Star Guardian Content Now Available

Posted on at 5:32 PM by Moobeat
"Yeah, I got this Star Guardian thing down." - The new Star Guardian content is now available for purchase, including skins for Janna, Jinx, Lulu, and Poppy, new summoner icons, ward skin, and more!
Continue reading for more information, including previews of the new skins, the Star Guardian personality quiz, the Burning Bright music video, more!

Table of Contents

Release Announcement

The release announcement - "Star Guardian Skins now live" includes several previews of the new skins as well as information on bundles available through October 13th!

Two limited time bundles available through October 13th!

Star Guardian Set - Available until October 13th at 23:59 PT
5872 RP (7896 RP if you need the champions)
  • Jinx
  • Janna
  • Poppy
  • Lulu
  • Star Guardian Jinx
  • Star Guardian Janna
  • Star Guardian Poppy
  • Star Guardian Lulu
  • Star Guardian Icon
  • Star Guardian Ward

Burn Bright Bundle - Available until October 13th at 23:59 PT
1502 RP
  • Lights Hammer Icon
  • Radiant Staff Icon
  • Pix Icon
  • Zephyr Icon
  • Shiro Icon
  • Kuro Icon
  • Star Guardian Icon
  • Star Guardian Ward

Star Guardian Site Update

In addition to the announcement above, the STAR GUARDIAN promotion page has been updated to including part 4 of the story and the Star Guardian Quiz!

Legends - Part 4: Burning Bright 

The Legends section of the SG page has been updated with the fourth and final picture:
"Star Guardians can only defeat the darkness that spreads across the universe if the stand together. They will fight as one or fall as many."

Star Guardian Quiz

The Star Guardian Quiz is also now up! Here you'll answer a handful of questions to determine which Star Guardian you are most similar too. Logging into the site and taking the quiz by October 20th will unlock the Mark of the Star Guardian summoner icon on your account!

Be sure to give the SG site another look for bios on the Star Guardian's, wallpapers, and more!

Burning Bright | Star Guardian Music Video

music video was also released, showing the part four of the story of our gang of Star Guardians and featuring a new single called Burning Bright!

"Star Guardians can only defeat the darkness that spreads across the universe if they stand together. They will fight as one or fall as many. 
Learn more: 
We were born from light before there even was a dawn,
So pure, so bright
Caught in destiny we shine for we are meant to be
The Star Guardians 
Gone in a flash before our time
Up in the skies together
The vow we have made has kept us strong,
Don’t fade away it’s time to shine 
Burning bright
As we reach out for the same horizon
Burning brighter
Runnin outta time, we’re chasing the light 
Gone in a flash before our time
Up in the skies together
The vow we have made has kept us strong,
Don’t fade away it’s time to shine 
Burning bright
As we reach out for the same horizon
Burning brighter
Piercing through the dawn, we burn on and on (and on)"
If you're interested, here is a gallery of  screenshots from the video:

The full track was also uploaded to Soundcloud!

New Skin Previews

Of course all four of the new Star Guardian skins are now available! Loading in to a game as these skins will trigger the Star Guardian start of game music during 6.21.

Star Guardian Janna

1350 RP

Star Guardian Jinx

1820 RP
[Minigun = Shiro and Rocket = Kuro]

Star Guardian Jinx also has a new voiceover, clocking in at just over 11 minutes:
Non English VO:

Here's Star Guardian Jinx's special interaction video:

Star Guardian Lulu

1350 RP

Star Guardian Poppy

1350 RP

New Ward Skin

The transforming Star Guardian Ward is also now available!

Star Guardian Ward

640 RP (or available in bundles through 10/13)

New Summoner Icons

A total of eight new Star Guardian summoner icons are now available, seven for purchase and one from logging into and taking the Star Guardian quiz !

Radiant Staff Icon, Lights Hammer Icon, Zephyr Icon, Shiro Icon, Kuro Icon, Pix Icon
250 RP each

Star Guardian Icon
250 RP or 1500 IP through 10/13

Take the Star Guardian quiz by  10/20 at 5PM PST to unlock the Mark of the Star Guardian icon!

Star Guardian Lux Updates in 6.20

As mentioned in the 6.20 patch notes, Star Guardian Lux has recently received updated textures and a new homeguard animation to match the new skins!
New Homeguard animation: 
Snag Star Guardian Lux in the shop for 1350 RP or in the SG bundle!

Star Guardian Extras

Star Guardian Minions, Music, and a new login theme are also debuting!

A new set of STAR GUARDIAN themed minions have invaded certain queues on live through patch 6.21! 
Here's a small gallery of model viewer shots to see each up close:

For the Star Guardian patch,  loading into a game as one of the Star Guardian skins will play a short music clip! VonderHamz noted this effect will remain on the skins following 6.21.

Here's the full track that plays at the start of the game:

New login theme to go with the upcoming Star Guardian skins!


Here's a selection of Star Guardian splashes and art in wallpaper form!

Star Guardian Lux

Star Guardian Jinx

Star Guardian Poppy

Star Guardian Janna

Star Guardian Lulu

Here is hi res art from the background of the Star Guardian site from Riot Avari:

Links and more for Star Guardians: