The first update of the 6.3 PBE cycle is here! Today's update includes new Heartseeker Orianna and Sweetheart Sona skins, a new Harpseeker Ward skin, and numerous tentative balance changes!
Continue reading for more information!
(Warning: PBE Content is tentative and iterative - what you see may not reflect what eventually gets pushed to live servers! Manage your expectations accordingly. )
Table of Contents
New Skins
With Valentine's Day right around the corner, this PBE cycle includes two lovely new champion skins - Heartseeker Orianna and Sweetheart Sona!
Heartseeker Orianna
1350 RP
"We will kill your enemies with hearts and glitter - that will be fun!
Heartseeker Orianna is 1350 RP and includes -
Heartseeker Orianna is now available to play on PBE! Please note that PBE content is still a work in progress! We always find bug reports and feedback super helpful, as well as constructive feedback, so feel free to comment in the thread below! Likewise, if you’ve got any questions, post ‘em here, and we’ll do our best to answer them.
- New model and texture for her and the Ball!
- New recall animation - he loves me, he loves me not. (Can robots even love?)
- New particles for all of her skills - pink, pink, and more pink!
- New sound effects on all skills and recall animation!
*Prices on PBE subject to change.
January 27th - We're aware of an issue where Heartseeker Orianna's recall is missing her props!"
Sweetheart Sona
975 RP
"Only you can love me, Summoner.~
Sweetheart Sona is 975 RP and includes -
Sweetheart Sona is now available to play on PBE! Please note that PBE content is still a work in progress! We always find bug reports and feedback super helpful, as well as constructive feedback, so feel free to comment in the thread below! Likewise, if you’ve got any questions, post ‘em here, and we’ll do our best to answer them.
- New model and texture, including a harp-style Etwahl!
- New recall animation!
- New particles for all of her skills - hearts and glitter!
- New sound effects on her recall animation!
*Prices on PBE subject to change."
New Ward Skin
In addition to the new champion skins we also have the new Harpseeker ward skin!Harpseeker Ward
640 RP
"Gentle tones and brilliant vision, the Harpseeker ward never fails to illuminate those shrouded in darkness!
The Harpseeker Ward has...
This ward will be 640RP! (PBE pricing subject to change)
- All new model and textures!
- New sound effects!
- New animations, including an on-hit animation!
If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to leave a comment below!
See you on the Rift!"
New Summoner Icons
Several new Valentine's Day themed summoner icons were included in today's patch!
Heart Key Icon, Sweetheart Icon, Love Song Icon
- HEXTECH CRAFTING AND LOOT returns to the PBE for more testing! Brush up on the upcoming system in our previous PBE coverage and in this video demo!
- Warlord Shen's auto attack animation has been changed.
Balance Changes
* Remember *: The PBE is a testing grounds for new, tentative, and sometimes radical changes. The changes you see below may be lacking context or other accompanying changes that didn't make it in - don't freak out! These are not official notes.
- Mark of the Assassin (Q) energy restore increased to 40 at all ranks from 20/25/30/35/40
- Shadow Dance (R) [dash speed went up by 400 - to 2000 from 1600 * ]
- [You can now buffer Headbutt -> Pulverize]
- Timewinder (Q) cooldown lowered to 9/8.5/8/7.5/7 from 11/10/9/8/7
- Barrel Roll (Q)
- Movement speed slow duration increased to 2 seconds from 1.3
- Slow duration no longer increases over time.
- Cooldown lowered to 9/8.5/8/7.5/7 from 11/10/9/8/7
- End of the Line (Q)
- Bonus AD Ratio on second hit lowered to 40/55/70/85/100% from 40/60/80/100/120%
- Detonation time after hitting terrain increased to .25 seconds.
- Quickdraw (E) True Grit Duration increased to 5 seconds from 4 seconds.
- Relentless Assault (Passive)
- Now stacks up to 8 times from 6
- Now Grants [3.5/5/6.5/8/9.5/11%] attack speed per stack from [4/6/8/10/12/14%]
- [So total at max stacks is now (28% - 88%) from (24% - 84%)]
- Grandmaster's Might (R) AP ratio lowered to .6 from .7
- Focused Resolve (W) [tooltip now mentions mantra bonus heal still happens if target dies]
- Hammer Shock (Q)
- Damage lowered to 40/65/90/115/140 from 40/70/100/130/160
- Bonus AD Ratio increased to .8 from .7
- Now does full damage to minions, up from 80%.
- Keeper's Verdict (R) knock up for point blank stun is shorter (down to 1 from 2)
Xin Zhao
- Battle Cry (W)
- [NEW EFFECT] Passive heal now also has a .3 bonus AD ratio.
- [NEW EFFECT] Passive now also includes " and critically strikes his target for 60/70/80/90/100% additional damage."]
- Audacious Charge (E) cooldown lowered to 12 seconds at all ranks from 14/13/12/11/10
- Mega Inferno Bomb (R)
- Damage in primary blast zone increased to 300/450/600 from 250/375/500
- AP ratio increased to 1.1 from .9
- Enemies not in primary blast zone take 66% (two-thirds) damage down from 80%
- [NOTE: Damage should be about the same due to increase in base damage.]
- Total Cost: 3250 G
- Recipe: Serrated Dirk + BF Sword + 850g
+75 Attack Damage
+5% Movement Speed
UNIQUE Passive: +10 Armor Penetration
UNIQUE Passive: Basic Attacks on an enemy champion apply Nightfall (120 second cooldown).
Nightfall: After 2 seconds, deal physical damage equal to 90 plus 25% of the target's missing health. If you get a kill or assist on the target before Nightfall ends, the cooldown is refunded."
Dead Man's Plate
- Total cost increased by 100
- Recipe increased to 1100 from 1000
- Slow decreased to 50% from 75%
Frozen Heart
- [Total cost unchanged but recipe cost increased by 100 to make up for Warden's Mail change]
Randuin's Omen
- Total cost reduced to 2900 from 3000 (due to Warden's Mail decrease)
- Health increased to 500 from 450.
- [TOOL TIP FIX] Tooltip corrected to say only 50% of total life steal applies to damage dealt by the item.
- [CONTEXT: This is only a tooltip change, it has always worked this way.]
Sunfire Cape
- [NEW EFFECT]: Deals 50% bonus damage to minions and monsters.
Warden's Mail
- Total cost lowered to 1000 from 1100