Elementalist Lux Now Available

Posted on at 2:54 PM by Moobeat
"Fair warning, I'm testing the limits of my powers today."- Elementalist Lux is now available for 3250 RP. This ultimate skin includes a total of 10 forms, five summoner icons, and more! The Elementalist Ward and additional icons are also available in a bundle. Purchase the skin before December 13th to received the exclusive Elemental Origin loading screen border and icon!
Continue reading for information on pricing and bundles, previews, and more!

Table of Contents

Release Details

The Elementalist Lux site serves as our release announcement for this ultimate tier skin, including a healthy dose of previews, explanation on the skin features, and more - Click here to check it out!

Here's a look at the information from the page: 
"The elements Beckon. My destiny lies before me." 

Elementalist Lux (3250 RP) 
  • Light Icon
  • Fire Icon
  • Water Icon
  • Air Icon
  • Nature Icon
Master Elementalist Edition (3950 RP)
  • Elementalist Lux
  • Light Icon
  • Fire Icon
  • Water Icon
  • Air Icon
  • Nature Icon
  • Magma Icon
  • Storm Icon
  • Mystic Icon
  • Ice Icon
  • Dark Icon
  • Elementalist Ward

Elemental Origin Borders
Purchasing Elementalist Lux individually or in the Master Elementalist Edition before December 13, 2016 at 23:59 PT grants the Elementalist Icon and the Elemental Origin border.  
Evolve beyond light and unlock nine additional elemental forms.  

Land abilities on enemy champions to collect elemental power. 

Once enough power is collected, choose an element and transform. 

Collect additional elemental power, choose a second element, and trigger a final transformation."

The Light Within - Elementalist Lux Cinematic

Included with the mini site is a new cinematic, featuring Elementalist Lux's Light form, Fire form, and Dark form.

"A kingdom hangs on the edge of ruin as an army of titanic elemental beasts wage war on humanity. The last line of defense is held by a lone warrior queen, Elementalist Lux. To save her people, she must look within and reveal her true nature...no matter what form it takes."

Here is the background music from the cinematic:


Here is our multitude of multiform previews of the Elementalist Lux, covering all forms, interactions, & more!

Elementalist Lux

3250 RP
 [Loading Screen Slice / Elemental Origin Border Load Screen]

Equipping any of the Elementalist Lux summoner icons will cause your profile banner (old client) or background (lcu) to use an animated splash art. This will also appear in the LCU champion select.
[GIFS: AIR Client | LCU - Profile / Champion Page / Champ Select ]

Combined full in-game preview video of Elementalist Lux, including a look at each of the ten forms.

Here's Elementalist Lux's voiceover - which includes different voices and sounds for the various forms:
Non-English voiceovers:

and here's a dedicated video for Elementalist Lux's special interactions:

Base (Starting form):
  • Light
First element pick
  • Nature
  • Air
  • Fire
  • Water
Second element pick combines with first to make a new elemental form:
  • Magma - Fire + Nature
  • Storm - Fire + Air
  • Mystic - Water + Nature
  • Ice - Water + Air
  • Dark - Nature + Air OR Water + Fire

Each form has it's own model & texture, VFX, SFX, VO lines, transformationsrecalls, and more! 

Light (Base) 








    [Water + Air] 


    [Fire + Nature]


    [Water + Nature]


    [Fire + Air]


    [Nature + Air or Water + Fire]

    Summoner Icons

    Five new summoner icons are included with Elementalist Lux- an icon for each of the 5 base forms.

    If you purchase the skin before December 13 at 23:59 PST, you will also receive this special Elementalist icon (as well as a Elemental Origin Border for her loading screen).

    In addition to the Elementalist Ward skin, the Master Elementalist Lux Bundle (3950 RP) includes five icons, one for each of her combined forms!

    Elementalist Ward Skin

    Included exclusively in the Master Elementalist Edition bundle, the new Elementalist Ward will mirror which Elementalist Lux form you are currently using - 10 total! If you use the ward skin with a champion or skin other than Elementalist Lux, it will use the base light form.

    Elementalist Ward

    This ward is only available when purchasing the Master Elementalist Edition bundle for 3950 RP.

    Elementalist Lux Login Theme

    We also have a login theme for Elementlist Lux - the theme starts in the light form art and cycles through fire and water before looping back to light!



    More info on bundles and how to use  Elementalist Lux in the Riot Support's FAQ !