7/1 PBE Update: His Royal Crabness Ward, LCUA Update, & more!

Posted on at 4:57 PM by Moobeat
The PBE has been updated! As we continue the 6.14 PBE cycle, today's update includes His Royal Crabness ward up for testing, a short form version of Ryze's story, tentative balance changes, & more!
Continue reading for more information!

(Warning: PBE Content is tentative and iterative - what you see may not reflect what eventually gets pushed to live servers! Manage your expectations accordingly. )

Table of Contents

His Royal Crabness Ward

While originally introduced in a late night second patch on 6/30, the new His Royal Crabness Ward is now up on the PBE for testing!

His Royal Crabness Ward

640 RP

Ryze Champion Update

Few more changes for Ryze's champion update!
Ryze's short form lore entry has been added in today's update, expect a longer story and introduction in the near future.
'Take care with this world. What is made can be unmade.'' 
Widely considered one of the most adept sorcerers on Runeterra, Ryze is an ancient, hard-bitten archmage with an impossibly heavy burden to bear. Armed with a boundless constitution and a vast array of mystic knowledge, he spends his life searching for World Runes - fragments of the raw magic that once shaped the world from nothingness. He must retrieve these glyphs before they fall into the wrong hands, for though they were once used to create Runeterra, they also have the potential to destroy it.
Ququroon has also updated the top of Ryze's PBE thread with a few recent bug fixes or changes, most of which have been documented in our coverage already.  Of not, he mentions that Uncle Ryze will soon have an eagle scream attached to his R.

July 1st PBE LCU Alpha Update

Here's CapnBranFlakes with updates on the LCU changes made today, including mention that the champion overview pages in collection are not up yet but will be soon:
"===UPDATE: 1 JULY 2016=== 
Hi League client update PBE testers! 
We've pushed out a new build to the PBE alpha client today that adds some more client settings, turns on the server-side storing of said settings, and adds advanced match details at the end-of-game screen. We were also hoping to patch in the champion overview pages under the collection section we mentioned recently, but we ran into an issue with them for today's build, so they're not included. We'll update this thread again once we push out another update. 
Thanks for testing out the above additions and reporting any bugs you find -- we'll see you on the frontline! :D"


  • Likely inspired by Pool Party Fiora drawing a crab, Project Fiora's joke emote has been updated to draw an appropriately project-y Teemo face instead of a regular Teemo face.

Balance Changes

Remember *: The PBE is a testing grounds for new, tentative, and sometimes radical changes. The changes you see below may be lacking context or other accompanying changes that didn't make it in - don't freak out! These are not official notes.


[Part of champion update]
  • Realm Warp (R) delay before teleporting lowered to 1.5 from 2.

  • Unraveled Earth (E) [added to tool tip for trap trigger: each hit after first deals 12% less damage]