Patch 7.23 Notes

Posted on at 10:08 AM by Aznbeat

Patch 7.23 is on the way and the official patch notes have been posted!
Continue reading for more information!

Follow this link for the full Patch 7.23 notes, and be sure to check regional editions for slight variations!
Waddup champs,

Preseason is at full steam! After shipping the most urgent balance changes in a mid-patch update shortly after Runes Reforged launched, we've got a few (not-quite-as) urgent ones here in 7.23. From here on, we'll start getting back to our normal balance work (read: not just focusing on raw power with base stat changes). We discussed our preseason Runes balance philosophy on our boards, so if this intro wasn't enough, go read that instead! We're being super careful in this time of experimentation, and couldn’t be more excited to see what's coming out of all the theorycrafting.

Past the balance side of things, we've adjusted post-30 EXP curves and the First Win of the Day mission reward based on your feedback. Hearing your thoughts is incredibly important to us, so please keep them coming! We're also knocking out a few longstanding feature requests: The Skins Tab, the ability to spectate Challengers, and about a year's worth of updates to the Game Info site all land this patch!

We'd of course be remiss to go without mentioning League's newest trickster. 7.23 brings Zoe to the Rift, and thinking with portals will totally be a thing! Exercise caution—when Zoe's in play, things are not going to go the way you think.

 Paul "Aether" Perscheid Mattias "Gentleman Gustaf" Lehman Lucas "Luqizilla" Moutinho

Patch Highlights

Patch Highlights are back after a short break, because the last patch had way too many things to highlight.



Zoe, the Aspect of Twilight, will be released during patch 7.23! In the meantime, learn more about League's next champion:


Attack speed increased.
Giving Gragas a bit of power that'll particularly help with his first jungle clear. "Innate bonus attack speed" is the same mechanic that we used last patch to compensate other junglers (Amumu, Maokai, etc): We're boosting Gragas' starting attack speed without increasing the value he gets from bonus attack speed elsewhere.

Base stats

NEWINNATE BONUS ATTACK SPEED8% (level 1 attack speed: 0.625 0.675)


Or rather, buff-fixin'.

Passive - Prophet of an Elder God

BUFF-FIXTentacle slams no longer fizzle if an enemy dies after being acquired as a slam target

W - Harsh Lesson

BUFF-FIXSimilar to the above, any tentacles that would slam Illaoi's target now do so if her target dies during Harsh Lesson's leap animation
CONSISTENCYHarsh Lesson's empowered attack can no longer be canceled (matching other empowered attacks)


Flame Chompers stop in-progress movement abilities.
Giving Jinx a bit more self-sufficiency against champs who dive her.

E - Flame Chompers!

NEWANKLE BITERSEnemies rooted by Flame Chompers now have any in-progress movement abilities stopped


Armor decreased.
Rammus and Aftershock are a match made in heaven, but between his new keystone and Defensive Ball Curl, Rammus is rolling over the competition. We're reducing some of his innate tankiness to push him toward relying more on his cooldowns when he needs to armor up.

Base stats



Base attack damage decreased.
Shyvana's emerged as one of the top performers in the jungle across a number of keystones. We're reducing her base attack damage so she doesn't gain quite as much value with the early attack speed many of her preferred Runes builds opt into.

Base stats



Health and armor growth stats increased.
Though Taliyah started in a rocky spot when Runes launched, we've seen significant improvement as players continue to experiment with new builds. A bit more hardiness will let Taliyah maintain more aggressive positioning, particularly with Rune builds where she's chasing enemies down with Phase Rush.

Base stats


Mid-Patch 7.22 Balance Updates

These changes were all released shortly after patch 7.22 as our first round of Runes followup (read: Nnone of this is new!). Copying 'em here for completion's sake.


Ivern doesn't have any Keystone that's particularly amazing for him, and he's feeling the lack of Windspeaker's Blessing more than most.
TRIGGERSEED SHIELD70/100/130/160/190  75/110/145/180/215


Nunu also took a hit with the removal of Stoneborn Pact, so we're giving him some extra vitality early on.


