Posted on at 5:08 PM by Moobeat
[UJPDATE: These are now on the PBE as of the 7/12 UPDATE!]

A new PROJECT: DISRUPTION teaser page has launched, hinting at three upcoming PROJECT skins for [Ashe, Ekko, and Katarina]!
Continue reading for more information!

Table of Contents


When opening up the PROJECT: DISRUPTION page, you'll find yourself facing this quote:

"Neon lights blind us from the truth. We are strangers to ourselves."

"Now, we fight for our future."

After the short into, the PROJECT: DISRUPTION page asks "What do you fight for?" and prompts you to type something in - After entering the first letter of a choice it will autofill:

"What do you fight for?"

Typing in Ambition, Freedom, and Unity all display a new page with yet unseen PROJECT skins. Each also includes a look at the weapon and two quotes, which also include sound bites.


"Sinister by choice."
"We all bear the scars of our actions."

"Keep a sharp lookout for her."

This teaser seems to be for PROJECT: Katarina given the dagger and VO reference to sinister.


"Time to go."
"Kid, you copy?"
"He will alter our odds."

This teaser seems to be for PROJECTEkko - given the VO references to "kid..." & "time...", and "he.." + the weapon is a short one handed weapon similar Ekkos base.


"In unity we find humanity."
"I will lead us back to what we've lost."

"We still have a choice."

This teaser seems to be for PROJECTAshe- given the bow. The unity teasers also use "I" instead of pronouns implaying the the source of the voice on the page.

Several other words can also be in to prompt lines for each of  previous six PROJECT skins -  Fiora, Master Yi, Lucian, Zed, Leona, and Yasuo. Each has a picture of the skin and a voiced line.
  • Challenge - Fiora
"We must act with precision."
  • Harmony - Master Yi
"A perfect anomaly."
  • Power - Zed
"A shadow of a man."
  • Protection - Leona
"She remembers sunlight."
  • Truth - Yasuo
"We're on the right path."
  • Vengeance - Lucian
"Our enemies require corrective action."

This image of PROJECT: Katarina was also found on the PROJECT: DISRUPTION page:

Other information

Here are a few bits of additional information that may be relevant to the next PROJECT release!

For those who may have missed it, both PROJECT: ASHE and PROJECT: KATARINA also had merch shop entries for tshirts that were promptly deleted after being publicly accessible.

These teasers seem to match the three PROJECT helmets seen at the recent CBLOL event:

Facebook Confirmation

[UPDATE @~ 12:00 AM PT: Several hours since original teaser but LoL Facebook shared a gif of confirming the new PROJECT champs!]

The official League of Legends facebook shared a GIF of the three new PROJECT skins!
If you look at the tags for the official gif, they confirm AsheEkko, and Katarina, just as speculated below!


Here are pictures of the new skins in game from KateyKhaos's twitter! She also confirmed the prices-  Ekko and Katarina are 1350 RP and Ashe is 1820 RP!
[Several PROJECT: EKKO animation gifs also available from iZac on twitter]
[Ashe has a hood that auto toggles when far enough away from allied structures / in enemy territory]

Instagram Preview Video

The League of Legends Instagram posted this preview video showing off the new skins!