[NOTE: Axes has posted that Dead Man's Plate will be coming to SR in the next update!]
The PBE has been updated! As we continue the 5.16 PBE cycle, today's update includes a splash art for Arcade Riven & Battle Boss Blitzcrank, and more balance changes.
Continue reading for more information!
The PBE has been updated! As we continue the 5.16 PBE cycle, today's update includes a splash art for Arcade Riven & Battle Boss Blitzcrank, and more balance changes.
(Warning: PBE Content is tentative and iterative - what you see may not reflect what eventually gets pushed to live servers! Manage your expectations accordingly. )
Table of Contents
Arcade Riven & Battle Boss Blitzcrank Splash Art
The shared splash art for the upcoming Arcade Riven and Battle Boss Blitzcrank skins has been added in today's PBE!
Arcade Riven uses a version of the shared splash where she is on the right side.
Battle Boss Blitzcrank uses a flipped version where he is on the right side.Here's the individual load screen slices:
Check out the 5.16 PBE megapost for in-game previews of Arcade Riven and Battle Boss Blitzcrank.
Skin Changes
Speaking of upcoming skins, the upcoming Academy Ekko skin's glasses were also changed to be clear in today's update.
- Randuin's Omen has a new item icon. (only in item sets atm, not in-game)
Balance Changes
* Remember *: The PBE is a testing grounds for new, tentative, and sometimes radical changes. The changes you see below may be lacking context or other accompanying changes that didn't make it in - don't freak out! These are not official notes.
- Headbutt (W)
- [NOTE: ricklessabandon has noted that Alistar's W speed is [1] "down from 1500 to 1200, which gives ~25% more reaction time on low latency environments if cast from max range" + [2]"and likewise gives players on higher latency environments a slightly longer window to attempt the headbutt-into-pulverize combo"]
- [NOTE: No changes in today's update but Statikk has a few upcoming changes listed here for Darius' PBE rework, notably mana decrease on Q and a slow increase on W]
- [NOTE: No changes in today's update but Riot Repertoir has several upcoming changes listed here for Garen's PBE rework, notable his E no longer slowing when moving toward's champ he's Eing]
- Base attack damage lowered to 51 from 56
- The Equalizer (R) cooldown increased to 120/110/100 from 105/90/75
- [On Rumble's R, Ricklessabandon also added:
[1] "rumble ult has two changes:first, cooldown values are different
second, the zone starts 150 units closer to the starting location"
[2] "so total area and initial cast ranges are the same. should make it harder to 'overshoot' targets under your mouse cursor on cast"
[3] "but technically the max possible range is reduced. intended to be a usability buff for most cases."]
- [NOTE: No changes in today's update but Riot Repertoir has several upcoming changes listed here for Skarner' PBE rework, notably movespeed up, Passive buffs, E slow returned to 2.5]
Tahm Kench
- Thick Skin (E) :
- Shield duration lowered to 5 seconds from 6 seconds
- Shield no longer decays over duration. [Video preview]
- Ambush (Q) mana cost reduced to 40 from 60
- Rat-Ta-Tat-Tat (R) bonus attack damage increased to 20/30/40 from 20/28/36
- Plasma Fission (Q) range after missile splits range increased to 1100 from 900
- Plasma Fission (Q) reactivation time lowered to .25 from .3
- Thunder Claws (R) [new effect] now strikes up to 4 near by enemies (~500 range?) for 75/115/115 (+.3 AP) on the initial cast. [video preview]
- Elastic Slingshot (E) range increased to 1200/1350/1500/1650/1800 from 1150/1250/1350/1450/1550.
- [Here's a VFX preview video for the new Titanic Hydra item currently testing on the PBE.]
[Passive on Left, Unique Active on right]
[Soon] Dead Man's Plate
- [This previously Black Market Brawlers only item will soon be purchable on Summoner's Rift as the last "new" item for the juggernaut itemization. See Riot Axes' post for more information and stay on the look out for Dead Man's Plate to hit SR soon!]
- Prototype Core
- AP per level lowered to 1 from 3
- Now grants 10 mana per level
- The Hex Core Mk-1
- AP per level lowered to 3 from 4
- No longer gives 20 flat ability power
- No longer gives 150 mana
- Now gives +15 mana per level
- The Hex Core mk-2
- AP per level increased to 6 from 5
- No longer gives 40 flat ability power
- No longer gives 300 mana
- Now gives +20 mana per level
- Perfect Hex Core
- AP per level increased to 10 from 6
- No longer gives 60 flat ability power
- No longer gives 500 mana
- Now gives +25 mana per level