We didn't account for all the bonus damage Ornn's E gets from bonus armor and magic resist—woops!
SEARING CHARGE DAMAGE20/40/60/80/100  30/50/70/90/110
SEARING CHARGE SHOCKWAVE DAMAGE40/80/120/160/200  50/90/130/170/210


Sona's been having a blast on Runes Reforged, and while we want her to keep discovering new routes to success, having all paths lead to victory seems overbearing.
ARIA OF PERSEVERANCE BASE HEAL35/55/75/95/115  30/50/70/90/110
ARIA OF PERSEVERANCE SHIELD STRENGTH30/55/80/105/130  25/50/75/100/125


Summon Aery (Sorcery Keystone)

Damage decreased.
Keystones are supposed to have meaningful tradeoffs between each other, but at the moment Aery is just far and away the best for damage, thanks to how often it can be applied. We're looking to keep it as the lowest cadence Keystone between itself, Arcane Comet, and Electrocute, but that means its damage needs to come down a bit.
BASE DAMAGE20-60 (at levels 1-18)  15-40 (at levels 1-18)
BUGFIXAery now deals the correct adaptive damage type based on your stats

Predator (Domination Keystone)

Cooldown decreased.
Predator has a steeper learning curve than many of our other Keystone Runes because it’s an active effect. However, with such a long cooldown, players don't get to use it regularly enough to progress along that learning curve. Decreasing the cooldown serves two purposes: Giving players more room to experiment with and master Predator, while bringing it more in line with other Keystones.
COOLDOWN180-120 seconds (at levels 1-18)  150-100 seconds (at levels 1-18)

Zombie Ward (Domination)

Zombies carry gold, too.
We've supported the "kill something, get money" feedback loop throughout our game so thoroughly that it feels weird not to get something from Zombie Wards.
GRAVEROBBERKilling a Zombie Ward now grants one gold

Runes Bugfixes

  • Allies can no longer help you activate Electrocute if they're running it as well
  • Arcane Comet can now properly proc off the empowered attack of Viktor's Q - Siphon Power
  • Using a Kleptomancy-looted Peering Farsight Totem (blue ward) while also having a Farsight Totem in your inventory no longer puts your Farsight Totem on cooldown
  • Ally portraits no longer incorrectly display an empty mana bar if their Manaflow Band Rune is off cooldown
  • Wukong's R - Cyclone and Rakan's R - The Quickness now properly benefit from The Ultimate Hat's cooldown reduction
  • Taking the Hextech Flashtraption Rune no longer prevents you from buffering inputs when casting your normal Flash
  • Champions with clone abilities no longer trigger Presence of Mind when their clones expire


Health increased. Turrets take more damage from minions.
Over time, League of Legends has evolved to focus on 5-man grouping and teamfights. This can feel bad for players who want to opt into the split-push or wave control game, so we're tweaking minion functionality and tower tankiness to give them more room to succeed.
BETTER ROCKSAll turrets on Summoner's Rift have gained 300 health
ROCK TERMITESMinions deal 50%  40% reduced damage to turrets
DISTANCE TRAININGAfter 20 minutes, minions gain +25 movement speed. This change will be enabled several days into the patch so we can more accurately track its impact.


First Win of the Day

We've heard folks asking for ways to gain Blue Essence while in between levels, especially so you can buy champions that would otherwise be just out of your reach. So we're converting some of the XP from the First Win of the Day boost into straight-up Blue Essence.
CLOSE ENOUGH575 XP  50 Blue Essence + 400 XP

Leveling Beyond 30

Leveling difficulty will now normalize once you reach level 50 (before this change, each band of 10 levels up until level 150 required progressively more experience). To learn more about this change, check out this post.

Skins Tab in the Collection

See and sort your full collection of skins in one place!
One of the biggest player requests from the client beta finally arrives—and in style.
ALL SORTS OF SKINSSort your skins collection by champion, champion mastery, tier, theme, or purchase date
WINDOW SHOPPINGTick the box to "Show Unowned" skins and purchase them directly from the collection
MAKE A SPLASHClick on any skin in the collection to see the full-sized version of the splash. If any chromas are available for that skin, you'll be able to see and purchase those as well.

Challenger Spectate

LEARN FROM THE BESTWe’re adding the ability to spectate Challenger-tier games through the Ranked ladder on the profile page

Game Info Webpage

We're bringing's champion and item pages back up to date during 7.23. As part of this refresh, the lore sections of the champion pages will now link out to their respective pages on Universe instead.

Additionally, the old Runes and Masteries pages will be removed. We're working on building Runes Reforged into the site as well but won't have that ready for this patch.

In-Client Champion Bios

Short character biographies have been created/adjusted for most champions, with another round coming soon. The full bios remain on Universe—these changes are to give a consistent and quick summary for each champion in the client.

