1/3 PBE Update: New Skin splash arts, HS Quinn changes, & more!

Posted on at 1:07 PM by Moobeat
Welcome to the very first PBE update of 2017! As we continue the 7.1 PBE cycle that started prior to the winter break, tonight's coverage includes new splash art for three upcoming skins, more team summoner icons, tweaks for Heartseeker Quinn, details on XP & Zz'Rot portal chnages, and more!
Continue reading for more information!

(Warning: PBE Content is tentative and subject to change - what you see below may not reflect what eventually gets pushed to live servers at the end of the cycle! Manage your expectations accordingly.)

Table of Contents

New Splash Art

Splash arts for the upcoming Heartseeker Lucian, Heartseeker Quinn, and Warring Kingdoms Garen skins are now on the PBE.

Heartseeker Lucian

[LCU View][Loading Screen]

 Heartseeker Quinn

[LCU View][Loading Screen]

Warring Kingdoms Garen

Updated & Additional 2017 Team Summoner Icons

[Looks like a few more joining the many other 2017 regional team icons from earlier updates this cycle.]


LMS: Wayi Spider, eXtreme Gamers, ahq e-Sports Club, J Team, Fireball, Flash Wolves, Hong Kong Esports, Machi E-Sports

LJL: DetonationN Gaming, Rascal Jester, USG, 7th heaven, SCARZ

Updated icons added in aprevious build

EU LCS: Giants Gaming, Misfits

LJL: Rampage

TCL: Crew e-Sports Club, Team AURORA, Fenerbahçe Esports, Galakticos eSports

Skin Tweaks

As previewed before the break, Heartseeker Quinn has received more texture changes in today's update including color tweaks, removal of the design on her thigh left over from old stockings, and more.

League Client Update Changes - New Options

New in-game options can be set through the PBE LCU's settings page -Sound, Interface, and Game were added where as Hotkeys have been on the live LCU for sometime.

Balance Changes

Remember *: The PBE is a testing grounds for new, tentative, and sometimes radical or experimental changes. Be aware that what you see below may be lacking context or other changes that didn't make it in or were implemented in an earlier patch this cycle! These are not official notes.

  • Non-buff camps now reward about 25% less XP on the First Clear*
  • Experience Changes
[NOTE: When comparing values, remember big camps all get +50 bonus experience from jungle items]
    • Blue - XP lowered to 200 from 210
    • Red - XP lowered to 200 from 210
    • Gromp - XP lowered to 200 from 210
    • Little Krugs - XP lowered to 35 from 45
    • Mini Krugs - XP lowered 7 from 15
    • Crimson Raptor- XP increased to 20 from 15
    • Small Raptors - XP increased to 35 from 15.

  • HP Growth lowered to 85 from 95
  • Adaptive Defenses (Passive) duration lowered to 1.5 seconds from 1.5/2/2.5 seconds.


== KateyKhaos tweeted out a final look at HS Quinn & Valor changes.

== Got a full changelist for the Zz'Rot Portal changes we saw debut earlier in the 7.1 PBE cycle. At the time I had just documented the cooldown/duration change but turns out there was a lot more under the hood.

Zz'Rot Portal
  • Active / Void Gate duration lowered to 120 seconds from 150 seconds
  • Active / Void Gate cooldown lowered to 120 seconds from 150 seconds.
  • Voidling Health per level lowered to 0 from 50.
  • Voidling current health decay per tick increased to 20% from 10%
  • Voidling Structure Damage per level increased to 20 (360 at 18) from 5 (90 at 18).
  • Voidlings no longer add to the creep score of enemies who kill them.

Check out [THIS PAGEfor a comprehensive list of the new content & changes currently on the PBE as a part of this cycle or catch up with the individual update links below !