New Chroma Now Available - Lunar Goddess Diana, Debonair Ezreal, Mecha Malphite, & Battle Bunny Riven

Posted on at 11:41 AM by Moobeat
[NEWS: Nemesis Jax chroma also available for 2000 IP each through October 6th!]

New chroma are now available for Lunar Goddess Diana, Debonair Ezreal, Mecha Malphite, & Battle Bunny Riven! These are available both individually or discounted in bundles!
Continue reading for more information! 

Table of Contents

Release Announcement

[No direct announcement, timeline article  redirects to the Chroma 1.1 page.]

"Choose your shade with new chromas for Mecha Malphite, Debonair Ezreal, Battle Bunny Riven, and Lunar Goddess Diana."

New Chroma

A total of 31 new chroma are now available, including seven for Lunar Goddess Diana and eight each for Debonair EzrealMecha Malphite, & Battle Bunny Riven.  They are available for 290 RP each or discounted in bundles (1320 RP for 8, 1225 RP for 7).

Lunar Goddess Diana

 Ruby / Pearl / Aquamarine / Turquoise / Amethyst / Peridot / Obsidian

Debonair Ezreal


Mecha Malphite


Battle Bunny Riven

Remember that Chroma were recently relaunched with several changes to availability and pricing, including twice a year Chroma for IP sales. These will be available for IP sale after being released for 5 months! Click here for more information.

NOTE:  Nemesis Jax Chroma are also available for 2000 IP each through October 6th since he was disabled in the original IP for Chroma sale last month.