Skin Splash Portraits

A lot of these were bad. Now they're not!
NOT BADAbout 500 skin portraits in the HUD have been adjusted!

Champ Select

CLEARER VISIONWe’re adding stronger visual cues in champ select so you can’t miss the countdown

Battle Boosts

BOOSTEDBattle boosts will be reactivated in ARAM at some point during patch 7.23

New Game Mode: Overcharge

Join the hunt in a 3v3 marksman-only deathmatch during the PROJECT: Hunters event. Destroy charge bots to overcharge your team, granting invulnerability, higher movespeed, and more points for champion kills. If your opponents overcharge, stick to the shadows until they power down.

Kills grant one point. Overcharged kills grant five points. The first team to 50 points wins.


  • Made several fixes to improve in-game FPS and performance, especially in games lasting longer than 35 minutes
  • Made several fixes for issues that occurred if players left their client open for extremely long periods of time
  • "Center Camera on Champion" now always puts your champion in the center of your screen, rather than doing nothing in Locked Camera mode or placing your champion at the last camera offset position in Semi-Locked Camera mode
  • Emotes now work in custom games!
  • Fixed a bug where Baron Nashor could spawn before Rift Herald returned to the Void
  • Tooltips for all boot items have been fixed
  • The Bandit passive on Ancient Coin, Spellthief's Edge, Relic Shield, and their upgrades no longer incorrectly grants gold for nearby minion deaths while you're dead
  • The first ring of Nautilus's E - Riptide now properly slows enemies hit
  • Dr. Mundo's Q - Infected Cleaver now refunds the proper health amount when it kills an enemy
  • Champion-created units with ward-style health (ex. Gangplank's E - Powder Keg) can now properly be attacked by Xayah while Passive - Clean Cuts is active, as well as by Azir's soldiers
  • Thresh's Q - Death Sentence chain once again disappears if he hits a spell shielded unit
  • Fixed a bug with Lulu, Sona, and Ryze where multiple instances of the same shielding effect were stacking, rather than refreshing. (This bug mostly occurred at high levels of CDR.)
  • Fixed a bug where basic attacks empowered by Blitzcrank's E - Power Fist or Vi's E - Excessive Force were fizzling if the buffs expired mid-attack. The empowered attacks now properly complete.
  • Re-fixed a series of bugs where some channeled effects were interrupted through spell shields by hard crowd control
  • Fixed a bug where if Ryze's target died during the cast time of W - Rune Prison or E - Spell Flux, he wouldn't get the cooldown reset effect of Q - Overload
  • The Death Sworn and Omega Squad ward skins have been sized up to match other wards
  • Lancer Rogue and Lancer Paragon Blitzcrank's dance SFX are now synced with the animations
  • Lancer Rogue Blitzcrank's recall SFX are no longer too quiet
  • Red beam VFX for Battlecast Vel'Koz's R - Life Form Disintegration Ray are no longer missing
  • Victorious Graves' Q - End of the Line no longer uses classic VFX
  • Giant Enemy Crabgot no longer steals ground VFX from Battlecast Urgot when casting R - Fear Beyond Death
  • Battlecast Urgot chromas textures are now affected by character quality settings
  • Moving the camera away from Warring Kingdoms Nidalee and back onto her during Q - Javelin Toss no longer causes the javelin to disappear
  • Full Metal Jayce once again uses proper E - Thundering Blow VFX, as opposed to classic
  • Program Lissandra's W - Ring of Frost no longer breaks when used on a dashing champion
  • On-hit VFX have been restored for High Noon and PROJECT: Yasuo
  • Mantra'd R - Soulflare VFX are no longer cut off on elevated terrain for Conqueror and Winter Wonder Karma
  • Ring VFX during PROJECT: Yi's taunt no longer disappear when moving the camera away and back
  • PROJECT: Ashe's digital screen VFX no longer disappear when moving the camera away and back during her recall animation
  • Arcade Ahri's W - Fox Fire VFX no longer render under various map objects
  • Astronautilus' shiny visor VFX no longer disappear when moving the camera away and back
  • Blood Moon Yasuo's crescent moon VFX no longer disappear when moving the camera away and back
  • The chair in Heartseeker Ashe's recall no longer rotates at the end of the animation
  • Dark Star Thresh is no longer missing his VO when collecting souls
  • Sewn Chaos and TPA Orianna are no longer missing SFX during their taunt animations
  • Cutthroat Graves' left hand no longer clips through his weapon during several animations
  • Kog'Maw's R - Living Artillery warning indicator VFX can once again be seen from self/ally view in Medium, Low, and Very Low graphics settings
  • Mecha Rengar’s Passive - Unseen Predator VO for the first and second stack of Bonetooth Necklace have been restored

Upcoming Skins & Emotes

The following skins will be released in patch 7.23:

Points of Interest from the 7.23 PBE Cycle

Here's a brief look at many of the new things included in patch 7.23. This coverage includes preview screen shots and video taken during the 7.23 PBE cycle and may vary slightly from what is pushed to live.

