5/12 PBE Update: Gilded MSI Icons & Vel'Koz changes

Posted on at 7:46 PM by Moobeat
As we near the end of the 6.10 PBE cycle, a small patch has been pushed to the PBE! Tonight's update includes gilded versions of the 2016 MSI icons and balance changes for Vel'Koz!
Continue reading for more information!

(Warning: PBE Content is tentative and iterative - what you see may not reflect what eventually gets pushed to live servers! Manage your expectations accordingly. )

New Summoner Icons

With the 2016 Mid-Season Invitational Semifinals & Finals May 13-15th, four new gilded regional summoner icons have been added for each of the regions that made it into the knock out stage.

While there are four icons total added to the PBE, only the gilded icon for the winner of MSI's region will be available on live.
"In addition to the reward for the icon competition, we will also be offering an exclusive MSI 2016 gilded regional icon to the region whose team wins the 2016 Mid-Season Invitational. The winning icon will be available globally from May 16 - May 30 for 1 IP in the winning region and 250 RP in all other regions."

Balance Changes

Remember *: The PBE is a testing grounds for new, tentative, and sometimes radical changes. The changes you see below may be lacking context or other accompanying changes that didn't make it in - don't freak out! These are not official notes.

  • Organic Deconstruction (Passive) AP ratio increased to .5 from .4
  • Life Form Disintegration Ray (R) :
    • Damage reverted to 500/725/950 from 550/800/1050
    • AP ratio increased to 1.25 from 1.0

Check out [THIS PAGEfor a comprehensive list of the new content & changes currently on the PBE as a part of this cycle or catch up with the individual update links below !