To kick off the 5.17 PBE cycle, we have FIVE new PROJECT skins for Master Yi, Fiora, Leona, Lucian, and Zed, a new ward skin, a set of PROJECT themed minions, and oodles of balance changes!
Continue reading for more information!
To kick off the 5.17 PBE cycle, we have FIVE new PROJECT skins for Master Yi, Fiora, Leona, Lucian, and Zed, a new ward skin, a set of PROJECT themed minions, and oodles of balance changes!
(Warning: PBE Content is tentative and iterative - what you see may not reflect what eventually gets pushed to live servers! Manage your expectations accordingly. )
Table of Contents
- New Skins
- New Ward Skin
- PROJECT: Minions
- PROJECT: Start of Game Effect
- Miscellaneous
- Balance Changes
New Skins
The five new PROJECT skins are here - PROJECT: Yi, PROJECT: Fiora, PROJECT: Leona, PROJECT: Lucian, and PROJECT: Zed.PROJECT: Yi
1820 RP
Here's KateyKhaos with a bugs & feedback thread for PROJECT: Yi:
//:Data Monarch SR armor equipped. “Alpha” blade compatible at maximum range // 99.9%
Please review portfolio before engaging.
//1820 RP // price subject to change
- New armor equipped, featuring orange emissions.
- Orange particle light amplification system for utilization in combat and movement
- Updated sound pack with version 2.0 processing for all movement and combat
- Implemented new voice interaction system - all new VO - and voice processing. (Version 2.0)
- Equipped with new movement set for several movement and combat commands // including spawn and recall.
//:Thank you for expressing interest in PROJECT: Yi. As part of the required protocol, we would appreciate your initial thoughts and feedback. This may help us improve in the future."
1350 RP
Here's KateyKhaos with a bugs & feedback thread for PROJECT: Fiora:
//:Data Monarch SR armor equipped. “Scarlet” blade compatible at maximum range // 99.9%
Please review subject portfolio before continuing.
- Monarch SR armor, featuring pink emissions.
- Combat and movement particles utilize pink light amplification.
- Processing sound pack for all movement and combat.
- Implemented voice processing.
- Utilizes movement set 1.2 // contains new recall and spawn.
//1350 RP // price subject to change
//:Thank you for expressing interest in PROJECT: Fiora. As part of the required protocol, we would appreciate your initial thoughts and feedback. This may help us improve in the future."
1350 RP
Here's Nurse Flan with a bugs & feedback thread for PROJECT: Leona:
Next-generation alloy prototype suit equipped. Weapon augmentation successful without complications.
Please review portfolio before engaging.
//1350 RP // price subject to change
- New armor installation
- State-of-the-art condensed energy sword and shield
- Digital energy programmed for all abilities
- New audio system and voice processing
- Paired recall animation with PROJECT: Lucian
//:Thank you for expressing interest in PROJECT: Leona. As part of the required protocol, we would appreciate your initial thoughts and feedback. This may help us improve in the future."
1350 RP
Here's Nurse Flan with a bugs & feedback thread for PROJECT: Lucian:
Experimental cranial-neural electronic integration successful. Instructions for Lightcaster prototypes equipped.
Please review portfolio before engaging.
- New armor equipped
- State-of-the-art double Lightcaster
- Digital energy programmed for all abilities
- New audio system and voice processing
- Paired recall animation with PROJECT: Leona
//1350 RP // price subject to change
//:Thank you for expressing interest in PROJECT: Lucian. As part of the required protocol, we would appreciate your initial thoughts and feedback. This may help us improve in the future."
1350 RP
[NOTE: PROJECT: ZED will have unique death vfx, they just aren't on PBE yet.]
Here's Galetta with a bugs & feedback thread for PROJECT: Zed:
Forged 2250R-100 Aero-Carbon compound equipped. “Solid Smoke” armor adaptable to unique molecular states.
Please review portfolio before engaging.
- RR Solid Smoke armor, featuring red emissions.
- Combat and movement particles utilize red light amplification.
- Processing sound pack for all movement and combat.
- Implemented voice processing.
- Unit utilizes movement set 1.2 // contains new recall and spawn.
//1350 RP // price subject to change
//:Thank you for expressing interest in PROJECT:Zed. As part of the required protocol, we would appreciate your initial thoughts and feedback. This may help us improve in the future."
New Ward Skin
To go with the new PROJECT skins we have a new Optic Enhancer Ward skin!
"...scanning for hostile subjects. Scan complete. Zero threats detected.
Optic Enhancer Ward // ACTIVATE PBE TESTING
Version 5.0.
Wavelength-Augmentation Refraction Device.
Enhanced 3350-V Light-Core Catalyst equipped.
- Orange Light-Core scanning effects enhanced.
- Auditory signals and feedback frequency improved.
- Optimized animation formations deployed.
