Champion and Skin Sale 1/26 - 1/29

Posted on at 7:12 AM by Aznbeat
A new sale starts tomorrow! Between January 26th and January 29th, you can snag PROJECT: Yasuo for 675 RP, Bloodstone Taric for 487 RP, Arctic Warfare Caitlyn for 375 RP, Waterloo Miss Fortune for 260 RP, Lissandra for 487 RP, Jinx for 487 RP, Renekton for 440 RP and Kassadin for 395 RP.
Continue reading for a better look at this sale's discounted skins!

PROJECT: Yasuo (675 RP)

Bloodstone Taric (487 RP)

Arctic Warfare Caitlyn (375 RP)

Waterloo Miss Fortune (260 RP)

Sale Related News
In case you missed it, Riot recently announced changes to discounts and sales - this includes adding a fourth champion and skin to the weekly sales!

The January sales and February sales have also been announced! Check out the links to get a peek of what's coming up for the end of this month and next month!