Champion and Skin Sale 8/21 - 8/24

Posted on at 7:00 AM by frostyNinja
A new champion and skin sale starts tomorrow! Between August 21st and August 24th, you'll be able to pick up Infernal Alistar for 487 RP, High Command Katarina for 375 RP, Freljord Rammus for 260 RP, Diana for 487 RP, Vladimir for 440 RP and Mordekaiser for 395 RP.
Continue reading for a better look at this sale's discounted skins!

Infernal Alistar (487 RP)

High Command Katarina (375 RP)

Freljord Rammus (260 RP)

[ReminderAugust's sales have been posted! Check the link for a look at what champions and skin sales will be on sale throughout this month. The September sales have also been announced.]