews for Battle Boss Blitzcrank plus the other five upcoming skins in 5.16 can be found in our 5.16 PBE megathread.
Balance Changes
* Remember *: The PBE is a testing grounds for new, tentative, and sometimes radical changes. The changes you see below may be lacking context or other accompanying changes that didn't make it in - don't freak out! These are not official notes.
- [REMINDER: Garen currently has a champion update on the PBE! See Repertoir's PBE changelist and feedback thread for more info. The changes below are relative to the rework and NOT to live values! Check out our PBE megathread for more information.]
- Decisive Strike (Q) movement speed duration reduced to 1.5/2/2.5/3/3.5 from 1.5/2.25/3/3.75/4.5
- [NOTE: Click here for context on this specific change from Statikk.]
- [As expected, the experimental Abyssal Scepter Rework has been reverted as we near the end of the cycle. While it has been testing on the PBE, last we heard it is currently iceboxed.]
- [Comprehensive PBE Megathread for the 5.16 Cycle]
- 8/4 PBE Update: Arcade Riven, Battle Boss Blitzcrank, Academy skin set, Juggernauts gameplay update, Defensive Item Changes, two new items, and more!
- 8/5 PBE Update: Arcade Riven & Battle Boss Blitzcrank splash and more tentative balance changes!
- 8/6 PBE Update: Juggernaut Balance Changes, Randuin's Omen icon, and more!
- 8/7 PBE Update: Additional tentative balance changes
- 8/10 PBE Update: Arcade Riven & Battle Boss Blitz splash update, Arcade Login animation, & more
- 8/11 PBE Update: More tentative balance changes
- 8/12 PBE Update: Academy splash art, new Summoner icons, updated Item icons, and more