7/20 PBE Update: Turret and Cannon Minion Changes

Posted on at 7:12 PM by Moobeat
[UPDATE: Turret fortification hit vfx updated in small patch on 7/21!]

As we near the end of the 6.15 PBE cycle, a small update containing several turret and cannon minion changes has been pushed to the PBE!
Continue reading for more information!

(Warning: PBE Content is tentative and subject to change - what you see below may not reflect what eventually gets pushed to live servers at the end of the cycle! Manage your expectations accordingly. )


  • [After the 2nd air patch on 7/19 and the client mismatch, the loading screen assets for for the new Spellthief Lux and Prestigious LeBlanc splash art are now available game side.]

Balance Changes

Remember *: The PBE is a testing grounds for new, tentative, and sometimes radical or experimental changes. Be aware that what you see below may be lacking context or other changes that didn't make it in or were implemented in an earlier patch this cycle! These are not official notes.

  • [NEW] Turret First Blood gold added:
    •  400 total gold across the team for first turret kill- 275g local gold and 25 global gold.
    • Chat all out added.
  • Fortification: [Turret buff]
    • Duration lowered to 5 minutes from 7 minutes.
    • Damage reduction increased to 50% from 35%
    • Bot lane turrets no longer have Fortification.
    • Visual effect added to show you are hitting a shielded turret.*
  • Outer Turret HP increased to 3500 from 3300.

Cannon Minions
  • Spawn rates have changed:
    • "Each team gets one cannon minion per wave, rotating lanes.
      • Bot lane gets a cannon minion on wave 3, mid gets one on wave 4, and top gets on at wave 5 - this then repeats.until 20 minutes.
      • After 20 minutes, mid gets a cannon minion on wave 40 then both Bot and Top get a cannon minion on wave 41 - this then repeats until 35 minutes.
      • After 35 minutes, all lanes have cannons in each wave.

  • Flame Breath (E) basic attacks against marked targets damage reverted to 2.5% of their maximum health from 3%

Hexakill: Twisted Treeline
Altar Bonus
  • The two altar bonus now also gives an empowered recall in addition to buffing minions.
    • [NOTE: As Hexakill:TT isn't enabled on PBE atm, this is just from the tooltips.]