6/6 PBE Update: Champion Mastery on ARAM/TT testing, LCU Alpha Collection, and more!

Posted on at 1:38 PM by Moobeat
The PBE has been updated! Tonight's update includes Champion Mastery for ARAM and Twisted Treeline up for testing, LCU alpha update to include the new collection tab, and more!
Continue reading for more information!

(Warning: PBE Content is tentative and iterative - what you see may not reflect what eventually gets pushed to live servers! Manage your expectations accordingly. )

Table of Contents

Champion Mastery in ARAM/TT live for testing on PBE 

Champion Mastery on ARAM and Twisted Treeline is now up for PBE testing!
"Heya guys 
As the title says, champion mastery is now available to earn in ARAM & TT up to level 5. \>o</ 
As with RGM modes, levels 6 & 7 will not be available. For more context around this you can see a post from Riot Socrates here: 

I'll keep an eye on this thread so, if you guys notice any bugs please let us know in here! Cheers PBE peeps. 
-- L4T3NCY"

6/6 LCU PBE Alpha Update -  Collections

The PBE League Client Update Alpha has been updated to include the  collections tabs - which shows the champions you own, runes, masteries, and summoner spells.

Here's CapnBranFlakes with a post on today's PBE LCU Alpha update:
"===UPDATE: 6 JUNE 2016=== 
Hi League client update PBE testers! 
We've just pushed an update build to the PBE alpha client, and many of the areas discussed in this recent blog are now available for bug catching. Areas like champion details, match history, advanced match details, and some others will open up in a future PBE update, and for now you can check out your champion collection, runes, masteries in collection, spells, and more. 
Thanks for jumping in, testing it out ,and reporting any bugs you find -- we'll see you on the frontline! GLHF."

and here's a few screenshots of the new collection pages:
Here's a few brief video previews of the new collection tabs: 

As a friendly reminder, we have the League Client Update Alpha on the PBE and on LIVE atm - just like normal patches, the PBE LCU Alpha is usually gets new features or things to test a head of the Live LCU Alpha. All PBE testers have access to the PBE LCU Alpha while Live LCU Alpha testers must sign up. 

Skin Updates

Few tweaks to Dark Star Thresh's textures, brightened up several places on his clothing and skin.

Several non English Dark Star Thresh voiceovers were also added:


  •  /remake strings updated slightly on PBE.
  • As of 6/6, Ascension game mode is back up on the PBE for continued RGMQ testing.

Balance Changes

Remember *: The PBE is a testing grounds for new, tentative, and sometimes radical changes. The changes you see below may be lacking context or other accompanying changes that didn't make it in - don't freak out! These are not official notes.

  • Attack speed per level  - previous changes REVERTED, back to 3.3 from 1.5
  • Lightslinger (Passive) - previous changes REVERTED, can now critically strike again.

Hextech Gunblade
  • Price REVERTED to 3400 from 3250.

Grasp of the Undying (Resolve Tier  6)
  • Effect increased to  deals damage equal to 3%  (from 2.5%) of your maximum health and heals for 1.5% (from 1.25%) of your maximum health (halved for ranged champions, deals magic damage
    • [REMINDER: Was changed from "steals 2.5% of your maximum health" in an earlier update this cycle.]

Fervor of Battle (Ferocity Tier 6)
  • 2 second cooldown for ability hits adding a stack re-added.

Check out [THIS PAGEfor a comprehensive list of the new content & changes currently on the PBE as a part of this cycle or catch up with the individual update links below !