New Champion: Zoe, the Aspect of Twilight

Our newest champion, Zoe, will be available this patch!

Cyber Pop Zoe

New Champion Skins

Three new PROJECT skins will be available sometime this patch - 1350 RP skins for Jhin Vi and 1820 legendary skin for Vayne!


1350 RP


1820 RP


1350 RP

New Summoner Icons

Several new summoner icons will be released sometime this patch:

Nine new All-Star 2017 summoner icons will be available closer to the All-Star event:

New Emotes

Several new emotes will be available this cycle:


A new PROJECT: themed emote will also be available:

New PROJECT: Hunters Login Theme

The PROJECT: Login theme will be featured on the client sometime this patch:

Zoe Login Theme

A new login theme featuring our newest champion, Zoe, will be featured on the client sometime this patch:

PROJECT: Overcharge Game Mode

A new PROJECT themed game mode will be hitting live sometime this patch!

Here is a preview of the map and music:

New Skins Tab

A new Skins tab is now on the PBE! 
From this screen you are able to see how many skins you own, as well as the type of skins breakdown, sort them by All, Champion, Theme, and Tier! 


Bio Updates

Several champions have short form bio updates to go along with recently released lore and stories on the Universe page! Check out the document below for the full list and stay tuned for more info.

[Updated Bios]

Here is an example:

"Aatrox is a legendary warrior, one of only five that remain of an ancient race known as the Darkin. He wields his massive blade with grace and poise, slicing through legions in a style that is hypnotic to behold. With each foe felled, Aatrox's seemingly living blade drinks in their blood, empowering him and fueling his brutal, elegant campaign of slaughter. 
The earliest tale of Aatrox is as old as recorded history. It tells of a war between two great factions remembered only as the Protectorate and the Magelords. Over time, the Magelords won a series of crushing victories, leaving them on the brink of obliterating their sworn enemy forever. On the day of their final confrontation, the Protectorate army found themselves outnumbered, exhausted, and poorly equipped. They braced for inevitable defeat. 
Just when all hope seemed lost, Aatrox appeared among the ranks of the Protectorate. With but a few words, he urged the soldiers to fight to the last before throwing himself into battle. His presence inspired the desperate warriors. At first, they could only watch in awe as this unknown hero cleaved through their enemies, his body and blade moving in unison as if one being. Soon, the warriors found themselves imbued with a potent thirst for battle. They followed Aatrox into the fray, each fighting with the furious strength of ten until they had won a most unlikely victory. 
Aatrox vanished after that battle, but the Protectorate army's newfound fury did not. Their surprising triumph led to many more until they were able to finally return home victorious. Their countrymen hailed them as heroes, but though they had saved their entire civilization from destruction, darkness lingered in the mind of each warrior. Something within them had changed. Over time, their memories of battle faded, only to be replaced with a grim revelation: their acts of heroism were, in fact, brutal atrocities committed by their own hands. 
Tales like these appear among the myths of many cultures. If they are all to be believed, Aatrox's presence has changed the course of some of the most important wars in history. Though these stories remember him as a savior in dark times, Aatrox's true legacy may be a world filled with conflict and strife. 
''Some fight for honor, some fight for glory. It matters only that you fight.''
-- Aatrox",

"One of the ancient darkin, Aatrox was once a peerless swordmaster who reveled in the bloody chaos of the battlefield. Trapped within his own blade by the magic of his foes, he waited out the millennia for a suitable host to wield him - this mortal warrior was corrupted and transformed by the living weapon, and Aatrox was reborn. Though tales of the darkin have now passed into legend, he remembers only too well the destruction of his race, and wreaks his vengeance one sword blow at a time."


"Tomorrow! PBE! Skin Portrait Updates! Around 450 of them! Look forward to it! Exclamation marks!!"