7/14 PBE Update: Special PROJECT Loadscreens, PROJECT: Katarina updates, tentative Nidalee changes

Posted on at 12:39 PM by Moobeat
The PBE has been updated! As we continue on the 6.15 PBE cycle, today's update includes new special edition loading screens for the upcoming PROJECT skins and PROJECT: Yasuo, tentative balance changes, OFA's PBE return, and more!
Continue reading for more information!

(Warning: PBE Content is tentative and subject to change - what you see below may not reflect what eventually gets pushed to live servers at the end of the cycle! Manage your expectations accordingly.)

Table of Contents

Special PROJECT Loading Screens

Similar to the exclusive FIRST STRIKE loading screens for the 2015 PROJECT skins, new special edition loading screens for PROJECT: Ashe, Ekko, and Katarina have been added in today's update - the raw assets with an open space for other loading screen bits are shown below, remember the loading screen includes several decorations!


A special loadscreen in this style has also been added for PROJECT: Yasuo, who did not have one as he was released solo prior to 2015's PROJECT skins. Again, no availability details.

Small changes have been made to the PROJECT: Yi, Fiora, Leona, Lucian, & Zed first strike borders to match the designs above - corners in/changed, slightly smaller, etc

Skin Updates

PROJECT: Katarina has a few VFX related changes in today's update - making her Q and W easier to see.

Riot Aotus on PROJECT: Katarina -
"We've heard your concerns about the spell effects on Kat's Q and W. We will be making them louder to help them read better in game. When Kat get's a speed burst from W, she now has a trail to indicate the buff. Let us know what you think!"

PROJECT: Katarina's Q mark and W now have a darker effect on the ground which makes  them stand out more!

PROJECT: Katarina's W's movespeed bonus also now has a unique visual! 
Here's a short video of the Q and W changes from today's update:


Balance Changes

Remember *: The PBE is a testing grounds for new, tentative, and sometimes radical or experimental changes. Be aware that what you see below may be lacking context or other changes that didn't make it in or were implemented in an earlier patch this cycle! These are not official notes.


  • Human
    • Prowl (Passive) [tooltip.]
      • [New Effect] Prowl's movement speed duration (from brush) is doubled while a cougar [Now 4 seconds instead of 2 seconds]
      • Bushwhack no longer triggers a hunt.
    • Javelin Toss (Q) [tooltip.]
      • Minimum damage changed to 70/85/100/115/130 from 60/77.5/95/112.5/130
      • Maximum damage changed to 210/255/300/345/390 from 180/232.5/285/337.5/390
    • Bushwhack (W) [tooltip.]
      • Activation range increased to 200 from 150
    • Aspect of the Cougar (R) [tooltip.]
      • No longer resets when a Hunt is triggered.
      • No longer resets Nidalee's basic attack.
  • Cougar
    • Takedown (Q) [tooltip.]
      • Minimum damage changed to 20/40/60/80 from 4/20/50/90
      • Maximum damage changed to 40/90/150/220 from 8/45/125/248
      • AP Ratio increased to 40% from 36%
      • Damage vs hunted targets increased to 40% from 33%
    • Pounce (W) [tooltip.]
      • [Removed Effect] No longer reduces to an 'enhanced cooldown' if Nidalee kills a unit while in Cougar form, or pounces on a hunted unit for the first time.**
      • Now slows Hunted targets by 50% for 0.5 seconds.**
      • Now fully resets on champion kill or assist.
    • Aspect of the Cougar (R) [tooltip.]
      • No longer resets Nidalee's basic attack. 

  • Dominus (R) 
    • Fury gain reverted to 5 fury per second from 6 fury per second.
    • [New Effect] Now grants 20 fury immediately on use. 

  • [Threaded Volley (Q) tooltip is fixed following changes in earlier patches this cycle.]

Ardent Censer
  • +15% heal and Shield power  now a Unique Passive
Mikael's Crucible
  • +15% heal and Shield power  now a Unique Passive

Check out [THIS PAGEfor a comprehensive list of the new content & changes currently on the PBE as a part of this cycle or catch up with the individual update links below !