This Week in Esports [November 9th - November 16th]

Posted on at 6:47 AM by woops
With IEM San Jose coming up next weekend and the the 2015 All-Star event coming up in early December, we're back with another edition of This Week in eSports!
[Warning: This post contains event spoilers!]

Continue reading for more on details on ALL-STAR 2015 various team/player news, and more!

ALL-STAR 2015 Details announced & Team Voting open!

The LoL Esports site has been updated with a ton of information on the upcoming ALL-STAR 2015 event and you are now able to vote on the participating teams!

Taking place in Los Angeles, California December 10th through 13th, this year's ALL-STAR event will pit the player voted TEAM FIRE vs TEAM ICE in various types of matches for your entertainment! At the end of it, the regions from the team with the most points will also get an IP boost!

The event will include several different types of games between the two player voted teams, including:
  • Regional Matches - standard 5v5 with normal rules.
  • Fun Game Modes
    • Pick 10 - players vote in 5 champions per team to play with
    • Marksman Mode - everyone on each team only playing marksman
    • Assassin Mode - everyone on each team only playing assassins
    • One for All Mode - everyone on each team playing same champion
    • All-Star All-Stars - best of the best fan voted five players from each team
    • Tandem Mode - each champion controlled by two players: one on mouse and one on the keyboard.
  • 1v1 Tournament  - 30-man 1v1 bracket!

Event information & scheduling is available here.

Ticket information is available here. $15 outside and $30 inside tickets are available and the tickets will go on sale November 16th at 10 AM PST.

Player voting is also now open Head on over to the vote page to cast your vote for which players will make up TEAM FIRE and TEAM ICE! Voting concludes on NOVEMBER 19th!

  • TEAM FIRE will be made up of players from LCK, LMS, and NA LCS teams 
  • TEAM ICE will be made up of players from LPL, EU LCS, and IWC teams!
After voting, you can check on the current results here.

As mentioned in the help section, you'll also get a FREE ALL-STAR summoner icon just for voting!

On November 30th, voting will also open for players to decide which champion - NautilusDiana, or Teemo - will have a skin created for them based on the 2015 ALL-STAR winning team (Fire or Ice)!

Team, Player, Event & Organization News


  • The organization NRG has purchased Team Coasts 2016 Spring LCS spot and will be competing in the upcoming split! More information can be find via their reddit announcement.
    • Team Twitter / FB / Website.
    • Current Line Up
      • Impact - Top
      • Moon - Jungle
      • GankedByMom - Mid
      • KonKwon - Support
      • Altec - ADC
    • Hauntzer - Top Lane
    • Doublelift - ADC
    • KaSing - Support
    • Svenskeren - Jungle
    • Bjergsen - Mid


    • PowerOfEvil and xPeke with both play as Origen's Midlane, PowerOfEvil will be playing at the upcoming IEM San Jose.


  • [REMINDERIEM San Jose is coming up on November 21st - 22nd! ORIGEN, TSM, Jin Air Green Wings, CLG, LGD, and Unicorns of Love will be competing! More info here and here.
