Continue reading for a better look at this sale's discounted skins!
Rogue Admiral Garen (375 RP)
Pharaoh Nasus (260 RP)
Warring Kingdoms Nidalee (487 RP)
Astronaut Teemo (675 RP)
[Missing modern preview video. Has unique SFX, VO filter, mushroom model, and laser AA/Q]
Sale & Skin Related News
The July Sales and August Sales have been announced! Check out the links to get a peek of what's coming up for the next month!
July Bundles have also been announced, through 23:59 PST on July 26th!
Ryze's legacy skins are in the shop through August 13th! This includes Zombie Ryze, Professor Ryze, Pirate Ryze, and Tribal Ryze!