5/23 PBE Update: More Tentative Balance Changes

Posted on at 2:34 PM by Moobeat
Following an extended maintenance, the PBE has been updated! As we continue the 7.11 PBE cycle, tonight's update includes more tentative balance changes.
Continue reading for more information!

(Warning: PBE Content is tentative and subject to change - what you see below may not reflect what eventually gets pushed to live servers at the end of the cycle! Manage your expectations accordingly.)

Table of Contents


Balance Changes

Remember *: The PBE is a testing grounds for new, tentative, and sometimes radical or experimental changes. Be aware that what you see below may be lacking context or other changes that didn't make it in or were implemented in an earlier patch this cycle! These are not official notes.

[Context] [Another iteration of 5/22 changes that lower base attack speed vs live]
  • Base Attack speed changes - now 0.543 (attack delay = 0.15)
    • [VS LIVE: lowered from 0.568 to 0.543
    • [VS PBE: increased from 0.521 to 0.543
  • Passive Attack Speed Bonus changes - now 15%.
    • [VS LIVE: increased from 10% to 15%]
    • [VS PBE: lowered from 20% to 15%]


Context & Notes

and this right here is big context and he's 7 wip tall and you can't teach that!

1) Here's Meddler with his quick gameplay thoughts for May 23 including status on several 7.11 PBE changes:
"Morning all, 
Usual Disclaimers 
These posts will often contain talk about future work we're doing, or planning to do, that isn't yet guaranteed to ship. The nature of the work could change or, depending on what we discover, projects mentioned may get put delayed or even stopped. 
If you'd like to see a Tweet whenever a new one of these posts goes up: https://twitter.com/RiotMeddler 

More Icon Updates
Following on from last week's post we'll likely be updating at least another couple of champs moderately soon in addition to Ahri/Amumu. Nunu's likely, as is Mundo. Additionally if there are other champs you think particularly need an icon update do let us know, would love to get wider feedback on that. 
We'll also be looking to update some older non champ icons as well, with Red/Blue/Baron buff likely starting points. 
Some 7.11 Balance Context 
  • Zyra - we'll be pulling the Zyra changes out of 7.11 now that they've had enough testing for us to get a good understanding about them. We think those changes (lower plant health early game, but more seeds) have the potential to make laning against Zyra feel fairer for her opponents. At the same time though lack of laning fairness isn't currently an issue we're trying to solve for Zyra and there's risk this has unintended power impacts. We might revisit the changelist at some point, won't be doing anything with it or Zyra right now however. 
  • Syndra and Ahri - Both have nerfs being tested for 7.11. It's possible those don't make it in for 7.11 however. Expect them to be in 7.12 instead if so. 
  • Zac - We hotfixed Zac yesteday, taking some damage out of his Q after our changes in 7.10 overbuffed him. We'll be looking at him in 7.11 as well. One change we're testing right now is having his E warning indicator appear slightly earlier (E+R combo reliability's looking too high now with the increased knockup duration on E when charged). Possible other changes get included as well, need to see where the hotfix puts him and how he does over the next few days. 
Scoreboard CS tracking cleanup 
We'll be making it so small player summoned minions killed aren't counted in the scoreboard (tab screen). Goal there is to make comparison of different champions's farm more accurate, whereas at present laning against someone who's throwing out a lot of small minions can make that a misleading statistic. Minions that will be affected: 
  • Regular Heimer turrets
  • Shaco boxes
  • Illaoi tentacles
  • Zyra plants
  • Yorick Ghouls and W
  • Malz voidlings  
Runes and Masteries 
We mentioned a couple of times that we were looking to do some work on both Runes and Masteries this year and that we'd be talking about that well in advance. That's still the plan and we should be getting some conversation going on that pretty soon, starting with our thoughts on what good pre-game systems like those for LoL should look like. 
Riven and Renekton animation changes 
In the last couple of patches we've had some behind the scenes changes to Riven and Renekton that were intended to address some bugs with them and make them queue spells consistently. Both sets of changes had some unintended impacts however that we'll be addressing as follows:  
  • Renekton - Reverting all changes  
  • Riven - Keeping changes that gave Q cancel consistent timing (as opposed to random within a small range) and allow E to be properly queued after Q/W (no timing changes). Fixing a bug where Q3 knockup got slightly longer (around 0.1s)."
On Caitlyn's PBE changes, Meddler added:
"Conclusion was that the Hurricane change alone wouldn't be enough to bring Caitlyn in line, in particular her late game sustained damage being too high for a champion with that much safety and utility. 
Numbers on the PBE are more extreme than what we're likely to ship however. We'll likely be going with 0.543 base AS and 15% bonus AS at level 1, rather than the 0.521 and 10% previously in testing." 

2) As a reminder, the PBE server status page has previously included this message about extended maintenance on Tuesday May 23rd that lasted until 6 PM PST.
PBE will undergo extended maintenance on Tuesday, May 23rd from 10:30AM PST to 6:00PM PST. Please also note that as part of maintenance preparations, any changes to account data between the May 22nd and 23rd maintenances will not be recorded. We recommend that players refrain from making major changes during this timeframe (For example: if you add a Rune to one of your Rune Pages on May 22nd after maintenance, that change will be reverted back on May 23rd.). Thank you for your patience.