//640 RP // price subject to change
//:Thank you for expressing interest in the Optic Enhancer Ward. As part of the required protocol, we would appreciate your initial thoughts and feedback. This may help us improve in the future."
PROJECT: Minions
A set of PROJECT themed minions have been added!These minions pop up when using PROJECT skins in-game - using two PROJECT skins will spawn Caster & Melee minions and using three PROJECT skins will spawn Cannon & Super minions. As far as we know, these are only planned for 5.17
Here's Riot Stephiroth with a bugs & feedback thread for PROJECT: Minions.
"Fusion-forged and ready for deploy...
Available as extra functionality to the new PROJECT skins during patch 5.17.
Please review portfolio before engaging.
PROJECT modified minions //
- Melee minions
- Caster minions
- Cannon minions
- Super minions
Assemble two members of the PROJECT team to initialize deployment of Melee and Caster minions.
Assemble three members of the PROJECT team to initialize deployment of Cannon and Super minions.
//:Thank you for expressing interest in PROJECT minions. As part of the required protocol, we would appreciate your initial thoughts and feedback. This may help us improve in the future.
//:Known Issues
- We currently have a debug string appearing in the chat. This will be eliminated shortly."
PROJECT: Start of Game Effect
There is also a special effect at the start of the game when you load in with a PROJECT skin on your team. The start of game effects plays for everyone on the team, not just the PROJECT skin. No details yet on how long this will be staying around - like PROJECT: Minions, may only be 5.17
- The HUD health / mana bar animations are back.
Balance Changes
* Remember *: The PBE is a testing grounds for new, tentative, and sometimes radical changes. The changes you see below may be lacking context or other accompanying changes that didn't make it in - don't freak out! These are not official notes.
- Movement speed reduced to 325 from 335
- Conquering Sands (Q) [added to tooltip: Enemies hit by multiple Sand Soldiers will have the slow duration refreshed, but will not take additional damage."]
- Caretaker's Shrine (W) mana cost lowered to 90 at all ranks from 100/105/110/115/120
- [NOTE: Tooltip not updated but only takes 90 per cast.]
- Magical Journey (E) cooldown lowered to 18/17/16/15/14 from 20/19/18/17/16
- League of Draven (Passive) now gets a bonus when catching an axe while another one is still in the air and when killing 6 minions in a row without dropping an axe.
- [NOTE: You get 1 bonus stack when catching an axe while another is in the air. You get (2?) extra stacks when killing 6 minions in a row without dropping an axe]
- [NOTE: Starting with 200 stacks, there is now a chat callout every time you gain 100 stacks + an announcement when you cash in stacks with a kill.]
- Seastone Trident (W) active's damage changed to 10/15/20/25/30 (+.3 AP) from 10/20/30/40/50 (+.25 AP)
- Chum The Waters (R) now only amplifies magic damage.
- Powder Keg (E) armor ignore reduced to 45% from 60%
- Drunken Rage (W) maximum health % bonus damage to 8% down from 8/9/10/11/12%
- Howling Gale (Q) base distance decreased*
- Howling Gale (Q) now travels up to 35% further from 20%
- [NOTE: With this travel distance increase, Max range now roughly the same as before the base distance nerf]
- Monsoon (R) AP ratio lowered to .4 AP from .6 AP
- Counter Strike (E) mana cost reduced to 50/60/70/80/90 from 70/75/80/85/90
- Sentinel (W) passive damage lowered to 10/12.5/15/17.5/20 from 12/14/16/18/20%
- Sentinel (W) passive effect cooldown on specific target up to 10 seconds from 6 seconds
- Fate's Call (R) cooldown increased to 120/90/60 seconds from 90/75/60.
- Focused Resolve (W) cooldown lowered to 12 at all ranks from 16/15/14/13/12
- Vengeful Maelstrom (R) cooldown increased to 60/50/40 from 40/30/20
Miss Fortune
- Double Up (Q) TOOLTIP CHANGE [tooltip notes the second hit will "the second hit will critically strike and deal 150% damage instead."]
- Base attack speed increase to 0.644 from 0.625
- [NOTE: attack delay lowered to -0.03 from 0]
- Fury of the Xer'Sai (Passive) effect removed: next attack or ability while burrowed no longer generates 15 bonus fury.
- Vorpal Blade (Q) heal lowered to 3/6/9/12/15 from 6/10/14/18/22
- Transcendent (Passive)
- Dark Sphere now deals 15% bonus TRUE damage to champions instead just increasing damage to champions by 15%
- Scatter the Weak width increased up to 100% from 50%
Shadow Slash (E) damage increased to 80/130/180/230/280 from 60/90/120/150/180
- [Context: Calm it down. Exgeniar confirmed this was a bug. ]
- [The tentative Abyssal Scepter rework is back on testing for the PBE, although we've been told that this is currently on ice and not actively being worked on.]