[10/22 UPDATE: A small PBE update went out on the afternoon of 10/22, containing tweaks to Slayer Jinx and the removal of that "Illaoi" champion select quote.]
The PBE has been updated! Today's update includes the BR champion select quote for a new champion named "Illaoi", Splash art for the upcoming Slayer & Zombie skins, several new summoner icons, updated ranked borders with division markings, and more!
Continue reading for more information!
The PBE has been updated! Today's update includes the BR champion select quote for a new champion named "Illaoi", Splash art for the upcoming Slayer & Zombie skins, several new summoner icons, updated ranked borders with division markings, and more!
(Warning: PBE Content is tentative and iterative - what you see may not reflect what eventually gets pushed to live servers! Manage your expectations accordingly. )
Table of Contents
- "Illaoi" Champion Sound File
- Slayer Pantheon & Jinx + Zombie Nunu Splash Art
- New Summoner Icons
- Ranked Reward Borders
- Skin Updates
- Miscellaneous
- Balance Changes
"Illaoi" Champion Select Quote File
[10/22 UPDATE: This lone file has been removed in the small 10/22 PBE update.]A champion select quote for a new "Illaoi" champion has been added in today's PBE update. Unfortunately, here is only a single Portuguese sound clip available and no other files.
[ FAN TRANSLATION: "I'm not a fan of (giving) lectures, broken bones are a better teacher"]
We saw something similar happen earlier this year when Ekko's champion select quotes were added erroneously to the PBE prior to his actual reveal.
Slayer Pantheon & Jinx + Zombie Nunu Splash Art
The shared splash art for the upcoming Zombie Nunu, Slayer Pantheon, and Slayer Jinx skin is now on the PBE!Zombie Nunu uses a flipped version on his champion page.
and here are the individual loading screen slices for the three skins:
A better look at these new skins in-game can be found on our 5.21 PBE mega page!
New Summoner Icons
We have a total of six new summoner icons added in today's PBE update, although we do not have availability details yet!
First up are Zombie Brand and Slayer Pantheon themed icons.We also have four new summoner icons for the four teams headed into the 2015 World Championship semifinals.
[NOTE: Remember, according to this post: "Players who own the 2015 World Champions’ team icon before the start of Finals will be rewarded with a bonus winner’s icon after Worlds is over." -perhaps these are for that as 5.21 will be the last patch to live before Worlds ends.]
Ranked Reward Borders
Updated test versions of the load screen borders have been added in today's update, including the new division markers to show which division in each tier players ended the season at.NOTE: Socrates has mentioned on reddit that "These are placeholder assets to test reward distribution on pbe and not final art."
LEFT to RIGHT: No Rank Blue Side + Red Side, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Master, Challenger.
More information on these and other rewards for the 2015 ranked season can be found here.
Skin Updates
While a minor change, Zombie Nunu's tattoo has returned.
[10/22 UPDATE] Slayer Jinx textures have been brightened up significantly.
- [10/22 UPDATE] As I'm sure many of you will find humorous, the centered splash asset for Graves was updated to the correct cigar-less version.
Balance Changes
* Remember *: The PBE is a testing grounds for new, tentative, and sometimes radical changes. The changes you see below may be lacking context or other accompanying changes that didn't make it in - don't freak out! These are not official notes.
Check out THIS PAGE for a comprehensive list of the new content in this PBE cycle or catch up with the individual update links below !
- [Comprehensive 5.21 PBE Cycle Post]
- 10/13 PBE Update: Zombie Nunu, Slayer Pantheon, Slayer Jinx, and a new Zilean passive
- 10/14 PBE Update: Shadow Isles lore updates, Kha'Zix Isolation indicators, Zilean passive VFX, & more
- 10/15 PBE Update: Updated Report System & Balance Changes
- 10/16 PBE Update: Tentative balance changes, Party Chat, & more
- 10/19 PBE Update: New Masteries assets, Centered Splash Assets re-added, & more
- 10/20 PBE Update: Zombie Slayer & World Championship logins, Slayer Jinx Hair Update, and more